Friday, September 27, 2024

Book Giveaway: Creativity & Chaos Anthology

We're Having A Giveaway!

It's been a while since I hosted a giveaway on the blog. Today I'm delighted to give away not one but two print hold-in-your-hand copies of the new anthology by InScribe Press, Creativity & Chaos, Artistic Endeavours for Trying Times.

In this anthology, 38 writers—including myself—have shared in essays, short stories, reflections, poetry, and more about how creative pursuits helped them cope in trying and chaotic times. I believe readers will find their spirits lifted, encouraged and, yes, amazed with a sense of wonder, not just at the creativity of people but the resiliency of the human spirit in difficult times.

Here I am on pg 103!
The eBook version (Kindle) continues to be available HERE for $0.99 CDN on Amazon. Print copies also will soon be available to order.

In the meantime, enter the giveaway for your chance to win one of two paper print copies I'm giving away. Fingers crossed, and all the best!


1. Leave a comment. Maybe something creative
you do that helps you get through tough times.

2. Be sure your name is included in the comment if
you don't have a blog link
(it's hard to send something to "Anonymous"). 

3. Feel free to share the giveaway on your social media.

4. The Draw will be next Friday, October 4th, at 9:00 am MDT.

5. The winners will be announced on the blog on Friday morning. If you
have an online presence, I will reach out to you. Otherwise, you
will have to touch base with me here to exchange info offline.
International addressees are welcome to join in.

Wishing you a beautiful autumn,

Autumn Blog Schedule:
I post on Fridays


  1. That sounds like a lovely book. I find I must always have some sort of creative project at hand. Knitting, reading, moving furniture around in a room! Those always help me!

    Deanna Rabe

  2. I try to have at least one project to hand to focus on when the days are dark. It can be a bit of patchwork, finishing a tapestry or just designing some simple cards for my elderly lunch club folk to make. Anything to take me 'out of myself!' Your book giveaway sounds inspirational, Brenda.

  3. Music helps me get through hard times. When teaching at home in the early days of Covid, I would make the switch from work to home by listening to Chopin's Nocturnes while preparing dinner or folding laundry. Reading a book, sewing something, or getting out and pulling weeds are also ways that help me get through dark times. Love the idea of this book and I'll be ordering one whether or not I win the giveaway!
    I also wanted to tell you that your post showed up on my Feedly this morning, but I didn't check it until almost noon.

  4. I read your blog but seldom comment, but I always enjoy your musings. I love to scrapbook and lose all sense of time while in the midst of a project! I also enjoy simple embroidery, crochet, reading and gardening. I think we all benefit from some kind of creative outlet, no matter what it is, simple or fancy. Would love to win a copy of this book!
    Laura C.

  5. There are two things I do which make me completely lose track of time. One is writing, the other is quilting. Both of them get my creativity and brain into gear. Quilting/sewing is also my sanity in hard times. And of course, both of those activities are often accompanied by easy listening instrumental music. Please sign me up!

  6. This looks like such a good book!
    i started Scripture writing this past summer. I cannot believe how much it adds to my quiet time. I joined a Scripture writing group started by The Homespun Wife (Youtube) & that's given me accountability but I really don't need it. I love it so much. It's probably the best thing I do to help me through hard times.

  7. Creativity has always been my go-to in difficult time, though now that I've started my veggie patch I have another one. (Please don't include me in the giveaway, I don't want to trouble you with international shipping). Hope you are well, dear Brenda.

  8. Brenda this looks like a wonderful book. There is joy in creating. We were all made by our wonderful creator and He gives us each certain gifts of creativity. It seems like when I tap into it I find a certain peace. Have a blessed day friend. Hugs!

  9. When I need to relax and get a different perspective on things I head to the kitchen to bake something. Sometimes it’s an old favourite like banana loaf or apple cake but quite often it is something new that has caught my eye. This time of year I like apple pie and anything pumpkin. Enjoy October. Hugs, Elaine (in Toronto)

  10. I love the beautiful flowers on your blog posting, Brenda. When I need to relax, I listen to some good music, read a good book or take up my painting brush and paint something on a canvas board or draw something on my sketchbook. I try not to dwell in worry too long or to get stressed about something too much.

  11. What a lovely idea! I enjoy your blog so much though I don't always have time to comment. Grandchildren and the fall yard work have taken all my energy and time lately, but I love to read and have gotten lots of good ideas from you. Other than that, gardening and crochet or knitting are my other favorites. I have to have my flowers, and I have so much enjoyed your pictures, especially when drought or insects play havoc with mine!


To My Beautiful Readers,

Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same. ~ Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today.

Brenda xo