Thursday, January 28, 2016


"Sometimes it's the same moments that take your breathe away
that breathe purpose and love back into your life." ~ Steve Maraboli

I found this beauty in a digital photo file the other day. Photographed in my garden almost seven summers ago, I realized it was one of the very first I uploaded to my then-brand-new Facebook page.

It seemed a shame not to show it off again -- this rosy glimpse of summer bliss. I can almost catch a whiff of her fragrant petals. Although I'm not weary with winter yet, as I love this season too, I must admit its beauty adds a certain light and grace to this grayish, dimmish January morning.

By the way, although I do not have a public Facebook page -- where you can follow without asking to be Friends -- you are cordially invited to send a friend request, if you so desire, by clicking here. I'd be delighted to share the journey with you over there.

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,


  1. It is an exquisite rose, giving hope that there will eventually be a Summer!

    1. Yes indeed! Hope you and your hubby are doing well today. Sending you xox!

  2. I have to admit that I get weary of winter before it has even begun. I count the days until the first daffodils show their pretty faces. xo Laura

    1. Laura, Hope those pretty daffy faces come early in your corner of the world.

      B xox

  3. Dear Brenda what a truly lovely photo. This glimpse of summer bliss is such a wonderful sight for my winter eyes. Thank you for sharing. Hugs!

  4. You've got me thinking after this lovely posie how nice a fresh pot of bright flowers would look on my windowsill with a backdrop of snow! I love winter too but I do miss the flowers. Maybe I should add tulips to my grocery list.

  5. The flower certainly does bring thoughts of warmer weather. We had a very special morning today. There was frost as well as fog, and the bare limbs on the bushes appeared to be clothed in white sleeves! Just gorgeous! That was our special glimpse today! xo Nellie

  6. What a happy sight to look upon, a rose in the dead of winter! We are having our share of gray days here too... drippy gray days, and I too love winter, but if this is what winter is going to be, then I am hoping for spring :)

  7. Such a pretty sight on a winter morning, although we are going to be in the 70s today. We are due for some cold weather in a week or so. After all, it is February in a couple of days.

  8. It is a beautiful colour. Would you believe, it has been so mild over here that some of my roses are still flowering, right through from last summer.

  9. Your gardens must be glorious in the growing seasons... ~Lori~

  10. It's so lovely to see colour during these grey mornings. I have daffodils, blossom and roses growing and it's still January! Crazy weather. Have a wonderful weekend x

  11. love the memories of summer, spring is in the wintertime rushes by

  12. What a beautiful flower! I forgot the other day, I meant to say, yes, go to Greenway if you can, it is great and - in my opinion slightly better - go to Coleton Fishacre which is just up the road from Greenway, it is fabulous too. Look on the National Trust website. xx


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda