Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 86. The Flower That Remembers

Today we stop, we remember, and we wear a red poppy to honour the many men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country and for freedom.

Many of us will remember the moving poem In Flanders Fields. I first memorized it with my classmates when I was in Grade 5, and ever since its solemn message continues to move me.

The poem was written by a Canadian -- John McCrae, a doctor and teacher, who served in both the South African War and the First World War. It was first published in England's Punch magazine in December, 1915. Within months, this poem came to symbolize the sacrifices of all who were fighting in the First World War. Today, the poem continues to be a part of Remembrance Day ceremonies in Canada and other countries. Information from Veterans Affairs Canada website

May God help us to remember and never forget the sacrifices made ... may they not be in vain.

Gratefully yours,

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.


  1. thanks for sharing the touching poem. I had heard it many years ago but didn't remember the words.

  2. IN Flanders Fields the poppies grow, this always brings tears to my eyes, and did you know Brenda that your dad would very often recite this poem on Remeberance day.

  3. Mom, It's funny, I don't recall Dad reciting the poem -- but thanks for sharing that memory -- it's precious.

    Lin, We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning -- totally unexpected -- I was trying to imagine wreaths of red poppies against all the white snow.

  4. Yes I woke up this morning trying to remember just how that poem went and sure enough it was printed in the Journal. I actually cry when I read that poem
    always did. Today T.V. has been full of old war movies. We watched two and part of another one and I thought I have got to talk to my grandchildren and make sure they know about those terrible wars and what caused them in hopes it will not be repeated. Of course we are engaged in war right now, seems it never ends. Oh what a beautiful world it would be if eveyone asked Jesus into their hearts and lived as God wanted us to,
    no more cruelty, now more wars, no pain, no mean vindictive people
    just love love everywhere ummmmm
    we can all practice this in our own little corners we live in and if eveyone did this the whole world would be at peace. wow what a dream peace joy and kindness eveywhere.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda