Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Day 23. Warm Fuzzies at the Vet

I took Miss Kitty to the vet yesterday morning. With Kitty having been diagnosed with hyperthyroid, and requiring medication, you'll appreciate how we've been stressing about getting the little white pill down one furry escape artist. Fortunately the medication can also be administered in a cream and rubbed on ear tips, so while she's not thrilled, Miss Kitty's struggle isn't quite so fierce anymore.

So there we were at the clinic, Kitty not being impressed to be there yet again, especially when the big dog in the waiting room realized there was a nice little kitty in the carrier. Oh my! Such a to-do with loud barking! We sorted that out by putting Missy and carrier in the other room.

That's when I noticed the owner of the big dog had a little toddler with him -- maybe a granddaughter. Her conversation started with 'puppy goes bowwow' and from there we were friends. Together we examined all the pet toys on display as she pointed with her finger and asked with her eyes what were they named.

The time came for her to leave with the man and his dog... and if she didn't run over to me and wrap her little arms around my knees in a big hug. Then her tiny, beautiful face looked up at me, lips all puckered to plant a kiss on my cheek!

Now I've received warm furry welcomes from friendly pets in vet waiting rooms, but yesterday my special treat came wrapped up in a spontaneous hug from a sweet little girl dressed in pink.

I just love how God seems to dream up the neatest ways to add special moments to our days. You never know what warm fuzzies you'll encounter at the vet... or anywhere for that matter. Best be on the lookout for them.

Warmly yours,


  1. Brenda,

    How wonderful to have such a treat from a loving little girl. And extra-special to recognize it as a gift from God.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Kimberley Payne

  2. Thanks, Kimberley, for getting in touch. More warm fuzzies when I hear from readers like you!


  3. What a lovely story,I'm sure you will never forget that kiss on your cheek from a little girl in pink .It warmed my heart too.


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