Friday, October 18, 2024

Dappled Things... and Other Little Thrills

"Glory be to God for dappled things –
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough..."

This week, I've been thinking about those little things that give me a thrill deep on the inside. Now there are those folks who thrive on intense experiences to add thrills to their lives. I am not one of them. I don't crave activities with risks to get my adrenalin rushing. You won't find me hurtling off cliffs, sky diving, winter swimming in the ocean, or white water rafting, although I admire people who do it. I am more of a seeker of gentler thrills. Although these are often experienced in those softer, simpler moments of life, it still surprises me how often I feel that sudden thrill of pleasure or excitement. It's just there, one never has to work it up—the heart truly knows when it is startled with delight.

I still feel the thrill of coming to my desk in my office-study-library. I worked for years in an office setting, and I remember, even on the bad days, arriving in the morning, I'd get that tiny thrill the moment I caught sight of my desk in my small office. I loved to sit there. I felt at home in that space - it was my place, the place where I set out my work, my pens, turned on my typewriter, later my computer. I used to sit by a window that overlooked a brick wall, but now I happily sit at my desk at home by the window overlooking our back garden. I look out on the sky and watch clouds skimming by or birds fluttering in. I like seeing my Susan Branch 'Blue Bird' mugs lined up on the windowsill holding my pens and pencils and letter openers and scissors. And my books on my shelves within easy reach. This is my space, and this spot at my desk is my 'home' within my home.

I love the thrill of catching sunlight dappling through the canopy of leaves on these autumn days. And I still catch my breath when the light glints off the diamonds in my engagement ring, causing colours to flare and sparkle. Maybe it reminds me of the stars I once had in my eyes, and even after all these years that we're together, him and I, between us there's still a sparkle and a twinkle.

Other moments, in no particular order, that continue to thrill and delight me:
- when the wind catches crisp leaves and skitters them down the street, tossing them into piles
- the scent of coffee brewing in the morning air 

- tiny sandwiches piled on a plate

- the colour combination of cobalt blue and white

- opening a new box of crayons

- the music of Mozart

- dessert after dinner (especially since desserts are rarer these days)
- putting on a spritz of fragrance before stepping out

- hearing spoons clink against cups as they land in a saucer

- concentrating on a single task and completing it - what a thrill of satisfaction

- remembering being ten years old careening down a hill on the toboggan on a frosty winter afternoon
- catching sight of the full moon before it sets in the western sky

- twinkle lights laced on the trellis outside or strewn across a bookshelf inside

- the long shadows this time of year

- slipping out of the brisk wind into a warm-from-the-sun vehicle

- when the opera singer reaches for, and successfully lands, those high notes in her aria

- discovering a line in a book or poem that deliciously—and perfectly—says what I was searching to say

- cresting a huge hill and feeling gob-smacked at the sight of the horizon in the far, far distance with all that landscape 'plotted and pieced' in between... as far as the eye can see
- the northern lights dancing on an October night

- that moment when the plane lifts off the ground and heads into the sky

- a lamp in the window as evening falls

- an old, old hymn George Beverly Shea used to sing when I was a girl, All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus

- watching the summer landscape turn into an autumn kaleidoscope of colour

- hearing the geese overhead as they practice their vee formations for their long trek south

- recognizing the handwriting of a friend on an envelope in the mailbox

- watching for that certain smile on a loved one's face and seeing their face light up

- getting a compliment from someone totally out of the blue

- an answered prayer / a fulfilled secret desire 

I'll think of dozens more as soon as I sign off. But you caught a glimpse of what thrills my soul. I would love to know what thrills and delights your soul - will you share?

Wishing you a beautiful weekend,
Photo credits:
Image by iira116 from Pixabay

Autumn Blogging Schedule:
I post on Fridays

Note: Lately, for reasons I know not, Blogger sometimes doesn't update the feed list when I publish a new blog post. I post on Fridays, so even if you don't see a new post listed on the feed, it's probably here waiting for you when you next visit. 😉

Friday, October 11, 2024

Autumn Chat

"There is always, always something
to be thankful for."

For all you pumpkin spice lovers, have you been indulging in your favourite pumpkin beverages and foods? So far this season, I've had two Pumpkin Spice Lattes - both were deee-licious. And I've got pumpkin puree ready to turn into pumpkin muffins one of these days. 

It's been a splendid autumn so far. A mix of bright sunny days and cloudy, cool ones. We've had no frost yet, but a few trees and plants are beginning to have that bedraggled end-of-season look. Others, like the Rudbeckia and Joy Pye Weed perennials continue to bloom, as do the annual alyssums, marigolds,  and petunias The geraniums look as if they are enjoying a second spring - as bright and bold as ever. 

The other day we went for a drive in the countryside. It's a feast out there for the senses. Though many trees are bare, there are still great groves of brilliant russets and butternut squash yellows to satisfy any colour-longing eyes. Casting a glance to the horizon, one sees fields upon fields of harvested land in muted hues of brown sugar and sandy beige. It has a slightly shorn, forlorn look - where you maybe want to pull your sweater closer. Flocks of geese rest in fields, undoubtedly enjoying the remains from combined crops, readying themselves for the next leg of the journey. 

Our drive took us to a nearby city known for its downtown streets of old-fashioned store-front windows and sidewalks lined with shops and cafes. I meandered down one strewn with crackly leaves with leaves here and there dropping from overhanging branches. Sometimes atop my head. It felt like I was on a fairy tale trail. We lunched with dear friends at a bistro where the food was heavenly. And we wandered through an art gallery/art supplies shop that was chockful of wonderful things to look at and enjoy. Everything from walls of original art to art cards signed by local artists to Tibetan singing bowls to paintbrushes, watercolour paper, and palettes of paint.

"It is not joy that makes us grateful;
it is gratitude that makes us joyful."

One thing for which I am extremely grateful today is the ability to read, and the ability to read any time, any place, any book. Books are such a staple in my life - I know it's that way for many of us. And I look forward to the quietness of the approaching darker colder season where I can wrap myself in a cozy blanket, set down a cup of something hot, and reach for my ever evolving pile of books to delve into this autumn season. I have no photo to show, but here are a few books on my current pile and a couple soon-to-be-released titles: 
- The Penderwicks on Gardam Street by Jeanne Birdsall. A children's tale about a widower, four young daughters and the many adventures they get up to in their motherless state. I love this family - I've met them in earlier volumes - they are a delight to visit in this autumn set story.
- The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Librarians by James Patterson and Matt Eversmann. Vignettes written by a couple dozen or so librarians and booksellers tell their own stories about why they love books and how they got in the business of books. Most chapters are by American writers, but I was happily surprised to find a goodly number of Canadian librarians and booksellers sharing their stories, too. The book's entertaining and thoughtful.
- Miss Buncle's Book by D.E. Stevenson. In chapter five, we find out that this story takes place in foggy October - which makes it a lovely book to cozy up in right now. It's a re-read for me. Miss Buncle needs some hard cash; her dividends are drying up in the hard times, and she doesn't want to raise hens or take in paying guests, and because she needs to keep up appearances, she can't go out to work. So she writes a book, all based on the keen observations of her neighbours in the English village where she lives. Happily for her, a publisher likes and publishes it. Things heat up when villagers start reading this new book by 'John Smith' to find their quirky selves leaping from the pages for all the world to see, and recognize. It creates quite the stir-up around town. 
- A Murder is Announced by Agatha Christie. Also set in autumn. There is nothing more to say about this familiar, well loved classic by our best beloved Miss Christie, except do read it if you haven't. That is, if you like mysteries.

- A new children's book The Verts by Ann Patchett. Saw a clip on YouTube where Ann was chatting about it. Beautifully illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser, it's an "empathetic story about introverts and extroverts, and two siblings who learn to be themselves." I reserved it at the library, but I have a feeling I'll need my own copy - maybe for Christmas (wink).

- Louise Penny's latest Inspector Gamache novel Grey Wolf comes out at the end of October. It's been a long time coming. Three Pines, here we come, we can't wait.

Reclaiming Quiet, Cultivating a Life of Holy Attention by Sarah Clarkson. The book is being released on November 5, 2024. It's all about cultivating quiet in a noisy world where we are distracted by so much. I always enjoy Sarah's writings and musings and look forward to her latest work.
Alright, on that note, I'll stop here. We're traveling to my nephew's wedding this weekend so there's no time to lollygag. I leave you with two quotes I found online that I thought create a soft spot on which to rest my own thoughts. They both remind me of how much I have to be grateful for on this Canadian Thanksgiving weekend.

"Reflect upon your present blessings,
of which every man has plenty;
not on your past misfortunes,
of which all men have some."

"Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter
how bad you think it is, is someone else’s fairy tale."

To my Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving.
To all the dear people dealing with those horrid hurricanes,
heart hugs and great grace. 
I wish you all a safe and beautiful weekend,

Autumn blog schedule:
I post on Fridays

Photo credits:
Image by kaheig from Pixabay

Friday, October 04, 2024

Our Giveaway Winners Are . . .

* * * Our Winners * * *


Happy Friday and congratulations to Susan and Deanna! I'm so happy to send you each an autographed paper copy of the anthology Creativity & Chaos, Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times. I'll be in touch with you to get your mailing information.

Thank you so much to everyone who joined in the fun, both here and on my Facebook. I appreciate each of you. 

If you didn't win but are interested in the book, both the Kindle and paper versions are now available for purchase on

Although it's overcast and blustery here today, the canary gold leaves still holding fast create a blaze of colour against the metal grey skies. What a feast for the eyes. I'll be back next week with an autumnal post. In the meantime, here's wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places. 

Contest is now closed.

Please take care . . . hope you have a pleasant weekend,

Autumn blog schedule:
I post on Fridays

Friday, September 27, 2024

Book Giveaway: Creativity & Chaos Anthology

We're Having A Giveaway!

It's been a while since I hosted a giveaway on the blog. Today I'm delighted to give away not one but two print hold-in-your-hand copies of the new anthology by InScribe Press, Creativity & Chaos, Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times.

In this anthology, 38 writers—including myself—have shared in essays, short stories, reflections, poetry, and more about how creative pursuits helped them cope in trying and chaotic times. I believe readers will find their spirits lifted, encouraged and, yes, amazed with a sense of wonder, not just at the creativity of people but the resiliency of the human spirit in difficult times.

Here I am on pg 103!
The eBook version (Kindle) continues to be available HERE for $0.99 CDN on Amazon. Print copies also will soon be available to order.

In the meantime, enter the giveaway for your chance to win one of two paper print copies I'm giving away. Fingers crossed, and all the best!


1. Leave a comment. Maybe something creative
you do that helps you get through tough times.

2. Be sure your name is included in the comment if
you don't have a blog link
(it's hard to send something to "Anonymous"). 

3. Feel free to share the giveaway on your social media.

4. The Draw will be next Friday, October 4th, at 9:00 am MDT.

5. The winners will be announced on the blog on Friday morning. If you
have an online presence, I will reach out to you. Otherwise, you
will have to touch base with me here to exchange info offline.
International addressees are welcome to join in.

Wishing you a beautiful autumn,

Autumn Blog Schedule:
I post on Fridays

Friday, September 20, 2024

Calling Forth Life's Riches

"If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself,
tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches;
for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent place."
RAINER MARIA RILKE, Letters to a Young Poet

This quote has been part of my life for decades, having pondered it off and on for years now. They were words that leapt off the page the first time I read them, the gentle chiding a spur to my heart when my daily life felt poor, colourless, and 'same old, same old'. I'd reread the words to remind myself to quit feeling sorry for myself. To be poet enough and to use that spark of imagination within to call forth life's riches in my own, very ordinary life. I learned to pay attention. I learned to recognize and be in awe when something lovely startled my senses. I knew I wanted more of these rich moments to colour my life with beauty. 

How often I'd remind myself, too, of the ancient text I once memorized, "This is the day the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." Especially on those mornings when I wanted to roll over and pull the covers back over me. Instead, I'd pull myself out of bed with the thought, today I will wake up with vitality and good humour. I especially needed the reminder about getting on with good humour, me not being a morning person at the time. I also remembered those lovely lines I learned from the New Testament, "...whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is lovely and of good report, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things".

They became the benchmark of how I wanted to live and work and love—and eventually write. The joy always came, and still comes when I remember to look around....

     - To search for something, however tiny, on which my eyes can delight. So often it's right there in front of me, outside my window or front step, I don't even have to fly to Paris to catch the joy. Sometimes it's a gorgeous line in a book I'm reading that stands out. Sometimes the sighting of a single yellow leaf from a still green tree drifting to the ground can do it. So can catching the sound of children laughing and screaming in the nearby park as the sun starts to set. Or marveling at the lemon-hued marigolds still so bright in the flower beds and cawing flocks of crows settling and resettling in woodsy copses nearby at dusk.

     - To listen to music, music that is as familiar and sweet as the voice of a dear loved one—it can be a beloved old hymn that floats up with its comforting words, or a little Mozart whose music always makes me feel happy. The strains of theme music from a favourite old movie like the 1995 film Sense and Sensibility which makes me feel at peace, as comforting and comfortable as a favourite pair of old slippers. 

     - To sit at my desk and dream up something nice I can do for someone. I feel the thrill deep inside when I plan something spontaneous, immediate; something not too complicated, like a pretty card with a note sent in the mail, to surprise and lift someone's day.

     - To meet neighbours out for a walk and stand on the driveway having a wee chat in the warm sunshine as the crisp air fans our faces. Chattering, laughing, teasing—it makes me think that I'm living inside one of those delightful scenes from a Rosamunde Pilcher novel set in the English countryside.

How often the beauty is right here in front of us. I didn't really know back then until I read Rilke's quotation that I had within me the creative ability to call forth the richness in my own daily life. It makes me so grateful for those words all those years ago. They helped shape my life. I certainly hope one day I'll be able to tell Mr. Rilke how much his writings meant to me. How they helped a young woman learn to rise above the circumstances and begin to call forth her beautiful life.

"Most people do not know at all how beautiful
the world is, and how much magnificence is revealed in
the tiniest things, in some flower, in a stone,
in tree bark, or in a birch leaf."
RAINER MARIA RILKE, from Letters on Life

* * *

Before I close, I want to tell you that next Friday I'll be having a BOOK GIVEAWAY for two copies of the new anthology published by InScribe Press: Creativity & Chaos: Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times. Through inspiring stories, poems, essays, even crafts, the contributing authors share how they found creative ways to cope during their own trying times. Being on the editorial team, I had the opportunity to read the pieces before publication, and I can tell you, this book is one you'll want to read. You'll find comfort, encouragement, and hope on its pages. I'm so honoured and delighted to have a piece I wrote included—it's a personal essay entitled "A Kaleidoscope of Creativity (during a global pandemic)". In a recent interview, I shared what inspired me to write the piece and a little of my writing journey generally; if you haven't seen it, you can find the video HERE.

At the time of this writing, Amazon is offering the Kindle version for $0.99 CDN. After September 28th, paperback copies also will be available to order. So, next Friday, do come back and ENTER YOUR NAME IN THE DRAW for a chance to win one of two copies, autographed by Yours Truly

Wishing you a beautiful weekend and Happy Autumn,
Top Photo:
Image by susannp4 from Pixabay

Autumn blog schedule:
I post on Fridays