Friday, September 16, 2011

Say What You Want

I recently met up with a woman I know casually and remarked how good she was looking -- so youthful and fresh, slim, well put together. (She's a older woman who, in the past, sometimes looked frazzled and 'fuzzy' around the edges, if you know what I mean.)

In response to my expression of delight at seeing her so lovely, she said that lately she's been confessing a little affirmation when she gets ready for the day. And it's been making a difference for her.

Of course I was eager to know those 'magic' little words that were changing her life. Do you want to know too?

I look good --
I feel good --
And I weigh exactly what I should!

When we tell our minds what we desire, it usually does its best to comply!  I like it!

Wishing you a beautiful day,


  1. Well....and there I thought it was going to be a Bible verse!!

  2. What a great "snippet" to start out with! I'm going to start saying this - aloud!

  3. do you think saying: I am taller, thinner and have less stomach will help?? Actually I love this affirmation! To be able to accept ourselves for who and what we are is a precious gift!

  4. Elizabethd... she actually got the affirmation from a Christian writer, Don Gossett.

    He often writes about the power of our Words and speaking words that bring life to us.... which reminds me of Proverbs 18:21 where it says 'death and life are in the power of the tongue'.

    Rebecca, Matty, Lin... I like that affirmation too! Just saying it aloud, I notice my shoulders come back and I feel something shift inside -- like I can feel my mind and body starts whirring to harken to my words.

    Glad you enjoyed the snippet!

  5. Good for her!
    We all could use a little more affirmations from ourselves.
    I like how you called them, "magic little words".

  6. Hi Brenda, what a beautiful affirmation! When I was a girl there was a little children's song on the TV show Sesame Street that was burned into my head. The Muppets sang: "You can do it! You can do anything, if you try..." I don't know how many times in life, during difficult or even tragic moments, the words of that silly song came popping into my head giving me strength or courage. Affirmations can really be powerful and it's funny how they can just pop out of no where and comfort us just when we need them. I hope you have a lovely afternoon ahead! Delisa :)

  7. Oh, I like that. I heard Joyce Meyer say that, too!

  8. Thanks for this snippet. I love it.

  9. I love this snippet. There truly is so much power in the words we speak to ourselves and others!

    And speaking of words, thanks for your visit to my blog and for your encouraging words, Brenda :)

  10. Thank you for such kind words! Yes, the cake tasted pretty good. The cakes were a little blah but the ganache and the custard filling were good. I am forever struggling to make this simple cake. When we first married I used cans of pudding and a jar of frosting!

  11. Thank you for such kind words! Yes, the cake tasted pretty good. The cakes were a little blah but the ganache and the custard filling were good. I am forever struggling to make this simple cake. When we first married I used cans of pudding and a jar of frosting!

  12. Love it. Affirmations can really do wonders for a person. It reminds me that I could stand to use them again, so thanks for that. :)

  13. Hi Brenda,

    I love that! And, as I start to come back to my old self, after going through a tough year of surgery and treatments for breast cancer, I will remember to tell myself those words! It's true, isn't it, what 'they' say about self-fulfilling prophecies?! Thanks for the reminder of self worth and little nudge...Like your reader Rebecca, I am going to repeat this to myself aloud these next few days and hope to find the difference. Thanks for this post!

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

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