Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 73. 10 Ways To Fill Your Colour Tank

 Photograph by Kelly  Sikkema /
Earlier today I made a quick visit to Sew Me Something Good. I was astounded -- it felt like I had dropped into a large paint tray filled with colours or a bright new box of crayons. What a feast for the eyes.

That's when I realized my soul has been craving colour. I suddenly felt like I was being fed. With many people (including myself) wearing so much black these days, over time, my colour tank was seriously depleted of this wonderful gift.

I remember reading an article many years ago about individuals who came to North America from countries behind the Iron Curtain. They were surprised at finding so much colour in the world around us. From clothes to art to flower-filled gardens. They loved it. Apparently their own surroundings were sombre, filled with shadows and muted greys. I really felt the impact of that, making me realize the awesome gift that we have in Colour all around us. I started taking time to really notice the colours around me and appreciating the joy this beauty brings to my world.

If you've been feeling a little grey, here are 10 ways you can add a splash of colour and zest:

1. Visit a few quilting/designing/art inspired blogs.

2. Buy a big new box of crayons (the biggest box you can find) and a colouring book or blank art book. Now spend some time playing with all the wonderful shades and hues.

3. Visit a quilting/fabric shop in person. Let your eyes feast on all the shades of blue and green and yellow. Marvel at how many shades of red are sitting there bolt after bolt of fabric.

4. Go to the nearest scrapbooking store and let your eyes rove over the display of colourful paper.

5. Add more colour to your home designs. If you've got beige walls, buy some new cushions in some stunning new colour.

6. Alexandra Stoddard puts coloured pencils in a holder and sets them on her desk. Love that too.

7. Fill a jar with jellybeans or jube-jubes. My friend, Rosalie, just gave me a jar full of jube-jubes -- they look like bright jewels on my desk.

8. Buy a new scarf for your fall jacket. If you are normally conservative in your choices, be bold and outrageous -- choose a colour you wouldn't normally pick. Like orange.

9. If you've still got fall colours in your neighbourhood, go for a walk in it. Bring autumn branches into your house and set them in a large vase.

10. Visit an art gallery. Or visit your child's school -- their walls are often displayed with vibrant and joyful art.

My colour tank feels fuller already! Adding colour is an easy way to bring more joy and beauty into our lives.

Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places,

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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda