Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Clearing Out the Clobber

If you're wondering where I've been these past few days, my hubby and I are busy clearing out the clobber in our house.

I just love that word 'clobber'. It's British and slang for personal belongings, effects, property, chattels, or paraphernalia.  I fell in love with this fun-sounding word when Oscar Blundell in Winter Solstice tells Elfrieda he'd need to clear out the Billicliffe clobber when he learned he'd inherited the old Major's house and effects, which included one old dog and a rusted out vehicle. In light of that revelation, the word 'clobber' seemed to fit perfectly.

Closer to home, it seems when we weren't looking, we've collected quite a lot of our own clobber over the past few years. I never figure out where it all comes from. I mean, where does it all come from -- do you know? I'm not a big shopper these days, but while we were busy and much too tired from working at our part-time night cleaning job these past few years, our own house grew into a somewhat disheveled, sadly neglected old lady. The basics were done and that was about all.

But, now with the night cleaning job behind us, and us having lots more energy, certainly more time, and even pockets-full of enthusiasm, we've undertaken to tackling the mess in our own lives this month. We're culling. And cleaning -- sorting, shredding, chucking, giving away, and re-organizing -- going through every cupboard, drawer, shelf, and closet. In every room. No stone shall be left unturned. Cough, cough ... not to mention a few dust bunnies.

It may seem an overwhelming job, and it jolly well could feel that way, but we're doing it the smart way. Drawer by drawer, shelf by shelf, closet by closet, something every day as much as we feel inclined to tackle. So far, it's been quite manageable. Plus, we get coffee and tea breaks. With treats.

Hubby and I each have our own clobber to sort, and we leave each other to it. No sticking our noses in the other's clobber -- oh no. But, for those things we need to decide on together, well, we do that over morning coffee. With team spirit and a feeling of 'we are in this together.'

Little by little, by month's end, we should see sparkling decluttered corners, all remaining clobber shining and fit for use as we enjoy that lovely, beautiful feeling once again ... order has been brought from chaos, not to mention that really nice feeling of knowing everything is back in place and we'll know just where to find it when we need it.

"Do other people, I wonder, find the same keen pleasure that I do in periodically undertaking a pilgrimage all over the house to wage a war of extermination upon its accumulations of rubbish?" ~ Chiffon, "The Woman of To‑Day," To‑Day, 1898, from quotegarden.com

And so, on that note, I'm wishing you all a beautiful day. Glimpses of heaven in unexpected places, even in dwindling shredding piles ... or whatever you are up to on this wintry day.

Sending you hugs,

Today I'm linking with a spirit of simplicity


  1. Clobber is such a great word! There was some clobber cleaning here over the weekend, too, in my sewing room. It's not quite finished and will have to wait until next week end for more attention.
    It's so satisfactory to end up with a tidy space and a huge pile of recyclables, garbage, or thrift store items. Happy de-clobbering!

  2. Clobber does seem to multiply, doesn't it? My sewing room is a disaster, so that is my next project. It's the perfect room to throw things when I have guests coming! I need to stop buying supplies for projects that I never get to....It's a good feeling to have things tidy once more. So nice to light a scented candle and bring in some fresh flowers when you are done. Have fun - by the way, I am glad I am not around to grab some of your interesting looking clobber! xo Karen

  3. I like the word in this context. Much nicer than used as a verb. Don't let your clobber clobber you!

  4. What a great word! I spent the day clearing out the clobber too, in my study, and oh goodness... what a job! There's a lot more to do, but I really think I can manage it better if I just remember this "magic" word :).

  5. How nice to get the clobber sorted first thing in the new year! I like that word, clobber, always makes me giggle a bit for some reason, and it's such a useful word!

  6. Oh my ... you're singing my song. I just told The Man last week, after a distressing visit to the walk-in closet, that we have to get serious about getting some of the "clobber" out of there. I do love that word: clobber.

  7. I never thought of 'clobber' as being peculiar to the English! Happy decluttering.

  8. how funny you should post about this today as I entered my computer room or office-it is filling up again, not to mention our guest casita where I moved my file cabinets...someday my family will have to go through all this IF I don't do it first...lol! Little by little, drawer by drawer is a good plan-thanks!

  9. That is a wonderfully descriptive word and I like it ever so much better than "junk"! :)

    Enjoy sorting through your clobber, for it is truly a satisfying task once begun. No clobber-clearing for me just yet. January is too exciting at our house this year!

  10. I'm with you all the way, dear Brenda! Clobber is a great word. lol I feel so accomplished after a good de-cluttering. Stuff is good for the mind when there's less of it, I always say.
    Wishing you a cozy and organized day,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  11. Good for you! That is something that desperately needs doing in our house. Like you said, little by little, and one day, probably later than sooner for us, we will see a difference, too.

  12. "Out of clutter, find simplicity."
    ~Albert Enstien~

  13. Brenda, don't you wonder where those dust bunnies come from? I think I'm doing a fairly decent job of house cleaning, and then I find there are a bunch of these bunnies behind a dresser or the bed.

  14. I guess that I think of clobber as paraphernalia which goes with a particular activity, I never thought of it in this way before, but you are right, it is a great descriptor. I love that you love Winter Solstice, I adore all Rosamunde Pilcher books!! Hope that the clearing of the clobber goes well! xx

  15. Thank you for the introduction to a fun new term! It's interesting how many bloggers share a common goal of decluttering this year. I like follow a slow but steady pace of purging excess items from my place. Good luck with your declobbering!

  16. Clobber is a new word for me. :) I can open every closet in my house right now and point to clobber. :)

  17. Clobber makes the whole process sound more fun. I'm going through the same process, and actually have been MIA these past few days for this reason. It's been very uplifting so far, but I have a long way to go. At someone's suggestion I bought and read the book by Marie Kondo about decluttering. It has really helped my focus and has given me the strength to get rid of so much. I'll be writing about it soon ... when I have a spare minute from the purging! Good luck with your own de-clobbering ;)

  18. Oh Brenda I live that word clobber. January usually sees me starting to work in mine. Just found some old books in drawers that I dropped off to a local charity. So like you little by little I will work in my clobber too. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs!

  19. What a great word! And because that stuff is a burden to keep and own, clobber seems to fit it perfectly. I'm hoping to get a lot more work done on my own clobber this winter.

  20. I'm with you 'Clobber' is such a brilliant word and isn't January a great time to clear out, de-clutter and renew!

    All the best Jan

  21. I especially appreciate this post and relate to it very much! Thank you. I needed to read about 'clobber' and the joy of clearance, purifying oneself from the 'burden' - cos clobber IS a burden. Fabulous post which I shall keep and share. Love Helen, Darcy, Bing and Fred xxxx

  22. It is one of my guilty secrets that I quite like housekeeping and tiding up (even ironing!) but for all that clutter keeps accumulating and it is an on-going battle. I adore the word clobber and the Chiffon quote.

  23. There is nothing quite so satisfying than a good clear out. It is great that both you and your husband are of the same mind set, when it comes to sorting out and tidying. The kitchen cupboards have had my attention this week, quite a number of items will be making them way to my local charity shop.

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  24. I do love a good clear-out. I like that you leave each other to it and only confer on the shared items. And clobber - what a fantastic word.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda