Sunday, December 02, 2012

Quiet Quests


Let it Snow...let it snow...let it snow!
 That's what it's doing around here this weekend.

After a busy and happy day of celebrating someone's birthday yesterday
it feels wondrous to snuggle deep near the fireplace
with candle lights flickering...

Orange and clove flavoured pots o' tea
Not to mention nibbles of Godiva dark chocolate

And words whispering comforting thoughts page after page.

Ahhhh... bliss for this grey snowy day.

Feeling quite content ~ I feel His peace near. 

With warmest wishes for beauty and grace to you,


  1. That sounds perfect, Brenda.

  2. I wish we have a fireplace but love having a gas furnace!

  3. What a lovely day that has been for you.

  4. How pleasant your day have created a very peaceful place here filled with sweetness and simplicity.

  5. No snow here....but cozy just the same. After a joyful morning and pleasant Holiday Housewalk this afternoon, I'm kind of thankful (for a change) that it is quite dark already at 5:30! "Cozy" is feeling really good right now :)

    After reading this sweet post, I think I'll light a candle or two and enjoy the flicker AND the scent. Blessings on you and "yours" as your day ends and a new week begins....

  6. Steady falling of white fluffy snow over here. It is nice to be cozy inside even if there is no fireplace.

  7. Such a peaceful, cozy scene you've created for us. We've hunkered indoors for much of this weekend due to rain, not snow. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead, Brenda.

  8. thank you, brenda, for your lovely 'getaway' in words!! you have such a talent for using the written word to wisk us away to another place in mind!! it's mind-boggling to think it was 60 here yesterday (Dec 2) in Iowa and i was outside grooming my dog, Wriggly, and dressed in shorts & t-shirt!!! have a Blessed week!
    ^)^ linda
    i KNOW where my 'sticks' & 'string' are!!! i'm finishing a baby blanket for St.Mary's Baptismal class to present to one of the families!!!

  9. That all sounds so wonderful (except the snow part.) I hope I can do the same thing soon.

    Thanks for visiting me on my blog. I have finally put up a new one. You encouraged me to get going.

  10. Brenda-
    I was looking back at a past Christmas post of yours where you noted that you were taking a class, "Transform Your Life, Transform Your City>"
    Would love to hear more about that!

  11. Dear Brenda - wondering if Dec. 1st was your birthday - if so hope it was happy - my hubby's is the first of Dec. as well. Sounds wonderful by your fire - I will be right over. xo Debbie

    1. No, not my birthday... but someone near and dear. Good to hear from you, Debbie!

  12. ooooohhh just to be there :-0 sounds so gloriously cozy and warm!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda