Friday, December 23, 2022

It's Nearly Here...

"It is Christmas in the heart
that puts Christmas in the air."

I started to work on this new blog post several times now. I have so many things I want to share with you. Fun stuff, and book stuff, and Christmas around the house stuff. Baking stuff and cold weather stuff. Alas, my blogging muse has already booked off for the holidays and she doesn't seen a'tall interested in coming back for a few hours to help me out.

I admit to feeling very festive myself today. It started in earnest yesterday morning when Rick and I visited the Italian Centre to do a little Christmas 'baking' at their bakery (such yummy treats). Treats to share with our lovely neighbours.

Then I saw on Facebook that a writer and fellow blogging friend posted a plea for donations. She works at one of the city libraries and mentioned how some of their visitors are in need of toques and mittens and socks. With the cold weather, their stock has run low. Thinking of the brutal weather of these past weeks, our hearts quaked to imagine people going about not properly dressed. So we dropped into Marks and bought a big bag of warm things. I think my friend was amazed that we'd come all the way into town. And that's when the Christmas spirit floated in . . . our hearts expanded knowing this was something that really mattered, offering something that will provide some comfort to someone on these harsh days. We've been waiting to feel that wonderment of Christmas . . . and now it's here. Now this is Christmas.

I've been rereading a few blog posts from Christmases Past. I'm amazed, and humbled, to say that they continue to sparkle with life and hope and joy. Even for me, the author of them. If you're looking for something today to comfort or lift up and cheer, perhaps something in these two posts will light your candle:

'Christmas On'
Dec 21, 2021
"Well here it is, the first official day of winter, and it's just four more sleeps until Christmas. I woke early to find moonbeams streaming into our bedroom. The ghostly globe hung high... CLICK TO READ MORE

'A Wee Chat Before Christmas'
Dec 23, 2020
"I'm writing in the early morning, just moments before sunrise. Silent stars fade as a blaze of glory stains the sky in the predawn. As I watch from my front step in the cold air, I hear a chorus of sparrows singing in the hedges. Oh my, such a marvelous beginning to...  CLICK TO READ MORE 

There will be other days to tell you all the other things I wanted to chat about. Now it's time to wish you a Happy Christmas . . . it's my heart wish that your own hearts will be filled with peace and joy and the comfort of some of life's little pleasures.

"God bless us, everyone!"

With love,

Photo credits:

Top Image by Zsolt from Pixabay
Middle Image by Stefan Nyffenegger from Pixabay
Bottom Image by Brenda Leyland


  1. I'm with you in the lack of blogging mojo just now. I put up a post today sharing just a few things that I've been thinking about, and I'm signing off for the season. What a lovely thing you and Rick did for those in need. Such cold days when warm socks and gloves are much appreciated.
    Wishing you a lovely, lovely Christmas!

  2. You have found the wonderment of Christmas and that is truly wonder-ful! Merry Merry Christmas!

  3. Wat a kind thought, Brenda and so much more appreciated than tinsel and sparkle. Lovely to be able to share at Christmas. Wishing you a delightful time.

  4. “Christmas On!” Love that expression!! Fortunately with the latest snowfall I feel that “whisper of wonderment!!!” I love that expression also Brenda!!!!
    As someone who is always “reminiscing “ about the traditions of past Christmases, I appreciated your thinking about just letting those Christmas moments “happen” ~ enjoy them , be present in them rather than always longing for the past.
    Corrie tenBoom’s saying .. I couldn’t help but think of ALL of the people in Ukraine. They seem to feel such a United hope and I imagine are trying hard to keep that hope through Christmas. Our children in my community have experienced a tragic death of a lovely and kind Senior who died in a car crash when her car was hit by a dumptruck going through an intersection. Her family has to be in despair. It is comforting to “think on “ Corrie TenBoom’s thought.
    You have touched on SO much that makes Christmas special, including the BEAUTIFUL tree and fun of baking and having special treats to share ~ and yes, even looking at the very real meaning in Christmas; giving to people who simply need warmth and taking a bag of warm things to them.
    Thank you Brenda for ALL the ways you speak to our hearts ; for the time you take to carefully “think on” this conversation that you care to have with us.
    Have a Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for ALL the gifts you bring to so many !!!~ Ann

  5. Sharing Christmas with those who need assistance is such a gift! Have a wonderful celebration and may joy follow you into the new year. Merry Christmas!

  6. How good that you were able to help in such a practical way. May hands and heads be warm and protected from the brutal cold. And how wonderful to have the joy of Christmas spread into your hearts and minds as a result. A blessed Christmas to you.

  7. That quote from Madeleine L'Engle, Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light, touched my spirit tonight. That will certainly be true for many, as it has been for us too. Bless you for sharing it once more tonight. Many years ago, in the pre-dawn dark as wind gently stroked our trees, Our Lady told me, Sorrow before joy. Indeed. Merry Christmas, Brenda.

  8. Yes, helping and giving to others makes us really feel our own blessings! I hope you had a lovely Christmas!

  9. Hope you're enjoying the holiday season and staying nice and warm, dear Brenda. All the best for the new year!

  10. I love what you did to really act on the Christmas spirit. Many people will have been grateful to have received those warm things. That's the best way to show the spirit.

  11. ha ha, I keep forgetting to look up and change the anonymous to 'me' ...

  12. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Brenda.

    I am sure that your gift of warmth was greatly appreciated by those in need.

  13. Dear Brenda just read this post and the last two you referenced. Lovely photos and lovely words. I pray your Christmas was blessed and that the New Year will find you joyful in His Hope. Hugs!

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Just a note to let you know that I am thinking of you. I am praying that you are well . I pray that January has begun in “a gentle way” to you; praying that whatever it is you need, you will receive.
      Prayers and love ~ Ann


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda