Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 88. Booking Through Thursday Blog Tour

I get happy just thinking about books. You too? Although I have many interests and enjoy various creative ventures, the one thing that has stayed constant over the decades has been my love of books and reading. The past couple of days I've been browsing through some great reader/book blogs. I love the fact that we get to 'meet' so many interesting people who share kindred interests.
Today I'm joining Booking Through Thursday. Each week a book-related question is posed by our blog tour host for readers to ponder and provide comments, if they wish.
Here's today's question:
"I’ve asked, in the past, about whether you more often buy your books, or get them from libraries. What I want to know today, is, WHY BUY?

Even if you are a die-hard fan of the public library system, I’m betting you have at least ONE permanent resident of your bookshelves in your house. I’m betting that no real book-lover can go through life without owning at least one book.

So … why that one? What made you buy the books that you actually own, even though your usual preference is to borrow and return them?

If you usually buy your books, tell me why. Why buy instead of borrow? Why shell out your hard-earned dollars for something you could get for free?"

Here's my reply:

Once upon a time when I was trying to ’simplify’ my life, I thought I should stop buying so many books and just borrow them from the library whenever possible. (After all, the library is one of my favourite haunts).

Turns out…simplifying and streamlining my home in the area of books did NOT work for me. Because when I tried to keep notebooks and index cards of all the quotes and good ideas I wanted to remember from these borrowed books, it made a bigger pile (and mess) than if I’d just bought the book and put it on a shelf!
I most often buy non-fiction, because I want to be able to mark the thoughts and ideas that speak to me. I tend to remember where quotes are in a book once I’ve marked or underlined it, so it makes for easy reference.
I’m more apt to borrow fiction from the library as some novels I may only read once and be done with them. Unless, of course, I find an author I really like (like Jan Karon, Agatha Christie, or L.M. Montgomery, Rosamunde Pilcher, Alexander McCall Smith, Elizabeth Goudge, just to name just a few), then I'll buy those favourites to re-read over and over.
The main reason I buy books is that the good ones become dear friends, and I like to have my chums nearby. A person never knows when the whim to read an old friend shows up, and it's lovely to them close to hand.

There’s something quite invigorating about taking a newly purchased book home (or a pile of them on a good browsing day). It’s the perfect perk if I need new inspiration. It makes me feel like Scrooge when he’s gleefully rubbing his hands and counting his money — treasures, treasures, treasures!

Happily engaged with a book,

PS. If you're interested in participating in this book tour, you can copy the question from Booking Through Thursday and find out how you can post it on your own blog.
PSS. I've been re-reading some of my old Christie favourites. Right now I'm in the middle of The Caribbean Mystery.


  1. I know what you mean. I can get completely lost in a good book store. I love to take half a day and just browse. I think it's such fun to go to one of the big stores that sells coffee and has big over stuffed chairs to sit in and preview books.

    I love children's books. I also love non-fiction. It's important to me to have a hioghlighter and pen next to me when I read so I can mark favorite packages. I like well worn, well read, well loved books. And that's why I buy books. Although my husband is not a reader and simply can't grasp why it's important to have a few "comfort" reads on my shelves. He thinks once it's been read, ...toss it, sell it, give it away. Gasp!!

    Library books just aren't the same for me. The difference is settling down in front of the fireplace with a cup of steaming brew in a borrowed, expensive leather jacket and heels... or in your favorite old sweats and comfy slippers.

    A book my daughter recommends highly is "They Poured Water on Us From The Sky". The true story of three children (aged 5-9) that survived on their own in Africa for more than a decade. I'm off to buy it... grab some Swiss Miss with marshmallows, my alpaca lined
    "comfies", a down throw...and settle in for the evening.

  2. mom/caryn, So good to hear from you. Loved hearing about your thoughts on books. I agree library books just aren't the same as owning it.

    You have alpaca comfies too? Rick gave me alpaca socks one year to keep toes toasty. Time to bring them out! It's blustery here today.

    Hey I love children's books, too. I have always been glad to have nephews and nieces around so I can keep buying the books I loved as a pass along the tradition.

    One of my favourite from years ago (I first met it as an adult)is called "The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash", by Trinka Hakes Noble (1980).

    More recent acquisitions include Jan Karon's "Violet Comes to Stay"; Sarah Stewart's "The Gardener", as well as an autographed copy of "A Star for Christmas" by Trisha Romance. I also really enjoy any books by Jan Brett...her artwork is so vibrant and alive.

    So here's to happy reading! Enjoy your new book.

  3. I use the library more than buy. Here's my answer.

  4. I like to buy new books simply because I love the smell and feel of a brand new book in my hands. This is especially so for books I want to keep-you know favorite authors and such. I do however use the library too. I joined the Library Challenge this year just for that reason-to get back to supporting my local library more.

  5. smilingsal, thanks for leaving me a note. I stopped by your site and enjoyed my visit.

    Dar, I agree, there is nothing like the smell of a new book!

  6. good question, I'll have to check out that site. I love to buy books, mostly non-fiction and self help ones and mark them up so they are mine. but i do also use the library....

  7. what is a library????Just kidding, I have been to the library many times over the years but for me its buy the book and take it home to spend time reading it and if I want to mark pasages I don't have to worry about this isn't mine. Oh Lord all my life I have wanted to write a book. what happen? always to busy and then i look at all the books that have been written so I think why bother, after all I have never done anything really astonishing in my life, I could make something up I guess well Brenda love your blog and all the comments enough said.

  8. Lin, I was missing your face today (smile).... so I'm glad you popped by!

    Rosalie, It's never too late to start! If Grandma Moses can start her new career of painting beautiful art when she was already in her '70's, then it's not to late for any of us, including you!

    If the dream is still there, then God must want you to still write. Your voice is unique, so don't worry about all the books already written. No one else can write a book with your unique spin on life. So pick up your pen....and write what's in your heart, m'dear. Someone needs to hear it!

  9. Hey Brenda - all through the years I have always loved books - and borrowing from the library never really satisfied - because I had to return them! My books are like my friends, as silly as that sounds. I love Agatha Christie too- I have all her titles, including some she wrote under another pen name - Mary Westmacott. My library is always open to you if you wish- I know you will return them! And as as sidenote - I love Victoria magazine too! I haven't purchased any lately, but I have a binder ot two full of pictures I removed from old Victoria issues. Take care - I enjoy your blog, keep it up!

  10. Brenda I finally found the place to leave the comment. Kathy reads a book several times and then she will still go and buy the book because she wants to own a copy of it. (Me to although I don't read nearly as much as she does.) I finally figured out how to get my picture attached to my my blog handle, as you will soon see.

  11. Hi..
    Nice writing. I like the way you express your thoughts.
    I'm also more to non-fictional books where I often get inspirational quotes. It's just that since few weeks ago, I'm shifting to fictions.. :)

    Happy Reading!!!

  12. Helen, I always knew you were a fellow reader. Glad you still enjoy books. And, yes, I'd be interested in browsing your shelves sometime!

    Hey Don, Thanks for popping by. Thanks for the book comments.

    JonJon, I dropped by your place -- enjoyed the visit. Thanks so much for your kind thoughts.

  13. I love the library! Love walking down all the aisles and browsing all those lovely book titles. Could spend hours there. So if I go to borrow one or two books I more than likely come home with a stack of them! ...but oh those 3 weeks fly by quickly, and even sometimes the 2nd 3 weeks after I renew them. So yes I also to like to buy books, then I can read them at my leisure. Mostly non fiction would be what I buy. Sure hope there are lots of us out there that still love to buy books (for all of us that would still like to write one!) and for just the love of books. To me the electonic world will never replace the real book that you can hold in your hands, flip through, and read over and over.

  14. Hi Betty, Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts about books. I agree, there's nothing like holding a book in your hands, and feeling and smelling it.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda