Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Fifteen. With Childlike Wonder

"A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood." ~ Rachel Carson

Christmas brings out the child in me. And the older I get, the more I love to dust off those old pictures and earliest memories -- when my world was still so fresh to me and I felt the wonder of new experiences. Christmas, with all its secrets and delightful longings, surely ranked number one right next to our birthdays as our two favourite days in all the year.

These old memories makes me feel alive and sparkly. Oh my, to be so excited about Christmas that I thought my very skin would burst off my bones -- for how could I possibly wait how many more sleeps, Mommy?

And, perhaps that's why I was captivated by the sweet vintage Christmas card of the little girl rolling out cookie dough (L). For suddenly this bit of artwork reminds me of the long-ago photo of my own little sister (R) in which, if we pay attention, we catch glimpses of a little one's delight and wonder of feeling the texture of dough between her fingers perhaps for the very first time. Not to mention learning to grasp the heavy glass rolling pin and figuring out how to maneuver it across the sticky lump to make it flat.

"The world is full of magic things,
patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper."
~ William Butler Yeats
In our wildly up-side-down world, our own clear-eyed vision for what is beautiful and wonderful is easily dimmed. Maybe that's one of those little gifts the Christ Child gives us as we celebrate -- that chance to rekindle the joy. Well then, what are we waiting for? It's time to take out the mixing bowl, the flour and eggs, the rolling pin and star shaped cookie cutters, and let the wonder wander in again.

Gather the kids and grandkids or nephews and nieces around us ... and if we don't have any handy, then mix and roll and shape as if we've never done it before ... remembering something of our own childhood. Discovering. Focusing. Letting the stars shine from our eyes again at mastering the skill to sprinkle our cookies with green and red sparkles.

And, perchance, you don't have such nice memories to rely on, then start making some new beautiful ones so they'll be there for your new tomorrows.

"It's the little memories that will last a lifetime."
~ as seen on Pinterest, author unknown

Last Christmas I did three posts sharing the thoughts that came from taking a closer look at that sweet picture of my little sister (below intently watching her older sister working her own bit of dough. I just read them again and felt the poignancy all over again. If you are interested, you will find them by clicking on the links below.

Here's wishing you beauty and wonder today,


  1. Oh Brenda. It's wonderful to have the heart and soul of a child! I feel very similar to how you do. Each moment of life is such a precious gift! Oh, to see things through the eyes of a child is wonderous. Have a good Tuesday, filled with anticipation of all good things to come. Susan

  2. Remembering childhood Christmas holiday time, I think it seems to be the best time in my life. All the holiday mood. Gathering all our big family together, aunts , cousins. What a beautiful time it was.

  3. It's such a blessing to have a wise mother who let her little ones learn new things and have fun doing it!

  4. Being childlike is a wonderful way to be. We see things as they truly are-worthy of awe and wonder!!Xx

  5. Cutest pictures of you and your sister!
    Love, love this series!

  6. I'm going to write down the quote in my journal tonight...if you don't have nice memories, make some beautiful ones now! (I'll go back and write it down properly!) Sweet hugs, Diane

  7. Adorable picture of your sister and you. I love that quote by Rachel Carson. How to re-gain that clear-eyed vision? It sure is a worthy goal.

  8. What a lovely post! Making food together is such a bonding experience ... Lovely that you and your sister began so early! Merry Christmas! I am sure you continue to make beautiful memories!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda