Friday, October 18, 2024

Dappled Things... and Other Little Thrills

"Glory be to God for dappled things –
For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
Landscape plotted and pieced – fold, fallow, and plough..."

This week, I've been thinking about those little things that give me a thrill deep on the inside. Now there are those folks who thrive on intense experiences to add thrills to their lives. I am not one of them. I don't crave activities with risks to get my adrenalin rushing. You won't find me hurtling off cliffs, sky diving, winter swimming in the ocean, or white water rafting; although I admire people who do it. I'm more of a seeker of gentler thrills. Although they are more often experienced in those softer, simpler moments of life, it still surprises me how often I feel that sudden thrill of pleasure or excitement. It's just there, one never has to work it up—the heart truly knows when it is startled with delight.

I still feel the thrill of coming to my desk in my office-study-library. I worked for years in an office setting, and I remember, even on the bad days, arriving in the morning, I'd get that tiny thrill the moment I caught sight of my desk in my small office. I loved to sit there. I felt at home in that space - it was my place, the place where I set out my work, my pens, turned on my typewriter, later my computer. I used to sit by a window that overlooked a brick wall, but now I happily sit at my desk at home by the window overlooking our back garden. I look out on the sky and watch clouds skimming by or birds fluttering in. I like seeing my Susan Branch 'Blue Bird' mugs lined up on the windowsill holding my pens and pencils and letter openers and scissors. And my books on my shelves within easy reach. This is my space, and this spot at my desk is my 'home' within my home.

I love the thrill of catching sunlight dappling through the canopy of leaves on these autumn days. And I still catch my breath when the light glints off the diamonds in my engagement ring, causing colours to flare and sparkle. Maybe it reminds me of the stars I once had in my eyes, and even after all these years that we're together, him and I, between us there's still a sparkle and a twinkle.

Other moments, in no particular order, that continue to thrill and delight me:
- when the wind catches crisp leaves and skitters them down the street, tossing them into piles
- the scent of coffee brewing in the morning air 

- tiny sandwiches piled on a plate

- the colour combination of cobalt blue and white

- opening a new box of crayons

- the music of Mozart

- dessert after dinner (especially since desserts are rarer these days)
- putting on a spritz of fragrance before stepping out

- hearing spoons clink against cups as they land in a saucer

- concentrating on a single task and completing it - what a thrill of satisfaction

- remembering being ten years old careening down a hill on the toboggan on a frosty winter afternoon
- catching sight of the full moon before it sets in the western sky

- twinkle lights laced on the trellis outside or strewn across a bookshelf inside

- the long shadows this time of year

- slipping out of the brisk wind into a warm-from-the-sun vehicle

- when the opera singer reaches for, and successfully lands, those high notes in her aria

- discovering a line in a book or poem that deliciously—and perfectly—says what I was searching to say

- cresting a huge hill and feeling gob-smacked at the sight of the horizon in the far, far distance with all that landscape 'plotted and pieced' in between... as far as the eye can see
- the northern lights dancing on an October night

- that moment when the plane lifts off the ground and heads into the sky

- a lamp in the window as evening falls

- an old, old hymn George Beverly Shea used to sing when I was a girl, All That Thrills My Soul is Jesus

- watching the summer landscape turn into an autumn kaleidoscope of colour

- hearing the geese overhead as they practice their vee formations for their long trek south

- recognizing the handwriting of a friend on an envelope in the mailbox

- watching for that certain smile on a loved one's face and seeing their face light up

- getting a compliment from someone totally out of the blue

- an answered prayer / a fulfilled secret desire 

I'll think of dozens more as soon as I sign off. But you caught a glimpse of what thrills my soul. I would love to know what thrills and delights your soul - will you share?

Wishing you a beautiful weekend,
Photo credits:
Image by iira116 from Pixabay

Autumn Blogging Schedule:
I post on Fridays

Note: Lately, for reasons I know not, Blogger sometimes doesn't update the feed list when I publish a new blog post. I post on Fridays, so even if you don't see a new post listed on the feed, it's probably here waiting for you when you next visit. 😉

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To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo