Sunday, May 22, 2011

Simply Sunday: It's Still Safe

Miss Kitty loves to go outside. She's not as timid as she used to be, but I've noticed she still appears to be more at ease exploring the 'great outdoors' when she sees the garden door open. She'll often come and sniff the frame and when I ask if she wants to come back in, Oh no, I'm just checking that there's still a safe place to run into should it be necessary. Then she wanders back out.

Of course, like many of us who venture out into the wild, wild wood, she encounters her own kind of 'dragons'. They seem to be quite friendly, but for her these neighbor felines spells 'Danger, Danger'.

It got me thinking; sometimes God calls us to come out of our familiar spots into a place that isn't always comfortable for us. We may step out, one toe at a time, and we tend to keep a watchful eye on the door, in case 'there be dragons out there'.

I think the Psalmist must have felt that way many times, because he sure journaled a lot about it. If you read through the Psalms, they are full of comforting reminders that there is a safe place for us to run into.... That Safe Place is sometimes called a high tower, a mighty fortress.

It might give us the courage to step out into the unknown if we remember that He always leaves the door open for us -- we can run back anytime we feel the heat of dragon fire.

Oh by the way, here's a snippet from the Psalmist's journal: The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into him and are safe (from Psalm 18:10).

May you find that safe place today.


  1. well miss kitty is in a very safe place now...

  2. Oh...Miss Kitty!
    She's in a safe place,now.

  3. Have a joyful afternoon!

  4. That is a beautiful picture of Miss Kitty.....and a great lesson. So glad we can have a safe place to run to.

  5. Hi Brenda, such a wonderful and encouraging post. What a beautiful picture of Miss Kitty in her lounging chair. I love reading the Psalms too. They are always so calming and comforting. They remind me, that we never face any trial alone and that our heavenly Father cares for all of our tender feelings. It is interesting to think that the Psalms were all originally songs sung by the ancient Israelites in worship. How I would love to have heard the music that went with them. It must have been so beautiful. Have a lovely afternoon! Delisa :)


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda