Tuesday, April 08, 2014

We Got Mail!

Oh, the delight of lovely surprises coming from out of the blue. Not to mention the unexpected pleasure of a letter -- real mail -- arriving in one's mailbox. Yesterday such a treat arrived with my name on it.

Tucked inside a hand addressed envelope from Lorrie was this exquisite tiny watercolor 'wafting with spring cheer'. Artistic in so many ways, Lorrie tells me that she's been enjoying her attempts at watercolor -- it's fun and something she does with pleasure and with no pressure. That's the key isn't it? To find the pleasure with no pressure. 

I'm just tickled to be the recipient of one of this little treasures. It will have a special place in my study. And yes, Lorrie, its waft of spring turned our Alberta day into something that really was spring!

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,



  1. Hello Brenda - this is my first visit to your lovely blog. Your beautiful watercolor card is very sweet- it's nice to have such a talented friend! I scrolled down and read your previous post and see you are a fellow lover of writing. I love your determined and positive spirit. Thank you for your visit and kind comments. I am a new follower :) I look forward to getting to know you. Hope you have a lovely week. xo Karen

  2. Hi Brenda!

    What a lucky lady indeed! I love to get real mail - it reminds me that the world is not totally technical! She is a very good artist, and really captured that Springy feel that we all need right now!!


  3. Lorrie's work is so lovely. What a very nice surprise for you!

  4. Oh this is going to be fun watching Lorrie spread joy all over! That is a beauty with a lovely verse, too.

  5. Glad you received it and enjoy it.

  6. It is nice to get a lovely surprise in the mail. We are happy that you got a Springy one!

  7. Oh, how lovely! I just adore getting real mail ~ it's so civilized. And that is one of my favorite quotes, too. :) Your blog is looking very pretty.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda