Thursday, December 06, 2018

Day 6. Take Joy In Your World


"There's just something beautiful about
walking on snow that nobody else has walked on.
It makes you believe you're special."

~ Carol Rifka Brunt

Put on your coat and mittens, and go out into your world today. Maybe take your dog ... or your kitty for a walk. Going out the front door, are you stepping out in the early morning or is it a late afternoon trek? Notice how the shadows shift on piles of snow. If you were going to paint the snow, what shades would you select from your palette? Do you notice how rarely snow is actually white-white? 


What captures your attention as you walk? Is it an abandoned birdhouse swinging in the wind with snow plastered to the roof as well as its sides? Notice how the sunset makes the snow golden, making it feel almost warm like a sheepskin parka.


When you happen upon such a cheerily dressed snowman with his carrot nose and black-pebbled eyes, do you smile? Is the child inside your adult suit jumping with gladness at such a playful sight? Did you ever make snowmen when you were a kid?


Looking up into the sky, don't you just love the play of colours -- the contrasts, the vibrancy of the red against that particular blue sky, mingled with the white hoar frost hugging the branches? Eye candy for the soul.

Even if you can't walk out in the countryside or a nice woodsy park, just taking a walk down a city street at this time of year can be as enjoyable as you catch sight of lit up Christmas trees, candles in the windows, or street lamps glowing against twilight skies.

In seed time learn, in harvest teach,
in winter enjoy.

~ William Blake

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  1. OH I haven't seen a snowman for so long.
    I think you and Rick should build a nice snowman in your front yard for me!!!

  2. While winter is not my favorite season (mostly because of the need to be out and about on icy roads and blizzard conditions from time to time), there is a beauty to the season that cannot be denied! And sometimes the bracing cold air is just what's needed to perk up one's mood. I do love to see the pristine snow after a fresh fall and then to notice all the tracks of cats and birds and other animal life. This morning I noticed big bunny hops in the front yard, very likely from our resident hare.

  3. You describe so well a walk outside. There is so much beauty in the world around us.

  4. So beautiful. It makes the whole world seem clean. We have snow in the forcast here this weekend!

  5. My husband and I hiked in the forest yesterday and it was exhilerating! It was in the 60s though but felt cool with nice warm sunshine. I feel best when I get out in nature and appreciate the beauty around me. (I'm doing a hiking series now too) LOVE this post and the pretty snowy photos! Holiday hugs, Diane

  6. Hello dear Brenda. The magazine arrived and it is SPLENDID. Oh, I just LOVE it. How can I ever thank you enough? I wish I had your email address. Mine is I hope you have a blessed day today, my friend. Hugs. Susan

  7. I hope to be taking joy in the snow in just a couple of days! I love getting out walking in the snow and my little dachshunds love it too. There will also be some snow cream being made! Ever make it? Wonderful post!

  8. Oh, Brenda, I so enjoyed this post. It gave me memories of walking on top of mounds of snow as a child. I guess maybe that is why I have always loved winter. It always seems so peaceful and still. I have loved that always.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend. ps. Love the opening quote.

  9. Walking in the snow is magical. I'm wishing for snow....

  10. Yes, yes, yes, I need to do this! I've been so busy and have not been well so have been rather grumpy this week! I need to take your advice!

  11. Not much snow around here (yet), but I have been enjoying the pretty Christmas lights.


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