Friday, December 05, 2008

Festive Friday Fill-Ins

Today I'm joining bloggers at Friday Fill-Ins. Our host starts the sentences and we finish them with our own responses. To join in the fun, click here for the questions.

1. Snow covers my neighborhood like powdered sugar on Turkish Delight.

2. I'm looking forward to reading Jan Karon's "Shepherds Abiding" this weekend.

3. Cafe Haven is the best place to get the awesome-est latte ever!

4. One of my favorite old TV shows is the old holiday variety specials when famous people sang Christmas carols and songs.

5. I'm done with trying to figure out everyone's expectations and trying to meet them.

6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is the wonderful mix of happy social times with people and the quiet, reflective times alone or with God.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to snuggly time with my hubby and my kitty cat, tomorrow my plans include an outing with new friends to a ladies Christmas Brunch, and Sunday, I want to attend the Alberta Baroque Ensemble's Christmas Concert with my hubby!

No matter how busy you get today, remember to grab any wonder-filled moments that come your way with both hands!

Joy! Joy!


  1. Cool turn of the phrase in #1 :-) I loved the Beverly Hillbillies too...can still sing the theme song lol!

    Thanks for playing and enjoy your weekend :-)

  2. Hey Janet, Thanks for dropping by and for creating this fun Friday activity! Yup, I can still sing that ole tune myself (and remember most of the words too)!

  3. It's snowing already?? Oh yes Christmas is getting very near. Enjoy your weekend ya!!

  4. This was an enjoyable read. I like to fill these things out in my head...not too crazy about typing them out on paper. But, I so love it when other's do.

  5. Sounds like you are super busy like the rest of us at this time of year. Beverly hillbillys it was funny at the time but no more for me. Another one was Gillians
    Island, they replayed it so much
    GAAAA. But the Lion, the Witch and the wardrobe I love that story
    I have the video. There I have dared to say I don't like something' when people are saying its O>k. don't laugh thats a big
    step for me I always just agree to
    things rather than make waves or think the person won't like me if I don't agree with them. Off to
    go shopping. Till next time

  6. I'm too tired from putting together 180 booklets of poetry-heading for a nap.

  7. Hey JonJon, Yesterday it was snowing, today it was raining. Go figure. Imagine the ice tomorrow!

    Caryn, I too enjoy reading what other people have to say.

    Rosalie, As I don't get cable (gasp!), I don't see those old movies...I've sometimes wondered what they are like thirty years later. Like you say, some just don't translate over time.

    Lin, You certainly do deserve a nap after all that hard work.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

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