Friday, September 23, 2011

Sharing The Pretty Things

In her book The Art of Being A Woman Veronique Vienne talks about how we, as women, know how to take great joy in having pretty things around us.

Objects like ornaments, artwork, hand-stitched cushions, vases or teacups are deftly arranged so as to create a home that's comfortable and pleasing to the eye... for our enjoyment as well as for our loved ones and all who visit our home.

Miss Veronique also writes that we collect or create lovely things so that we might share them with others. "Not all your pretty belongings belong to you. Some of them are destined to be gift wrapped."

'Destined to be gift wrapped' -- don't you just love that phrase? It's true, we may enjoy something for a season but when we recognize a friend's true delight in it, how often have we just picked it up and pressed it into her hand. Here, this gives you so much pleasure, I want you to have it. The trifle becomes a treasure ... and our hearts explode with the joy of this spontaneous heart sharing.

Doesn't it make you want to look around today, with an eye to see what pretties you have right now that are destined to be gift wrapped? the joy of living more beautifully!



  1. Do you ever go shopping and want to buy thing you just know someone would love? Sandie

  2. Sandie.... Yes I do! Isn't it fun when that happens? My little heart leaps with glee.

  3. sometimes the invisible gifts of friendship and a listening time are more important than actual gifts...

  4. Oh yes! I have two mugs sitting out on the jelly cupboard just waiting to go. They'll be so well loved in their new home and they don't have that kind of meaning for me. I love this post!

  5. Hi Brenda, what a thoughtful and beautiful post today! I love Alexandra Stoddard's books and have been collecting them for years. A couple of years ago I wrote her a fan letter telling her how much I enjoyed them and how her wise words had comforted and guided me. To my surprise she wrote back! She sent me a lovely letter from her home in Connecticut and I will always cherish it! I hope you have a wonderful afternoon! Delisa :)

  6. Lin, that's true. There's a season for everything -- whether it's a gift in a box or a listening heart -- it's knowing which will encourage or give the most joy at the time. At least that's what I've experienced.

    Vee, you mention the mugs that will fit perfectly in someone else's life -- that's how I had the giveaway for the rose stitched cushion cover. I loved it when my house had rose and pink decor, but then we changed our theme and the rose didn't fit. It lived in my linen cupboard for a number of years before I felt able to part with it. Now it happily lives over in France at Elizabethd at French Village Life

    Delisa, oh what a treasure to get a note for Alexandra in person. I sent her an e-mail once as I didn't know how to contact her personally. I know she doesn't care for this 'modern' technology so I didn't anticipate a reply back.....

    I'd still like to tell her how very much her books and her take on living a beautiful life impacted my own life. Maybe I will one day.

  7. What a lovely post! I sometimes buy things I love, knowing that even if they don't fit now, they will later either in my home or someone elses and do you know, it has always held true. :) Stop by The Pink Home if you get a chance; I'm having a giveaway I think you'll really like.

  8. I have quite a few Alexandra Stoddart books but the Veronique Vienne book sounds interesting. I found it an amazon and am thinking of buying it. Do you think it's a good book to have?

    I also like the idea of sharing beautiful things through giving. I'm off to check out the blog you recommended.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  9. Eileen, I'm popping over right now!

    Sandra, Yes, I really liked the book. She has a beautiful take on life! I borrowed it from the library and want to get my OWN copy! I first heard of her from Victoria magazine (I think when Peggy Kennedy was editor)... if I find the issue, I'll let you know.

  10. "Destined to be gift wrapped" - such a neat idea. And it doesn't even have to be gifts of a material nature; gifts of our ourselves or our time can be offered in beautiful "wrappings"! I'm keeping that idea close.

  11. First let me say that I really like the new look of your blog! Your posts make me instantly relax and just feel good. I love your blog and this post is very inspiring. I want to be more thoughtful and giving.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

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