Saturday, December 29, 2012

Important Nothings...

We're well.
Still in that relaxed mode.

Just pulled Orange/Apricot/Pecan Muffins from the oven.
As you can see we barely wait for them to cool before
testing them.  Oh yes... yum!  Will set out the recipe next time. 

Fresh linen on the beds with plumped pillows
(awaiting an afternoon nap, I'm sure).
How fortuitous then that the sun will be slipping in
through the west window to fill the room with light and warmth.

NB. The snowflake pillow on the bed was designed and created by my dear
blogging friend, Katherine, over at Sew Me Something Good.
We actually met, with husbands in tow, last December for the first time --
as it turns out we live in the same province -- how's that for a small world!
Isn't she the most amazing quilter/crafter?

 * * *

More of this and that,
which includes poking my nose in a book or two or three:

Winter Solstice -- a delightful re-read by Rosamunde Pilcher
The Hobbit -- never read before and now I want to see the new movie
The Shack Revisited -- if you were captivated by the first book, you'll likely enjoy this further look

Watching an episode or two of Pie in the Sky
with hubby later this evening

Slurping down homemade turkey noodle soup
when hubby gets home for the gym....
(no I didn't go)

There... my day of  important nothings and stuff like that.

And you? 

Wishing you joy for the day.....


  1. You have just described my perfect day!
    I will be escorting, out of town guests, around town.
    Hope you enjoy some of your day for me.

  2. I am very intrigued by the sequel to The Shack. Yes, your friend is an excellent crafter. It's great fun to learn what a small world we live in. I now have blogging buddies in my own corner and I'm going to make a point of meeting them, too.

    You've described such a delicious day along with your delicious foods that I find myself hoping you took that nap in the afternoon sun.

  3. The "relaxed mode" seems just the way to flow in these lovely days after holiday busyness. I find that I need slow, quiet days to balance the busy ones in every season.

    And those muffins sound (and look) soooo good. I must give this recipe a try!

  4. I'm reading your posts backwards as I catch up on blog reading. What a lovely day you described, full of warmth and coziness. I reread Winter Solstice in December - will have to look for The Shack sequel.

  5. your friend does excellent quilting (applique?) that's a lovely pillow!!
    ^)^ linda

  6. Your bed coverings are so lovely. I truly love the designs.


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