Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Mostly Wordless Wednesday: A Tiny Peek in the Garden

When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy,
there is always the garden.
~ Minnie Aumonier

Earth laughs in flowers.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.
~ Abraham Lincoln

The lesson I have thoroughly learnt, and wish to pass on to others,
is to know the enduring happiness that the love of a garden gives.
~ Gertrude Jekyll

The kiss of the sun for pardon. Song of the birds for mirth.
You’re closer to God’s heart in a garden than any place else on earth.
~ Dorothy Frances Gurney

The garden is starting to look lovely. The peonies are in full bud--a few more days and they will burst out (no pics here yet). The patterned pink petunias are happy in a big display pot. Just bought the pink geranium in a hanging basket for our back deck. Hmm...I see there seems to be a pink theme this Spring.

Mom's Peace Rose (the one we take care of for her at our house) has been sharing the love these past few days with several gorgeous blossoms. I never get tired of watching this rose send out her amazing blooms.

Can't wait to plant out the red dahlias--I bought two pots last night. And the lovely purple tulips are done for this year but they gave such a show a week or two ago, I had to show you too. I've been been tucking in annuals to fill in empty spaces around our new perennials--marigolds, alyssums, and snapdragons, to name a few. Once they get started, I'll share pictures.

Here's wishing you a beautiful day,


PS. Busy working on my first 'how I found my beautiful life' post;
hope to get it up this weekend.


  1. Such a lovely post, as usual. A feast for the eyes and joy for the soul. Thank you, Brenda.

  2. Lovely lovely. I seem to have a pink theme in my garden this year too ... well, most years actually. Pink is my signature colour. 😊

  3. My Peace rose look so like yours, a mass of frilly tutu. She is gorgeous!

  4. Beautiful flowers.That rose is stunning and goes with my theme this month.After all June is all about roses.

  5. The garden is looking beautiful. The rose is swoon worthy.

  6. Lots of pretties in your garden. Spring has sprung! (Actually, it has felt like summer here, but the past few days have been gloriously springlike!)

    Looking forward to your new series.

  7. Beautiful glimpses of heaven in your garden, Brenda. June is such a lovely month for flowers. That rose is stunning.

  8. i know when I stop by your blog, I will be rewarded with something lovely. Between the flowers and the quotes, I was smitten.

  9. flowers make the day, even green non blooming house plants help with their freshness and vitality!

  10. Dear Bren: You know I love this post. Your blooms are gorgeous - can't wait to see the peonies. Ours are gone for this year and I miss them already. Also, love the quotes !

  11. Brenda, your garden flowers are absolutely stunning...and I love the quotes you have put with them! I thank you for leaving such a sweet comment on my Hodgepodge post yesterday. I am among those having issues with my comments so I didn't see your comment for a while since it dis not make it into my mailbox. Enjoy those beautiful blooms!

  12. You have some beautiful flowers with those deep dark colors of summer. I saw a big bed of orange marigolds this morning at the farmer's mkt...I said, Oooohhhh...out loud! heehee! Hugs!

  13. Beautiful photos!

    "Earth laughs in flowers.
    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"

    I LOVE this!

  14. Lovely Brenda! I was recently in England, and the flowers, blossom trees and green meadows made my heart sing. I realized more than ever what Wordsworth saw when he wrote about the daffodils. I saw them by the millions, all along the hedgerows, in gardens, cottages, and stately homes. 'A million saw I at a glance'

  15. Your garden will be a veritable wonderland! Lovely photos!

  16. How lovely the garden looks, dear Brenda, perfect for a long summer evening. Whenever a new season appears I always think - "you are my favorite!", I'm fickle like that. I love summer.

  17. Such lovely flowers, Brenda. Isn't gardening wonderful? Thank you so much for your visits. I love them! Susan

  18. So many pretty blooms, dear Brenda. This time of year just seems to make up for all of those cold, dreary months behind us. Love all the wonderful quotes. xx K

  19. How lovely! My peonies just started blooming over the weekend too!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda