Saturday, May 07, 2011

Small Treats

One of the secrets to a happy life
is continuous small treats.
~ Iris Murdoch

Treats this week so far:

1.  Nibbling a couple TimTam chocolate biscuits
during a break from house chores.

2.  Reading a favorite author, Jan Karon;

3.  Freshening up the guest room
for a brief visit from Mom.

4.  Watching the arrival of new flocks of birds
and hearing their spring songs in our neighborhood.

5. Uncovering forgotten books on my own shelves
that beckon yet another read.

6.  Clearing out a small patch of clutter
and finding a long-hidden treasure.

7.  Finding a few books that I no longer feel the need
to keep -- so I can pack them up and take them to
our cozy secondhand bookstore and get credit to buy new ones.

8.  Discovering there were still a few photos
of Miss Kitty on my camera...
That was the BEST treat this week so far!

Wishing you a beautiful day,



  1. What wonderful "small" treats!

  2. Good list of treats! Now that you mentioned Tim Tams, I'm hungry for them. I found a couple good books that I purchased at the second hand store and forgot about this week also. Nothing like those nice little surprises.

  3. Lovely list of small treats - it's those things that add up to satisfaction at the end of the day.

    I've never tasted a Tim Tam, although I've heard about them.

  4. What a great series of "treats"!

  5. Such nice treats...I immediately took off to see about the book. I must read it. Must. The pictures of Miss Kitty will be especially dear...

  6. like the idea of finding treats in our daily lives...mine was smelling the honeysuckle blooms on the way to pick up the mail from the cluster box...

  7. It is nice when it doesn't take much to make us happy!!! Your treats look wonderful.
    Sorry you lost your sweet kitty :(

  8. Sounds like you had a very good week!! Little treats in life are one of the things that keep us going! I love your pretty blue flowers.

  9. Hi Brenda! I so agree with you, I live for little treats, they bring me so much joy and refreshment. I love a good bite of chocolate or a custard cup full of Kemp peach frozen yogurt! Oh my goodness, it is the best. I love to pick up my knitting needles or crochet hook, and a pretty skein of yarn, my hands positively tingle! I love to sit down with a good book or a magazine with bright beautiful pictures. I love a good cup of tea or going out to lunch mid-week. I love to treat myself to a new tube of red lipstick! I guess the list is endless. I hope you are having a lovely evening! Delisa :)

  10. I love that quote Brenda!! What a neat way to look at the events of each day. I think a "Treat Jar" is in order!

  11. The small things in life mean so much. A fresh cup of coffee, a long walk with a friend, seeing a goldfinch on the zinnias. Simple wonders ...

    P.S. I left a comment earlier, but I'm not sure it went through so I'm trying again :)

  12. Great quote, Brenda, and I love your list of small treats. Your thoughts for the day reminded me of this quote....

    Ordinary happiness depends on happenstance. Joy is that extraordinary
    happiness that is independent of what happens to us. Good luck can make us
    happy, but it cannot give us lasting joy. The root of joy is gratefulness.
    We tend to misunderstand the link between joy and gratefulness. We notice
    that joyful people are grateful and suppose that they are grateful for their
    joy. But the reverse is true: their joy springs from gratefulness. If one
    has all the good luck in the world, but takes it for granted, it will not
    give one joy. Yet even bad luck will give joy to those who manage to be
    grateful for it. We hold the key to lasting happiness in our own hands. For
    it is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.

    -- Brother David Steindl-Rast in "Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer"

  13. Brenda,
    A great list of small treats! It is good to treat ourselves occasionally. Today I'm treating myself to some annuals to plant in front of my house!


  14. I see that posts are back, but comments are lost. Well, your list is worth reading a second time. I like the quotation.

  15. Yes, I had a bunch more comments before the posting went awol! Did you have funny stuff happen to yours, Lorri?

  16. Hi Brenda, I lost all my comments too and all the comments I left on other blogs Wednesday were taken off as well. Perhaps they will pop back on eventually. I hope you are having a nice evening! Delisa :)

  17. Hi Brenda:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving a comment about the loss of my cat. I'm sorry for your loss of Miss Kitty. Our pets are special creatures.


  18. And you've provided me with a treat for this week by posting such gorgeous Victorian art like the lilacs (my favorite flower).

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda