Book bloggers are already envisioning wonderful new reading challenges and projects to fill a brand new year. That means 365 whole days to enjoy all manner of reading pleasures, including the 2009 Read Your Own Books Challenge, for which I have now signed up.
I've decided to challenge myself to read at least 53 books in 2009 that are from my own home library. I must admit I have quite a few on my shelves I never read it.
Dear Hubby will be most happy to hear this, as this means I'm required to focus more on the books piling up everywhere around my house, and less on the ones still shelved at Chapters, Amazon, and quaint secondhand bookshops.
The rules are simple. You set your own goals and read your own books during 2009. If you'd like to join the challenge, click here.
Bookishly yours,
My husband was also quite please to hear about this challenge. He doesn't know the rules don't restrict us to books we *already* own, but allow us to include books we buy next year, too. ;-)
Glad you're joining in Brenda. I'm going to try for 30 of my own books. Either way it'll help my shelves a little bit. lol.
ReplyDeleteLezlie... I was just thinking, I am glad the rules don't restrict us to book we own right now....I was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms! (LOL)
ReplyDeleteDar... This is going to be fun! What's so neat is that there's a group of people from all over the place sharing a similar goal...I love that sense of community.
I will take the challenge but not join the group. I have a lot of books I'd even like to reread and others I never finished but the title grabbed.
ReplyDeleteHey Lezlie, I noticed over on your profile, in response to the request for favorite books, you ask, "Is this a trick question...?" Made me LOL!
ReplyDeletePS. We won't tell our husbands about that other rule about it being okay to add to 'our own shelves' over the coming new year.
Brenda ~ I'm glad I could make you laugh! :-) And the secret is *totally* safe with me. I don't think I could have committed to 50 if newly purchased book weren't part of the deal.
Lezlie, As I made reference earlier, the thought of not buying ANY new books for a whole year almost made me hyperventilate.....
ReplyDeleteYah for books!