Friday, July 16, 2010

The Joy of Visiting New Bloggers

It's fun to visit new bloggers -- you never know when you meet a kindred spirit. And even if you don't, there are so many interesting people doing such creative things. My sister sent me a blog link to check out earlier, which led me to another... and another... and another. Don't you love how that happens? It's like going on a treasure hunt -- every time you click on a new clue link, you get treasure. Here's who I 'met' today:

I could relate to Delia Lloyd, a writer/journalist based in London, when she writes on her blog RealDelia that she is 'devoted to the idea that adulthood is not a destination. Growing up, (she) always thought adulthood was the final frontier -- a place you arrived and suddenly everything made sense....Turns out it doesn't work that way...'

Barbara Swafford has created a fun place for bloggers to hang out at Blogging Without A Blog. She says the 'greatest value of this blog lies in the comment section where bloggers in all phases of the blogging journey open up and share their thoughts.' Lots a great postings about our craft. Here's on posting of Barbara's I really enjoyed A Mantra For Bloggers-Writers.

Vered Deleeuw of started blogging just for fun and realized she loved it so much she turned it into a business. As a 'blogger for hire', she actually writes blogs for other businesses. In one of her posts, she says she never really connected to the 'personal' kind of blogging, but it looks like she found a niche that works for her. Guess that's good advice for each of us. Find what works.
Happy Blogging!


  1. Will check out these blog sites Brenda as I always enjoy meeting new bloggers. Good luck with the computer project and wishing you a great weekend.....:-) Hugs

  2. Thanks, Bernie! Did you get rain out your way?

  3. It's amazing what blogging leads to and the best thing is new friends. I'll be teaching another creative blogging class for my local comm. ed. program in Sept again. Thanks for some links to check out...

  4. Hi Brenda
    Came over from Barbara Swaffords blog - Blogging without a Blog.
    Agree totally with you about Barbara's blog. I think that many of us take inspiration and advice from Barbara - I certainly have.
    Good call.

  5. I have 2 folks who have asked me to teach them blogging and offered to pay. I wanted to say no, but on second thought, why not? I am going over to check out the new ones you highlighted and what a great idea for sharing. Blessings

  6. One of the nice things about blogging is being able to connect with new people from various backgrounds and locations. Thank you for the mention!

  7. I love the idea of blogging for profit! That is the right kind of idea!

  8. Links to new blogs are always fun. And I ordered, and received the "So You Want to Write" by Brenda Ueland that you recommended. I've read a couple of chapters and have to take time to think and ponder.


  9. Hi Brenda,

    What a pleasure it see you on my blog, and to come here and find such kind words about my site. I am truly honored to be mentioned.

    The other two bloggers you mentioned I'm also familiar with. Like you, I enjoy following those links, never knowing where they'll lead.

    Happy Blogging Brenda. I hope to see you soon, and often in blogosphere. :-)

    @ Keith. Thank you for your kind words, as well.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda