Monday, February 02, 2015

Start Slow and Taper Off

The cup of tea on arrival at a country house is a thing which, as a rule, I particularly enjoy. I like the crackling logs, the shaded lights, the scent of buttered toast, the general atmosphere of leisured coziness.~P.G. Wodehouse

Mr. Wodehouse really got the nub of it, didn't he? Crackling logs, shaded lights, hot buttered toast and a cup of tea. In truth, nothing could be more perfect on such a snowy afternoon as we've been having today. I see the neighbour's chimney puffing away, the wispy smoke catching away in the sharp wind.

I've been taking Susan Branch's rule of thumb to heart these wintery days -- just start slow and taper off. This break has been good for the soul and has given the creative processes time to rest and dream a little bit. Gain some perspective too. A person comes back with fresh eyes to see anew.

I have happy things in the works... and I hope to bring you some nice things to read when you come a-calling in the days ahead.

Meantime, please stay warm, safe and cozy!



  1. Yes, both Mr. Wodehouse and Ms. Branch have it right! This long winter season can be exhausting to the spirit! Good to settle in with some comforts of home and take it slow. Wishing you a lovely beginning to your week, dear Brenda. Hugs xo Karen

  2. love it! I'm off to put the kettle on!

  3. Very nice...enjoying a cup of tea right now, but I don't have the view you have there with the snow and the whispy smoke from the neighbor's chimney. I'll have a cup of raspberry herb tea with just a dash of sweetner.

  4. Start slow, taper off....very good advice!

  5. Those are two wonderful quotations. Your accompanying photo is so cozy and appealing. Looking forward to more 'nice' things from this always nice blog.

  6. Perfect advice for cold, winter days! After our weekend blizzard in the Midwest, a cup of tea and a lovely book is such a cozy idea. Looking forward to reading more happy things, Brenda! ♡

  7. PGW had many sensible things to say. Stay warm, and slow!

  8. I laughed when I saw your post title; sometimes I think I take that advice too much to heart! I have to push myself these cold winter days to get up and do the necessary chores! Love old P.G., and the imagery here. I'm so glad you had a nice break, good for gaining perspective as you say. Looking forward to you sharing the happy things in the works . . . sounds wonderful.

  9. You're bringing us really nice things to read right now :) ! "I see the neighbour's chimney puffing away, the wispy smoke catching away in the sharp wind..." oh, what a marvelous picture you have painted for us in this, and in this whole post.

  10. "Start slow and taper off." I like that! After this busy month, perhaps I need to put that into practice for the month of February.

  11. I am waiting for the tapering off... Lovely post!

  12. Dear Brenda - I like that tapering off thought. The tea sounds wonderful too with buttery toast. May I stop by to visit? Have a great winter day.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda