Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Variety Takes The Cake

photo from Martha's site

I love those delectable mile-high desserts that often preside at special occasions on footed glass cake stands. It's been ages since I've seen such a cake, never mind tasted one -- you know, one where between layers of cake various flavors burst on your taste buds in wild surprise.
Now there is nothing wrong with a one-layer cake, but oh my! it is so much more exciting to savor a variety of flavors in that one 'heavenly' experience.

In my search for a multi-layer cake recipe, I found Martha Stewart and Paula Deen baking a Hummingbird Cake on video. Curious name, but it looked and sounded super-delicious. I figure if Martha and Paula are whipping up such a cake, it must be good! Have you tried it?

* * *  

I think life is a lot like a multi-layer cake As the baker of such a dessert, I can choose what to put between the layers of my daily existence.  Some days end up being a one-layer cake  -- especially if I'm trying to get something done.  But it's also delicious to be able to experience days that are layered with several different flavors, textures, and experiences.

Layers of reading, scrapbooking or birdwatching. Doing the crossword, writing a new blog posting, baking a special birthday cake. Country drives, reading a magazines, meditating. Visiting an exuberant family gathering, taking a quiet walk through leafy woods, sharing a cozy coffee with a friend. Layering the passionate stuff between the more tedious tasks.  Lazy moments alongside crazy busy ones. Up and down, out and in, square and thin. Chocolate with coffee, tea with cucumber sandwiches, toast with strawberry jam.

It may be an old cliche, but I do believe it when they say: Variety is the spice of life. Those times when I layer my days with an assortment of activity, people and experiences, my life really does burst forth with more flavor... anticipation... joie de vivre.

Want a slice?


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda