Friday, April 09, 2021

Five on Friday: Craving Colour

" The craving for colour is a natural necessity
just as for water and fire. Colour is a raw material
indispensable to life. At every era of (her) existence and
(her) history, the human being has associated colour
with (her) joys, (her) actions and (her) pleasures. "

I am craving colour these days. My corner of the world is still achingly dull brown. Although Spring is officially here, the nights are still cold. It is normal for these parts, but the wait seems interminable. The grass sports its coat of old winter sepia and barely hints new growth along the south-facing fence line. Crocuses are beginning to poke up from beneath dead leaves. That's hopeful.

So I needs must take my colour fix where I can find it.... today I'm sharing some eye drinking photos with quotes I either found entertaining or thought-provoking this week. Enjoy!


"All things are difficult before they are easy."

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As seen on Twitter...

" If life feels diminished right now,
as it does for so many, please stay
open to the gift of new life. It may
take time, but it will come. "

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As seen on my sister's Facebook page...

Things that can be equally true:

You are resilient -and- need a break.
You gave your all -and- need to back out.
You are independent -and- still need others.
You were sure -and- things changed.
You are kind -and- have boundaries.
Others have it worse -and- your pain is valid.
You did your best -and- now you know more.


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'Great Wheat Fields, Auvers'


" Listen in silence because
if your heart is full of other
things you cannot hear 
the voice of God. "

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" I prefer living in colour. "

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There! That feels better. Colour always lifts my spirits.
Do you find it so for yourself?

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Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Heart Hugs,

Top: Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
One: Image by Capri23auto from Pixabay 
Two: Image by Urszula Mazurkiewicz from Pixabay
Three: Image by Sarajuggernaut from Pixabay
Four: National Gallery of Art, with permission
Five: Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash 


  1. Oh yes! I too prefer living in color! What a delightful mix of colorful things to enjoy:)

  2. This lifted my spirits as well. Thank you for sharing the colour!

  3. Hello, Brenda. This is a lovely post. Yes, I do love color, but I like real/true colors such as in your photo five. I also love pastels, but not faded or washed out pastels. But you are correct, color does make a difference. We have a few pieces of art by Roger Muhl. He is a absolute master of color and I feel blessed every time I walk past them.
    Spring will arrive to your corner of the world soon and when it does wear something lively and do a happy dance. Have a lovely weekend, my friend.

  4. I very much enjoyed seeing all this amazing color. I know what you mean...all the brown (and I like the color brown) is getting old. Hang tough! Soon your garden will be gifting you with color. 🌷

  5. Color is uplifting. Thanks for sharing the images and the quotes.

  6. Oh, those Purple flowers! The macarons look so Yummy. My daughter, Jess, has learned to make them from scratch. She's tried several times, and now she's got it down. Yes, color in my life is essential. Those rocks are very cool. What a lovely post today, Brenda.

    Have a peaceful weekend.


  7. YES! I love colour. All those greens and blues in Van Gogh's painting really strike a chord. I admire neutral homes, and think I would like to decorate like that, but colour always creeps in. A most enjoyable post, Brenda. I hope your world soon gains colour!

  8. I live further south than you. I have gone through that great craving for color this spring already. I can remember the first day I realized the grass turned green. It felt like it was over night that it happened. When the first crocus actually showed those buds like the noon day sun and those royal purples that announce the reality of spring has sprung. My heart soars. My soul grasps those first signs of spring like a life preserver being tossed to a person over board.

  9. I am very affected by color! I love having color in my home and wearing pretty colors too. The lavender looks very pretty too. Happy weekend!

  10. Colour is uplifting. God knew we needed colour to uplift our spirits. Beautiful pictures. Thank you, Brenda

  11. Your posts are an inspiration! Where we are, we’ve had to mow the grass twice already, and the hyacinths are on there way out; tulips are in bloom. Yes, I love the soft colors of spring!

  12. Spell check is NOT my friend! “Their,” not “there!”

  13. These gorgeous images and quotes are just what I needed to see this week. Quote #3 especially resonates!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda