Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Open the Door And Let In The Day

 Painting found in an old magazine -- artist unknown

It is early morning and everything is so still -- not a leaf stirring or a bird song breaking the silence. The air feels deliciously cool on my face as I peer out into the garden. Hubby predicts a hot one today so we let windows stand ajar awhile before we close the windows and draw the blinds.

A wispy cloud just catches the light as the sun peers over the horizon. So often I'm reminded of that old psalm: This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Some days when pressures bear down a person has to work a little at being glad for a new day, but this morning brings me a gift where the joy bubbles up easily.

The fragrance of coffee and hot buttered toast with marmalade drifts past my nose... I must follow it. I'm off to finish unwrapping the gift of this day.

Wishing you joy in your day ... shall I pour coffee?



  1. Yes, an open door is always so inviting. I could look at such pictures all day. Enjoy yours!

  2. You can imagine stepping out through that open door into the freshness of the day. I hope your day goes on being lovely!

  3. Yes, please do. Thanks for the view and the words. Happy day!

  4. "unwrapping the gift of this day", what a great saying.
    Just might have to use it. I like to think that each day is a gift.

  5. Yes please, pour me a coffee too! I've also got all my windows open to catch that fresh air before the heat of the day. Too bad there's no pool in my would be the perfect day for lounging on the pool deck and dipping in the cool water....

  6. You really make me want to be in your morning! I am so thankful to have found you and your blog- agift in a gift;)

  7. Brenda,
    I love visiting your blog because you always always make me see the brighter side to life. I thank you for giving me those gentle reminders!!!

  8. Hi Brenda,
    What a joy to hear from you. It's been a while. You are such an artist at creating blogs and they are so inspiring.

  9. gratitude will make any day lovely...


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

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