Sunday, December 06, 2015

Six. A Song In The Air

Day 6. Carol Singing

It's the time of year when my heart is eager -- no, it yearns and is hungry -- for the singing of Christmas carols. Not just humming along with songs being played on the radio or my DVD player, but I want to sing carols with real flesh and blood people who, like-minded, are all gathered in one place to hear the comforting old message of Christmas, and who, once again lift eager voices to sing familiar tunes and listen for those consoling and joyful words.

If I have not had at least one good carol sing any time during December, then I still really haven't had Christmas. As a child, the church my family attended would begin singing carols on the first Sunday in December. To once again turn to that section in the hymnal and find those old 'friends' and then to sing them for a whole month -- well, I loved it. I never had to work to memorize those words -- they somehow over the years just wrote themselves on the inside of my heart, as I sang them over and over, following my finger along the stanza lines.

This afternoon, Hubby and I have tickets to our local Baroque Ensemble where we will listen to lovely seasonal music by the likes of Bach and Handel and Corelli. And, the part I wait for is right at the end when the audience is invited to join the choir to sing songs like Joy to the World and The First Noel. As the last note of the last song hangs in the air and people start streaming out of doors, there is something else that hangs in the crisp evening air.

Hubby and I brace the cold and walk hand-in-hand along with other folks, each heading towards their own vehicles, and you get the sense that we all feel it. That innocent excitement ... and anticipation. For Christmas is still a long ways off. And then, you might hear the bells ringing, for the concert is held in an grand old lady of a church that still sets its bells to pealing on special occasions.

That, for me, dear beautiful readers, is Christmas Advent at its best.

I'm wishing you, dear beautiful friends, a beautiful Sunday!

With a hug,


  1. Looks like you are getting into the spirit of Christmas. Our little kids had their Christmas program at the 10:30 service yesterday, all dressed up in their Christmas clothes. So cute.

  2. I envy you a little cause all I can let myself is Christmas carol listening on y mp3. Such a great amount of work before Christmas. I even have no holiday mood at all.

  3. Our family always loves to sing carols as part of our holiday, with someone on the guitar and/or piano to accompany. We keep adding new carols every few years, too - sometimes in German or Spanish. I'm looking forward to having the children here to sing with...

    In the meantime, the title of your post, There's a Song in the Air, took me back to Sunday School days when that was one of the carols my childhood church would sing at Christmas. I started reading your post yesterday and for hours I was humming that carol! Thanks for the prod. :-)

  4. Brenda, the church I attended as a child, always sang the carols too. My Daddy and I both sang in the choir so those old carols are such a blessing to my heart even after all these years. They often bring a tear to my eye too. Christmas has always been a celebration that brought both joy and gladness yet now often brings a sadness too because my Daddy is no longer here to celebrate with us. He was the one who brought so much fun to our home when I was growing up and I miss him terribly this time of year. His love of life and Christmas spirit was contagious. My middle son especially becomes like a child himself at Christmastime and he reminds me so much of his grandfather. I am thankful that our church today also sings those lovely old carols. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without them.

    So many Christmas concerts now are referred to as holiday concerts and they are missing out on the main reason why we celebrate. It really is so sad. In any case, I enjoy the beautiful music and the message of His coming that first time to a humble stable. We are blessed that He came and I will continue to gladly sing those old songs wth a thankful heart. I think music moves me almost more than anything else. It has always played a very big part in my life and it always will. It's wonderful to know you feel the same way!

    Christmas blessings,

  5. Oh yes, the singing of the carols feeds the soul at Christmas. The Christian Women's Connection I attend once a month is having their Christmas Carol event this week and Friday night is our church concert. I'm really looking forward to the 19th when we're attending the symphony to hear Christmas around the World.


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