Friday, April 16, 2021

Spring Almost Ready to Burst Out

" Spring work is going on
with joyful enthusiasm. "

We're on tenterhooks for Spring to green out around here. There is no sign of daffodils or tulips yet—that photo above is from last spring. The days and nights are thankfully warming up, and with it begins the much longed for transformation of brown lawns into shades of grass green.

This morning my friend Carrie who lives in Wales remarked, as she posted a glorious photo of her roses from last summer: "I’ve been prodding our garden along all this very chilly & sometimes snowy spring... It’s that point in the gardening year right now, when you wonder if it will ever look like this again."

Oh yes, for that is exactly how it feels around here. Looking at my own garden photos from last year, I too wonder if it will ever look like that again. We hold hope in our hearts and, of course, experience reminds us that the miracle of transformation will happen. The garden will blossom out, trees will bud, and with it our hearts burst open to receive the glorious promise of new life, beauty, and colour.

" And frosts are slain and flowers begotten,
And in green underwood and cover,
Blossom by blossom the spring begins. "

These blue pretties just opened in the back garden where sunshine melts the snow first. Let the tiny celebrations of Spring begin in earnest.

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Heart Hugs,


  1. It is a gorgeous day out there today. Just came back from a little walk. My early tulips have just poked through and the tiger lilies are already 6-inches begun. It’s so wonderful to FINALLY have spring!

  2. Love the John Muir quote; that is certainly the case at our house and yard! Nesting birds, brown bunnies, and perennial shoots beginning to appear--joyful enthusiasm indeed!

  3. Even the smallest flower is most welcome in spring.

  4. Those first flowers are such a lovely and appreciated sight. Spring will come, of that you can be sure.

  5. Brenda I have some of those lovely blue beauties blooming in my garden. Being further south we are seeing daffodils and tulips blooming now. I will send some warm weather your way so yours bloom soon. Have a great weekend. Hugs!

  6. What cheerful little blue faces! Are they Scillas? The first flowers do raise the spirits.

    1. Yes, they are cheerful, early Scillas - they poke through when it's yet bleak and cool.

  7. Such a lovely blue! What are they?

    1. These are the early spring bulb, Scilla, also known as squills.

  8. Thank you Brenda, for focusing our thoughts on the good things to come. I grew up in England, and the first line of a song we sang in school popped into my mind. "Spring comes laughing o'er the hills." On another note have you read "Becoming Mrs. Lewis"? It will take you back to Oxford and those spires!

    1. Mary, Always lovely to see you here. What a great line from that school song. And yes, I have read the delightful "Becoming Mrs. Lewis" -- it certainly takes me back to Oxford's dreaming spires.

  9. Good morning, Brenda. Your garden will be beautiful again, the fairies will arrive and do all their magic just for you. They have been working here, but we are to have snow the middle of the week. Isn't spring just grand?
    Happy week, my friend.

    1. Yes, Sandra, Spring certainly has its own ideas of what the season should and feel like. She is one with many moods, and it's up to us to adapt to her, isn't it?

  10. I don't have much of a green thumb, so I do get excited when I see the plants start shooting up in the spring. I have a few tulips that are sloooowly starting to bloom!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda