Thursday, May 26, 2011

Simple Pleasures: Fragrance

Photo by Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life

Just a few days ago a very dear friend came with a package all prettily wrapped. It was something she bought for herself, but felt she wanted to give to me instead ... a beautiful bottle of Iris eau de toilette from Crabtree and Evelyn.

It was funny how that all came about ... because a couple of weeks earlier my sister and I were at a function, and as it happened, a woman had to slip past us on a very narrow pathway. When she walked by, Sis and I looked at each other and both agreed ... what a treat it was to smell the soft but very feminine fragrance she was wearing.

That's when I realized it had been a while since I had allowed myself the luxurious 'simple pleasure' of wearing fragrance. Being more aware of people with allergies, I tend not to wear it as freely as I once did. But I miss it.

And then, almost as if God heard my heart's little sigh (which by the way He did), there was my dear friend handing me this lovely fragrance, saying she felt I needed it.

Photo by Brenda @ It's A Beautiful Life

The simple pleasure of slipping the bottle out of its box each morning to spritz a little has been delighting my feminine heart ever since.

Technology hasn't figured out how I could send you a whiff through cyberspace, but if you'd like a spritz of this, I'd love to send you a little splash on a book mark. Just e-mail me your address (you'll find my link in the profile) and I'll send you a simple pleasure. (Offer now closed.)

Wishing you a beautiful day,


Today, we're linking with:
Meri's Musings for Share the Joy Thursday


  1. Klog blogg! Doften är det sinne vi ofta glömmer. Jag använder en handkräm som doftar clean cotton. Önskar dig en skön helg! Zinnia

  2. Oh Brenda, that's so sweet of you to offer scented bookmarks! Bet that iris scent is lovely. Take care. Susan

  3. I bet it smells wonderful. I quit wearing perfume years ago, because of others allergies too...

  4. What a lovely gift! And such a pretty box and bottle. Save me a scented bookmark!

  5. I love to wander into a Crabtree & Evelyn shop, the fragrances just draw me like a magnet. Lovely simple pleasure.

  6. I just love it when God does that. It makes me realize just how much he loves us that he cares for those little "godly desires". :)

  7. You are the second one to have a simple pleasure on fragrances...and I so agree...I am seeing how much I enjoy them at this season of life and I too have stopped using much...I am going to enjoy again.

  8. Don't you love God's timing?
    And you can't go wrong with Crabtree and Evelyn, that's for sure.

  9. Isn't it cool how God sometimes reminds us of how much He cares by such simple things. (Like the fragrance.) I had a friend who lost her sense of smell and it was really tragic. She said she never realized how much she used it (and missed it) until it was gone.

  10. How sweet of you! I have been trying to post comments, but couldn't for some reason! Hopefully, this one will work! :)

  11. What a lovely, generous, and very cool thing to offer your followers, Brenda! The gift of a beautiful scent. I hope it doesn't deplete your supply, though. I have a friend who had sinus surgery and has not been able to taste or smell for years, and she is a cook. She can't taste her own meals and we cannot ask her how she likes anything, so sad.

  12. What a delight -- to have a friend hear the whispers of your heart!

  13. I found yesterday's blog about fragrance very interesting and I am again amazed how you and I think alike. This spring in particular I have been very aware of fresh outdoor smells and whiffs of colognes and perfumes inside. Yesterday when I was doing my laundry I was enjoying the scent of the clean clothes. I too have enjoyed the use of spritz of perfume now and then. Blessings on you. Ruth

  14. When women (or men) wear fragrance appropriately, I really enjoy and appreciate it. Iris scent must be lovely if you took such notice of it.

  15. i found joy in your simple pleasures...and thought of my mother and her lilies of the valley....

  16. Hi Brenda! Your perfume sounds delightfully wonderful. I love light flowery perfumes too. My mother, used to tell me that a feminine woman should wear her perfume so that it can only be lightly caught upon the air as you pass by or come in close for a hug. There are few things more pleasurable. But nothing worse than when someone splashes it on and it overpowers the surroundings.

    I was told by a friend of mine who worked for years behind a perfume counter at a major department store, that the expensive natural fragrances once used in the past have sometimes been replaced by cheaper synthetic chemical formulas and that is why people seem to be so much more sensitive to allergies today.

    She also said that most people spray way too much perfume on and that one should never spray it directly upon the skin. She suggested spraying the perfume on a cotton ball and then lightly dab behind the ears, and at the pulse points. The cotton balls can then be tossed in your linen or lingerie draw as a sachet! She went onto say that we can not trust our own noses because after a time we can become desensitized to the scent and not realize that we are wearing too much. I hope you are having a beautiful day and that a wonderful weekend awaits! Delisa :)

  17. Brenda, this sounds like a divine fragrance. I don't think I've ever smelled iris.

  18. Hi Brenda, Oh yes, how thankful for the gift of smell. And sight!
    Have a marvelous weekend!

    ~ Violet

  19. Oh, I agree! It is a simple pleasure to wear fragrance - love how this worked out for you - beautiful bottle too!

  20. I think we take smell for granted!! Just last week though my hubby and I were cruising down the back roads in our RZR and I could smell the apple blossoms and lilac...I swooned!!

  21. I love unexpected gifts.Happy for you having such a thoughtful friend.
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda