Monday, December 09, 2013

A Puzzling Tradition

I enjoy putting together seasonal-themed jigsaw puzzles during the month of December, so I"m often on the look-out for a new one each year.

Yet I usually come back to the very first Christmas puzzle I bought years ago. It's A Peanuts Christmas by Springbok. It still remains a favourite one to work on.

As a child I never really warmed to the Christmas special on television ---I felt sad every year when I saw poor, yelled-at Charlie Brown with his sad little tree.

It wasn't until years later when I saw the movie again that I realized that I'd forgotten the rest of the story.  It doesn't end with Charlie staying sad and alone. Do you remember where he forlornly wails, Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?

And, Linus, so sweetly and confidently, takes center stage and begins to recite those beautiful, poignant words taken from the centuries-old version of Luke's Gospel (It's the one I know by heart just from hearing it over and over as a child):
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them and they were sore afraid. And the angel of the Lord said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord....

For me, that's Christmas. I do all the decorating, baking, partying, singing, wrapping presents, eating and visiting as a joyous way to celebrate and honour and take joy in  the Child...Emmanuel God with Us.

As for the puzzle, I haven't started it yet this year, but it's sitting on the table in the family room....waiting. I look forward to pouring out the pieces and sorting them.  As I go about my life over the next few days, I'll stop, puzzle a few pieces into place, and hopefully by Christmas Eve, it will be altogether.

Are you a puzzler?

Wishing you a peace-filled day,


  1. When my kids were younger, we used to always put together a Christmas puzzle. I miss doing that - you are giving me some wonderful ideas tonight as I visit! :) I am a huge Peanuts fan - I need to look and see if I can find this puzzle somewhere! :)

  2. I haven't put a puzzle together in ages! I used to do it often when I was younger. We have a few in my mother's study I should pick and put together; I have a desk that is large enough for puzzle-making. :D

    I love that Charlie Brown special so much. It used to be for laughs, but now it speaks to me.


  3. I do love puzzles, but most of the rest of the family does not. However, if I put one out they may spend a couple of minutes with me putting a piece or two in.

  4. I'm puzzled because I didn't start enjoying them until recently. Now, I have one going all the time.


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