Monday, January 09, 2023

Making 2023 A Fresh Beginning

Dear Beautiful Friends,

"Every moment is a fresh beginning."

Happy New Year!
Here we are at January 9th already,
and my first post since before Christmas.

Christmas was unexpectedly quiet and we were alone (family members
were sick). Our muted celebration was still fine; we made do. Everyone
is back to feeling better at last. New blog ideas are on my mind of what
I want to share with you in the coming days. But other things have
needed tending to (I can't multi-task as I once could, so it's one thing
at a time these days).

 To hopefully make your visit today worthwhile, I share a thought from
author Paul Coelho I find fitting as we get the new year underway:

"It is always important to know when something has
reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing
chapters, it doesn't matter what we call it; what matters is
to leave in the past moments in life that are over."

Oh my, I find the words of that last line most befitting these days.
When I turned 60, the milestone of a new and different decade became
my season for gathering the memories of my life lived thus far. It was a
time to remember and to put things in order. I've written some of my
stories, put photos together, created narrative timelines for future use,
revisited the good times, and let go of the less than stellar ones. 

This spring I shall turn 66, and I have sensed a shift in my heart over the
past few months. The season to gather the old memories is, for the most part, over.
Now, there's an eagerness to release these former things of my earlier life
—including old habits and traditions, old thinking, even long time favourite items
that once gave delight but no longer serve the current me. And, to let go of what is
finished and also what remains unfinished, especially if its 'best before' date is well past.

In this new season, I'm eager for fresh beginnings. I want
to make new memories, explore new ideas, read new authors,
try new ventures. Oh, and write new blog posts and other lovely things.
I'm looking forward to experimenting with fresh recipes and replacing
what no longer fulfills. All the while making more space in my life to spend
with the people I care about, including you, who follow me here on my blog.

I am excited for 2023. No doubt, there will be days requiring much
much grace—our torn, sore old world is still very much tilted sideways—and
things don't always go to plan or desire. So we rely on the good Lord's grace
that is always available when we ask. I ask it for me, and I ask it for you as well.

Thank you to those of you who have enquired about me, asking me
how I'm doing—I so appreciate your love and concern. I am well,
just taking care of needful things at present. That's why
I haven't been around.

I will be back soon as I can. Hope you are well in body
and soul. Wishing you a beautiful, grace-traced year ahead.

Heart hugs,

Photo credit: Image by Cally Lawson from Pixabay


  1. Robert Frost I think it was, said, Grow old with me, the best is yet to be.
    Letting go, ushering in the new, may 2023 be the beginning of the best that is yet to be!
    Happy New Year:)

  2. Hi Brenda! ☺️Very glad to hear your voice. So sorry that you had a Christmas filled with illness. That’s a shame. Glad that everyone is feeling better. Sounds like you also are taking care of yourself and that’s a wise way to begging a new year!
    I particularly appreciate the quote you chose to share .
    Good to hear from you. Thank you and take good care!!💗~ Ann

  3. Whoops! Correction:☺️ “begin a new year!!! ~ Ann

  4. There has been much illness these days, among our families, too. I'm sorry you missed getting together with yours. The last few years have been very strange in so many different ways.
    I love your intentional approach to life. Letting go is a good thing and something that I struggle with. I hope you share more of your process and plans as you go along. I am working on collecting memories for my family, and hope to make more new ones this year, too.
    It's always a delight when I see a post from you in my Feedly line up.

  5. I love the idea of creating new memories, filling our days with good and wonderful things this year. I appreciate Kathy's quote from Robert Frost about growing old. So sweet!

  6. Lovely thoughtful words, Brenda. I'm always so happy to see a post from you. I'm still working through 'letting go'.

  7. January has brought a change in me and I've felt a little lost at times. You are always able to find quotes and to put into words what I feel. Thanks for sharing and for your friendship. Hugs Diane

  8. Brenda, you write so beautifully about new beginnings. I am so sorry that you had illness in your family! We did too, and, like you, we had to make adjustments in our plans (although, unlike you, we were able to celebrate with many of our family). I pray for you as you attend to "needful things," and I can also relate to the lessening ability to multitask.

    Indeed, we all need that "much much grace" as we forge ahead into a new year with new beginnings! Thank you for stirring my thoughts this morning.

  9. I really like this, Brenda. I think the last few years, for me, brought changes in some relationships and life activities, that I wasn't ready to close. But I sense with you that it is time. A new year and new life changes. Beautiful!

  10. Nice to see you again and Happy New Year! I turned 62 last year and I really feel myself pondering the same things. Working on summing up in my head my life's legacy, so to speak. Even thinking about what kinds of little treasures I want to leave behind me. I was just writing about my earlier more daring years, but really am finding so much comfort and peace in these simpler, slower, days. My husband isn't retired yet so being home alone is a new luxury I'm exploring. It can be very quiet!

  11. I've always thought it's good for a person, at any time of life, to let go of old thinking and ways and always look and grow forward, being open to new and different ways and ideas. So, I'm with you and commend you for taking on that way of being.
    I haven't been online much since Christmas. A couple moments here and there, but there's been a loosening so I can understand somewhat where you are as well. We made a huge life change immediately after Christmas and it's been a really positive and enlightening thing for the two of us. May this year ahead be filled with many new ways, ideas, adventures, and some good old surprises too.

  12. Dear Brenda...Your posts are always so sweet, so comforting. I love them! This is, indeed, a new year of life, for which I am most thankful. Much to do lay ahead in the weeks and months to come, since my house is now sold and I am in a quandary as to where I"m going to call my permanent home. It's an unsettling time for me but taking each moment at a time helps. Thank you for your comforting messages and photos. I look forward to all your 2023 posts! They are messages of hope.

  13. Brenda such a thoughtful post and one that touches my heart. I just turned 66 in November and am moving towards making a decision to retire sometime in the coming year. Big step - but each season holds promise and so it will be with 2023. Take care friend. Hugs!

  14. what matters is
    to leave in the past moments in life that are over."
    Oh, Brenda. I am not good at doing that at all but it must be done if we are to live our current lives as best as possible. Thank you for that powerful and deeply meaningful quote.
    Hope you are having a good start to the new year of life. Despite all the difficulties and struggles, it's still good to be alive.
    I love your writing and no matter what kind of blog you begin, I will be there to follow you.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda