Friday, May 06, 2011

Playing Along with Friday Fill-Ins


Haven't played along with Friday Fill-Ins for a while. Thought it would be fun after a busy week. To join, click on the graphic for the information. The BLUE is my reply to the prompts given:

1. Right now Doc Martin my favorite TV show (or movie) because... the zany characters make me laugh. Is there a sane one in the bunch? Hmm... do I relate because I'm a little zany myself? 

2. Go to page 45 of the book you're reading or the book closest to you; go to the 6th paragraph and make a sentence out of 7 words from it. I'm currently reading In the Company of Others (Jan Karon).  From page 46 (not enough paragraphs on page 45), here are the words I chose: warm, sent, rhubarb, tart, still, fragrance, trip 
"The fragrance of the rhubarb tart, still warm from the oven, sent him on a trip towards the kitchen."

3. I am... always amazed at just how much joy is available when we remember to give thanks in gratitude.

4. As our neighborhoods start to green up, it will be wonderful to go for ...long walks.

5. Take some time to... poke in the garden and see what's coming up new.

6. My poor, neglected office/study ...needs a bit of... tender loving care, not to mention some hard-nosed throwing out of papers.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to... hanging out companionably with hubby.  Tomorrow my plans include... taking Mom out for the day in honor of Mother's Day, and Sunday, I want to... turn my heart heavenward and remember His Goodness.



  1. just returned from a tulip festival will put up some photos on my blog tomorrow. lovely weather to enjoy!

  2. Your Friday Fill-Ins are a good reminder to me and inspired me as I read down each one. Gratitude is a good way to live each day, and I like how you take time to recognize the little, special things of each day.

  3. You did a great job on #2, thanks for playing!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda