Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Photo That Changed My Focus

Mother defending her child during the bombing in the Middle East
Photo Source:  Unknown

I was kinda grumbling to my sis the other day about my irritations of the day. Minor they were, but at the moment I felt like everything was up-side-down. In her kindly sisterly fashion, Sister asked if she could send me a sad photo from a news story she'd recently received; she thought it might help me to put things in perspective. Oh yes, please, send it!

Oh my ... upon seeing this photo my focus and perspective immediately cleared right up. Gratitude returned. As well as the deep desire to pray for this woman and her child.

After seeing this poignant photo, I am also reminded of those ancients comforting words from the Book of Psalms: He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty... He will cover you with his pinions and under his wings you will find refuge.

I'm saving this picture because I want it as a reminder...
~ To pray for these two and others in this region.

~ That our Heavenly Father longs to gather us close to Himself as a hen would gather her chicks beneath her wings when we're in the midst of our own 'terror' attacks (of whatever shape they take).

~ That my world is really very good ALL things considered.

Draw near. Be blessed.
Be grateful.
Be safe.

Hugs and loving thoughts,


  1. It really does put things into perspective.

  2. we are so often ungrateful for little things. At our holiday gathering my 3 year old grand daughter ended up with a hairline fracture of her leg. Now I cry for her pain, I'm sure our Heavenly Father griefs too over all the pain and hate in the world.

  3. Ohhhh...that does put things into perspective very quickly...and it also does because so many of us are in fear for Israel today. We live in perilous times. It's a reminder to pray.

    Oh dear, I just looked up at Lin's comment to see that her little granddaughter had a hairline fracture of her leg. I can relate to a grand's breaking a leg so am praying for that little one, too.

  4. i was wondering where this pic was taken... this scene happens so, so often in the conflicting areas of our world... our everyday complaints are seldom of equal importance as this everyday occurance for so many in dangerous parts of the world. we have so much to be thankful for... so many have so little... i pray for an end to conflict(s) between peoples' religions that we may all live to be neighbors on this earth.
    ^)^ linda
    i have been knitting furiously for little babies... (i KNOW where my 'sticks' & 'string' are!!!

  5. I add my prayers to yours and others...such a paradox...heartbreaking and brilliantly beautiful all at once. My eyes have tears.
    Thank you for sharing your jolt into proper valuable.

  6. Joining my prayers with yours today Brenda. Thank you for this poignant message of hope and love!

  7. This was a great lesson indeed Brenda. Wow - we are so lucky here. Thanks. sandie

  8. What a powerful photo, with a jolting lesson for all of us. Thank you, Brenda.

  9. What a touching post. It does truly remind us of how blessed we really are.


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