Friday, February 12, 2016

Five On Friday

This photo is for anyone feeling a winter bleakness setting in. When I saw this one by Annie Spratt it made me smile and I felt it would surely provide a beautiful pick-me-up for anyone today, whether you are in winter ho-hums or not. Aren't these pails of beauties a sight to behold?

On my quick list of five for today:

1. Meeting a dear friend for lunch this afternoon. It's been a long time since we've had a good visit, so the tea cups will no doubt be refilled a time or two or three.....

2. Declobbering project begins in my study this weekend. The rest of the house is nearly done. Woohoo! But anything I wasn't sure what to do with went in here, so there's some sorting to go through. Maybe it's not as bad as it looks but we won't count on it. Do I have to show you? That's just one corner. 

For my earlier posts about this cleaning project,

3. Making Made Chicken Moroccan Soup yesterday. While I'm off with my girlfriend, Hubby will be enjoying a bowl for his lunch today. We both love this soup -- it's so appetite-stirring when it's simmering away on the stove. Recipe here.

4. Visiting a blog Avignon In Photos I haven't visited in years. What was I thinking to let this beautiful blog slide past me! If you cannot get away on a little trip somewhere lovely, take an armchair visit to Nathalie in Avignon, France. Don't waste time pining you're not there; just enjoy the beauty right here, right now. Your soul will love you for it.

5. Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day. I've had hankerings to make a chocolate raspberry layer cake and I thought Valentine's would be a perfect time for it. I went to library and just 'happened' upon a Julia Child DVD -- lo and behold, it was the baking series. Splendid. And, you'll never guess, she and her guest Alice Medrich were making Chocolate Raspberry Ruffle Cake. Splendid again!

Oh my, it looked divine. Except, rats, it looks a great deal of time is needed to prepare -- something I would be most willing to give; however, I'm not sure if it works out to make it this particular weekend. We'll shall see. We can spread out Valentine's loving all month long, so maybe another day.

In the meantime, I might entice my very own Sweet Baboo to watch it with me as I make notes. If you want to watch the video, here is the episode on Youtube. If you want the actual recipe click here.

Happy Heart Weekend, Beautiful Friends!


Hugs and love,
♥ ♥ ♥

 Linking with Five on Friday


  1. Definitely five lots of lovely! The video sounds as though it will be wonderful, enjoy watching it! Glad that the declobbering is going well - sounds SO much better than decluttering! - it is a big job when you have a whole house to do, but well worth it! Thank you for joining Five On Friday, Happy Valentines! xx

  2. Hello, Brenda - the buckets of flowers really do cheer up the winter-weary soul! It is so dark and dreary here today,, with the occasional fierce squall of wind and rain blowing through. It would be perfect for the delicious Moroccan soup! Thank you for that recipe - I have been hearing so much about the health benefits of turmeric lately. Raspberry and chocolate just seems the perfect combo, I think. It certainly is lovely to take a walk in Avignon. That is the best thing about blogland - we get to experience all corners of this beautiful world in such a personal way - like visiting a friend. Your office looks like my bedroom loft right now. Boxes of stuff......just waiting to go into storage. It's that final step that seems to be the hardest. I get rebellious about then....Lol! Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day, Brenda! Hugs xo Karen

  3. Declobbering. I've not heard that term before. Something I definitely need to do. But meeting a friend for lunch sounds so much nicer. Enjoy! happy weekend, Tammy

  4. Hi Brenda! Happy Friday!
    Hope you enjoy your lunch and special visit with your friend.
    Those flowers are so beautiful and a little hint of the season to come...yeah!
    Oh my goodness...I have lots of de-cluttering to do...good for you for getting yours done.
    Happy Valentines day to you too!

    All my heart,

  5. Cracking up at your de-clobbering! I know if we don't start that process soon and stick with it our kids will want to clobber us after we're gone. LOL! That chicken moroccan soup sounds delish!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Thanks for the flowers they certainly brighten the place up.

  7. That cake...oh my! And how neat to see Julia Childs once more. Declobbering! A very good way to describe getting organized. I am trying to do my entire house before our late summer move...I don't know if I'll ever make it!

  8. Thank you for the lovely recommendations and links. I hope that you gals had a sweet visit! Yes, the flowers are very, very cheerful.

  9. Five lovely things and links. I hope you had a wonderful time with your friends. And it's great that we can celebrate love any day, not just the 14th of February! Let the declobbering begin!

  10. Hello Brenda. I'm a bit behind in my blog reading but I finally made it to catch up with all your news and enjoy your posts. It's been a busy time and I'm craving some serenity and gentleness to restore my balance, both of which I always find here.

  11. Dear Brenda your five lovely things look wonderful. Especially that raspberry dessert. Like you I just might be too short on time to make it but will have to file it away and just perhaps in time it will get sampled in my kitchen as well. The photo by Annie Spratt warmed my heart. Hope you and hubby have a lovely Valentine's day. Hugs!

  12. The flowers are indeed so bright and happy to see ... although we are in bright sunshine today! I'll just ignore the -30C reading from earlier this morning ;) You say declobber, I say declutter! You're doing great if you are already on the last room. I have realized I can only work on this on the weekend to make any progress, and after I finish this last comment with you I am back at it full force! I'm working through categories, and today is the last of the important papers category, and I am fed up with it (and so is my blue box!). Just the thought of chocolate and raspberries has my mouth watering. A favourite combination right there with chocolate and orange. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day Brenda, I know you'll come up with something that will satisfy a sweet tooth tomorrow ;)
    Wendy xox

  13. The soup recipe sounds wonderful! I'll have to look up that cake recipe! Sounds like it has to be made when one has the proper mind set.:-) xo Nellie

  14. Happy Valentine's Day, Brenda! Now you've got me craving chocolate raspberry cake!

  15. The flowers are gorgeous, guaranteed to put a smile on my face. I hope you enjoyed the time spent with your friend.
    Happy Valentine's Day, and good luck with the declobbering.

  16. Love the flowers and I am a big fan of Julia Child. Would love a slice of the wonderful cake. Hope you and yours have a beautiful Valentine's day. By the way, your clobber looks quite organized to me.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda