Robin, Whitebreasts, and Snowdrops, February 1906
The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady
A new day, a new week, and a new month ... all rolled into one. Certainly cause for bouncing out of bed with anticipation. That is, if you are a morning person.
Do you bounce out of your bed of a morning? Or do you require time to feel yourself waking slowly, preferably to the fragrance of coffee brewing? For me, I relish a more leisurely tempo -- I save the 'bounce' for other times of the day.
Although the Edwardian Lady, Edith Holden, makes mention of robins and snowdrops in her February 1906 journal entry, there are no signs of these harbingers of Spring in our corner of the world yet. But we dream.
Do you bounce out of your bed of a morning? Or do you require time to feel yourself waking slowly, preferably to the fragrance of coffee brewing? For me, I relish a more leisurely tempo -- I save the 'bounce' for other times of the day.
Although the Edwardian Lady, Edith Holden, makes mention of robins and snowdrops in her February 1906 journal entry, there are no signs of these harbingers of Spring in our corner of the world yet. But we dream.
With it being the first Monday of this new month, I'm linking with The Simple Woman's Daybook Edition.
Also linking with
No Place Like Home
Mosaic Monday
Wishing you all a beautiful week and Happy Heart Month,
No Place Like Home
Mosaic Monday
Wishing you all a beautiful week and Happy Heart Month,
♥ ♥ ♥
For February 1st...
Outside my window... Sunshine sneaking over roof tops, streaming over fences, tumbling into snowy garden corners. Filling my day with brightness and light.
I am thinking... About what special treats I could make for Valentine's Day. Heart-shaped vanilla rolled cookies with pink icing? Or, perhaps a toothsome chocolate layer affair with a creamy raspberry filling and a glossy glaze dripping off the sides? I'm also wondering why it's the sweet treats that come to mind first thing.
I am thankful... For the mostly milder weather we've had so far this winter. Thanks, El Nino!
I am wearing... Comfy jeans with glittery designs on the back pockets and a green patterned top with a slightly frilly collar.
I am creating... Chaotic piles in my study/office. Because as we clean the other rooms, some items I'm not sure what to do with yet go in here. It's quite the pile -- a jumble of books, old calendars and Christmas cards, stationery and office supplies. It'll be the last room to sort and declutter. I'm keen to once again make my work space into a tidy, comfortable, and inviting nook for creative pursuits.
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I am going... To write out a few Valentine's cards on this first day of Heart Month. You know how the date will sneak up on a person if you don't get to it right away.
I am wondering... About nothing in particular today.
I am wondering... About nothing in particular today.
I am reading... Susan Branch's new post (with spoilers) on last night's episode of Downton Abbey. We really love her commentary on all the highlights (and the low ones too) each week as the series unfolds. Besides DA info, Susan includes lovely sneak previews into her own 'goings on' in her corner of the world, as well as her and Joe's upcoming trip to the UK later this summer.
I'm also reading An Autobiography by Agatha Christie. It's a fat, satisfying book so far. In her Foreword, she confesses that...
"I ought to be writing a detective story, but with the writer's natural urge to write anything but what he should be writing, I long, quite unexpectedly, to write my autobiography. The urge to write one's autobiography, so I have been told, overtakes everyone sooner or later. It has suddenly overtaken me.... So what I plan to do is to enjoy the pleasures of memory -- not hurrying myself -- writing a few pages from time to time. It is a task that will probably go on for years."
I am hoping... that somewhere under those chaotic piles in my office, I will find my little sketch book soon. For I've realized suddenly the other day that I have not played with paper and pencil for a long while.
I am learning... To stay in the present in my thoughts as much as possible as I go through my day. Not to cast my thoughts down the road about what needs tending in upcoming tomorrows (unless there is something specific I need to plan in advance). For it often brings a sense of niggling unease and slight anxiety. I'm not sure why -- perhaps I tend to forget that 'sufficient for the day is our grace'. I have grace for today's projects, I will have new mercies and strength for tomorrow's work. Even the slightest of frets wastes today's good energy.
In my kitchen... What pleasure to see sparkling clean glassware and china again.
In my garden... It's all aflutter with birds at the feeders and heated birdbath. Worn looking snow piles. Blue jays asking for peanuts. Resident Northern Flicker feasting from the peanut suet ball.
A favorite quote for today... "Don't dawdle. It won't take as long as you think." BL
A peek below into one of my days... Working away at making my house feel nice again as we clean, sort and discard, tidy and declutter.
One of my favorite things... A supply of small continuous treats in my life, such as a few stolen moments of idleness enjoyed somewhere in a busy day, or that lovely sense of refreshment after a freshly brewed cup of tea.
Post Script... If you're so inclined, here's a link to my past editions of The Simple Woman's Daybook.
Post Script... If you're so inclined, here's a link to my past editions of The Simple Woman's Daybook.
the end
Oh! I love this post! I, too, have a jumble of papers this way and that way as I am sorting through and filing away some things that have come been out of place far too long! Sending wishes for a happy February! -xo Nellie
ReplyDeleteOh those cookies have my mouth watering! I am in a clean/decluttering mood this month too! The first room in my craft room! Have a great week!
ReplyDeletePosts like this one, full of odd bits and pieces, are among my favorites. You are progressing on your decluttering project. Your collection of teacups is so pretty, and are there some of the Russian Lomonosov porcelain? Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSo many thoughts to ponder here, Brenda and I just love them all! Lovely illustration from Edith Holden - don't you just love her beautiful books? Amazing that they were found and published after she was gone. Your ideas on Valentine's baking has my mouth watering and those cookies looks very tempting. I have a loft full of clutter at the moment - boxes from Christmas and Thanksgiving, old books I want to donate, framed photos and art I don't know where to keep. Hoping I can get to it soon....but I just want to sit and crochet or sew lately. We are having out of state guests in June, so I had better get moving. I will have to pop on over and see your links and look at Susan Branch's blog. Hope you have a lovely week - I love the quote, 'sufficient for the day is our grace'. Wonderful. Hugs xo Karen
ReplyDeleteBrenda, it is so nice to have found you - thank you so very much for popping by for your first visit, and for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment. It made my day. : - )
ReplyDeleteI am now your newest follower and look forward to lots and lots of back reading- you are an extremely interesting lady! I think we like the same things, and time will certainly tell...but I have a feeling....
Take care and enjoy your month of love! ♥♥♥
Hi Brenda, glad to find you bright and busy these winter days! You will be so glad you used the time to clear and declutter ready for Spring. Yes, a pattern of different rythmns and little treats helps the day go along very well, I do the same. I have found its good to break down a big task into small sessions, though that is not my natural way.
ReplyDeleteYour lucky little birds with a feast of food and a heated bath ~ no wonder they like visiting you!
Dear Brenda,
ReplyDeleteI am not a morning person although I confess that I wish I was. My father always told me that early morning is the best part of the day. {I don't know that my hubby would agree with that as he's up at 4 am to go to work. We have both always been night hawks.} At this stage of my life, I prefer to lounge about watching the weather network while waiting for the coffee to finish dripping. I was always up earlier to get the kids off to school but now, it's easier to just take my time. Some days the 'bounce' just doesn't happen.
I am however getting a jump on my spring cleaning this year because we painted the kitchen-dining rooms last week. Not quite finished but getting there. It's a good feeling and it's funny how a little paint makes your home feel and look fresher.
The office is where all our clutter is. {It's that room that always has the door closed when we have company.} Between my bits of china and crafting supplies and Hubby's study books and Bibles, it looks like a tornado went through. Maybe after the painting is done {we have another room to do yet} we will tackle the office.
Today, I'm thankful I can get out of bed. {Three years ago, I couldn't thanks to a fall I had.} Also thankful for the mild winter we're having. This time last year, we had a snow bank almost up to the overhang on the front of our house. Thanks El Nino!
My birds are happy flitting from the trees behind our house to the feeder. Although they don't have the luxury of a heated bird bath, I think they enjoy a full supply of sunflower seeds. It's a bright sunny day and I'm glad I can sit here and leave you a comment while sipping my morning coffee. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day, Brenda.
Brenda, I thoroughly enjoyed your Daybook. I'm not a morning person either, and I'm blessed with a husband who gets the coffee made for me every single day. Your Valentine treats sound delightful and it's not too soon to start writing out those cards. I think I'll do some of mine today. Love your favorite thing . . .those little moments of grace that just sneak up on you, however small they may be.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed Agatha Christie's autobiography very much. As you go through you will spot experiences that later ended up in some of her stories.
ReplyDeleteIn general, once I am awake I have to get up and be doing things, especially as the mornings get lighter, but once in a while I like to snuggle down and take my time.
Thank you for visiting my blog and for your very kind comments! You have a fab blog yourself! I love this post and how you set it up.
ReplyDeleteI slowly unwind in the I would not be quick to jump up, lol.
I too, am dreaming of making valentine cards : )
Brenda, I love the watercolor at the top of the post. It is interesting that sweets first come to mind at Valentine's. I enjoyed your post. Sylvia D.
ReplyDeleteLovely to read your thoughts. xx
ReplyDeleteI love the mornings. I used to post regularly at The Simple Woman's Daybook and for some reason, got away from it. Maybe your lovely post will lure me back! Cookies and reading and tea and lovely thoughts for the day.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a morning person at all. It takes me a little while to get going for sure. But I have to force myself to put away the book and go to bed at night. I could stay up to 2 am reading if I let myself!
ReplyDeleteWe are doing another sort-through, inspired by some friends who just moved, and seeing how much stuff they had to get rid of. For us now, it is mostly paper and photos, and those take much longer to sort through!
I like reading your daybook entries Brenda; feels like we just had a cup of tea together!
Blessings, Deborah
oh thank you for visiting my blog! yours is lovely as well. I'm a morning person but ONLY because we set our coffee maker to brew at 5:40 a.m. If my hubby gets in the shower first, I'm in bed until I smell that java..and if I'm the first one in, then that is where I head as soon as I'm dried off :) I do move more slowly in the morning though so I like to "wake up" with some easy yoga stretches. Then it's off to the classroom i go (i'm a special ed teacher in a k class). I love Agatha Christie AND here in my house we ALL love Downton Abbey. We are so sad to be saying good bye to these beloved characters this winter. Happy February!!
ReplyDeleteHappy First Week of February, Brenda. I'm not much of a morning person and struggle to get out of bed when it's still dark outside!
ReplyDeleteI'll have to remember what you said about grace for today's projects and mercy and strength for tomorrow's work.
I like that quote and it is so true so why do I still dawdle? Oh I must go see what Susan had to say about this week's episode. She does provide great commentary.
ReplyDeleteWow! What a lovely blog you have, Brenda! :) I'm linking of with TSWDB for the first time in a LONG time and popped over here and it is BEAUTIFUL. Loved reading your entry and our lessons that we are learning are VERY similar! WOW! :D Bless you. Amy
ReplyDeleteOh I am indeed a morning person Brenda - up at 6:30 to exercise and then sit with hubby over coffee. I've always liked to get the necessities over with and then have the rest of the day to do what pleases me.
ReplyDeleteI've had inspiration from Wendy and yourself to start the decluttering when we get home from Florida, I'm afraid of how much stuff there's going to be!
lots of fun ideas to think on...I'm a morning person-love to get up between 6-7 am but then love to nap later in the day! We are thinking and longing for spring here too even though our weaather is warming to be 60 degrees F today, the wind in cold when it blows...
ReplyDeleteI liked the illustration immediately and then realized that I have that same book. It is one of my favorites though I haven’t picked it up in a while. After seeing this I will be getting it off my bookshelf soon. No, I am not a bouncer out of bed. I am an ease-into-the-day kind of person :) and I am a bit of a night owl. Your heart-shaped cookies look delicious. I am all for the sweet things. A lovely read Brenda, I enjoyed your post immensely. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteA very lovely read today Brenda. I'm "monitoring" to VERY restless children as they sort of pick their way through lunch. They are right now knocking on the table and stomping on the floor ... is it naptime yet?! Your life seems much more peaceful ;) I'm a morning person and always have been. I hate to waste my morning lazing about. My family hates it when on Christmas morning I insist that I get showered and dressed before present opening, but that's me. It's so good to hear about your decluttering! I'm doing the same and have tossed SO much. I'm not quite at minimalist, more 'comfortable'. You're doing great to have sorted through so much already. It's a huge task, but you and I both know how wonderful it'll be to look in tidy closets and walk through a house restored to calm at the end. Best of luck! Spring weather still with us here today, and sunshine!
I think i better get busy and Google Susan Branch. Morning is my time of day! Awake at 5:30, up at 6:30. Don't want to miss the sunrise. I hope your decluttering will inspire me.