Monday, April 07, 2014

Monday Musings...

Kiss it hello.
Let joy flow through your arteries today,
mindful that the essence of life is Love and Joy.

What shall I tell you on this bright new Monday morning? Let's see...birds are singing. Sun is shining. Skies have wispy clouds.  Grass is not getting green just yet, but there's hope as the mounds of snow are fast disappearing. Oh, and we're getting ready for company this coming weekend, so we're stepping up on the Spring Cleaning event. I mentioned a few posts back that I was doing my cleaning this year in little bits... a drawer here, a closet there, a shelf, a cupboard, a window...

I was sitting with Hubby after we got home from a very busy morning cleaning at the local performing arts centre.  We usually relax for a few minutes as we have a wee snack -- he usually has a hot milk, today I had a small tub of coconut flavored Greek style yogurt. I was mulling what I should do first today. And Dear One pipes up why don't I work on my writing  first thing. Put it first. Ohhhh.... thank you. Yes, I will.

I'm sorry to say that in my mind, writing still always seems to come 'after' the chores of the manor.  But he's helping me to recognize that my writing should get a seat of honour further up the to-do list. And, I do agree mentally, but my training as a young girl (my mom was a good housekeeper) says that housework comes first. And even after all these years, it's hard to rearrange that easily.

By the way, I love notebooks of all sizes and colours, and I am especially drawn to small ones (about 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 inches), like the one in the above photo. These treasures are put out by Peter Pauper Press, and I'm happy to report that they have a great website that showcases lots of their beautiful product. Be sure and check it out.

It's been fun having a wee chat with you. I see by the clock I best be off. I've got dust bunnies to attend to.

Wishing you a beautiful day,


  1. Good thoughts to start the new week!

  2. So nice that you're getting that encouragement from your hubby re your writing!! Enjoy the company.

  3. I think it is great that you are starting to put your writing higher on your to do list! Thanks for popping into to visit my at my blog!

  4. Ah, your Dear One is such a clever man. I am delighted that you are putting your writing further up your to-do list, Brenda. You won't regret it . Love the quote from Julia Cameron! Happy writing....

  5. Housework will always be there. Writing is important.
    I love the Peter Pauper books, we have them here in UK too.

  6. How nice to put your writing first....I"m with you, due to my upbringing I have a hard time sitting still if there is something that can be done...working on that :-) I like that you set your writing goal !


  7. Interesting discussion on priorities....I could probably benefit from pondering that one myself... Thanks!

  8. Little by little. This is so encouraging. How great that your husband encourages you to put your writing ahead of housework. Those old habits and mindsets are hard to break.

  9. Just checking in. We wrote 900 words today, more than 2 1/2 pages. Past my goal. I LIKE that!

    Thanks, beautiful friends, for your lovely comments. So nice to hear from each of you.

    I'm off to snooze-land. See you tomorrow! Sleep well. Hugs...Brenda

  10. I have found that big tasks are so much easier to swallow in small bites!

  11. Very inspiring, good for you. Writing is so creative. Good luck with your Google + and growing your blog. From your newest follower, Linda

  12. Doing something I love first, always makes those tasks I don't like so much, easier! Love the little journals! Good luck with your writing...I love a good story!

  13. Ah, and I am just the opposite. I write. I write. I write. And housework happens - eventually. Actually, my domestic husband has a body clock that gets him up at 4:30am. He does a half hour of chores that would take me all day - everyday - and then sits down for two hours in the Word. Can I be more blessed? He - like your husband - urges me to make my writing a priority, too. Great goals you have on your memoir. I am still in the research phase of my book, but have had little time of late for it. I MUST take the time - perhaps a couple weeks of no blogging and all book. Will see how that develops.

  14. I wish I could be as structured as you Brenda. My writings for my Grandad's book are really when I have the time and I am not giving him justice. I will take a leaf out of your book (!!) and set some time aside each day to at least have one A4 piece of paper completed. As for notebooks, I am a real sucker for them, especially Paper Chase books. Have a great day xx

  15. I like doing things I like to do first, and that inspires me then to move on to the next things. I enjoy reading your writings. You have an unique style...a joyful style, including the way you share your
    dust bunnies:)


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda