Friday, August 08, 2014

Unveiling A Me Photo

As you may recall, this past May I attended my very first writer's retreat. It was an awesome experience, which included, among others, the special treat by our retreat sponsors to have a professional photographer come one day to take official 'author' pics.

Saturday morning dawned beautifully. So we chose the lovely outdoors as our place of pose in front of an earthy stone wall.

As the photographer got me settled with the right tilt of the chin and the behind on the cushion just so, I could feel myself trying to smile 'naturally'. Except I must not have been, as he finally said, after several snaps that obviously weren't cutting it, R-e-l-a-x! So I shook my shoulders, took a deep breath and let my breath out slowly. It helped. Sort of.

And then he snapped the one you see above. It was supposed to be just a head and shoulders (so if I'd have known my hands were going to be in it I would have had a mani done ahead of time...  oh well... vanity,'s the real me!)

At first I was a little shy to share, but I decided that if when the day comes for my pic to be on the back cover of a book with my author name on the front, I should get 'used to' it being out there for God and everyone to see.

After all, I love looking at author photos when I'm reading, as I want to see the face of the person who's given me the experience of his or her world of imagination and wonder.

So there it is.... the official unveiling of my first official author pic. And, yes, I'm happy with it.

Speaking of photos, someone once made the comment that if God had a refrigerator in his kitchen in heaven, your photo would be on it. In light of that, here's to enjoying with him those photos of ourselves that he has on his frig door.

Wishing you a photo-beautiful day,

Note from the author:   'Nice' comments in response to this post and photo are not obligatory, but will be joyfully received if given.


  1. Very nice photo.. I really need to have a better one of me taking.....

    1. Dottie, It's a delight to see you here now that we connected on FB too. I'm looking forward to getting to know you. Already I know we have kindred connections on several levels, just looking at your lovely blog.

      And thanks for your kind note on the photo!

  2. Brenda, I think it is really lovely, and I'm coveting that beautiful blue top. It looks very natural. Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. Linda, That top is my absolute favourite. I never tire of wearing and I hope it lasts a long time in my wardrobe. Are those some of your favourite colours too?

  3. It's so hard to be happy with a photo of ourselves. I never am. In fact, the only time I'm a little happy is when everyone else is saying, "Who is that woman?" Ha! I'd like to take your photo. You're a very pretty gal!

    1. We all must have some an ideal standard inside our minds about what we'd like to look like, and as you say, it's hard to be happy with photos that don't live up to that ideal. For me, I always wanted to be graceful and lovely like so many of the 1940's and 50's movie stars... Deborah Kerr, Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly.

      I remember once watching a documentary on Judy Garland. She used to have the same problem, trying to be as beautiful as those around her, but never quite measuring up to the Hollywood standard. That must have been hard for her, and I hope she got it in the end that her beauty came from within whenever she sang.

  4. Lovely, indeed! What a great opportunity to get a professional photo!

  5. What a lovely photo! I look forward to the day when I can see this very picture on the back of a book cover :).

  6. Lovely smile, who looks at hands? lol....

  7. Beautiful! And that color looks terrific on you!


  8. Very nice! You look lovely and your little 'Mona Lisa' smile is awesome! I love your ensemble, too. Someday I will be reading your book and seeing that photo on the back cover! Hugs xo Karen

    1. You are kind! To be compared to that famous smile is quite something. Have to admit it makes me grin with glee.

  9. It's lovely!! Hope it graces a book cover soon!

  10. You look lovely - happy and relaxed! And it took absolutely no effort to say this!

  11. Your face is beautiful! I understand about posing for pictures.
    We hate it but others love to see us.
    It's a great picture!!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda