Monday, February 08, 2016

Monday Moment

Monday Moment
“As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful. They are the things that fill our lives with comfort and our hearts with gladness -- just the pure air to breathe and the strength to breath it; just warmth and shelter and home folks; just plain food that gives us strength; the bright sunshine on a cold day; and a cool breeze when the day is warm.” ~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,


  1. I love Laura Ingalls-Wilder's beautiful perspectives on life and I think she has got it exactly right here!x

  2. What a wonderful philosophy! Thanks for sharing.

    That chocolate looks so good, I haven't had chocolate in 4 months and, well, just UGH! : - )

    Have a wonderful week full of love! ♥♥♥\

  3. A lovely picture and wonderful words! I adore Laura Ingalls Wilder, her quotes are always so wise aren't they. xx

  4. Laura Ingalls Wilder is so right and the older I get the more I come to realize this very quote.

  5. I couldn't agree more.

  6. True words and a beautiful photo to accompany them.

  7. Thank you for sharing this wise quote, Brenda. Perhaps it's time for me to re-read the Little House in the Prairie books again...

  8. Dearest Brenda - I started reading the quote and immediately thought, 'Laura Ingalls Wilder' and I was right. She had such a delightful way of finding the silver lining and gratitude in each moment. Whatever is in that little cup sure looks delicious! I am guessing - Chai tea....Hope your week is filled with precious moments. Hugs xo Karen

  9. A beautiful philosophy for a happy and simple life :)

  10. Beautiful quote. I think that philosophy is at the heart of your blog Brenda, and why this is such a lovely, peaceful place to visit. "finding glimpses of heaven in unexpected places" Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Valentine's Day. xo Deborah


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda