Friday, December 02, 2022

Five Wintery Quotes

"It was a day when frost and sunshine
combined went to one's head like iced champagne."
from The Irish R.M., 1928

Read the above quote this early morning—it's today's selection from the Nature Writing for Every Day of the Year book I mentioned in yesterday's POST. Our own morning dawned soft pink and pale lemon and breathtakingly cold. The birds are busy at the feeders, and the squirrel wastes no time to nab a few freeze-dried mountain ash berries for his breakfast.

On this first Friday of December, here are five quotes I'm enjoying as the season gets underway in earnest. We're writing out Christmas cards, gently celebrating someone's birthday with a delicious-looking carrot cake waiting in the kitchen for afternoon tea. Wishing you a bit of bliss. 🎄💖

"So quiet and subtle is the beauty of December
that escapes the notice of many people their whole
lives through. Colour gives way to form: every
branch distinct, in a delicate tracery against the sky.
New vistas, obscured all Summer by leafage, now open up."

"In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone;
snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow,
in the bleak midwinter long ago."

"May and October, the best-smelling months? I'll make a case
for December: evergreen, frost, wood smoke, cinnamon."

"At Christmas I no more desire a rose
Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth;
But like of each thing that in season grows."

"As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded
by December's bad weather, it is good to be reminded that
there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation,
and people to whom we are worth the same."

This is my second post in as many days. Perhaps there's a pattern forming to do an Advent post more often than my usual once a week. I won't promise, but you might find a few more than usual bonus posts in celebration of winter and Christmas.

Until next time, stay safe and warm,

Photo Credits:
Top: Image by Peggy Choucair from Pixabay
One: Image by Mark Martins from Pixabay
Two: Image by Peggy Choucair from Pixabay
Three: Image by Susanne Jutzeler, Schweiz from Pixabay
Four: Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
Five: Image by Gerhard from Pixabay


  1. Lovely photos, lovely quotes, Brenda. Your posts are always so soothing and well thought-out. I'm always happy when I see you have posted so the news that you might do it more often was most welcome. Hope you have a terrific weekend, Brenda, filled with things and people you love.

  2. Very nice... It is raining, cold and miserable, yet these scenes and sayings are warming. Thank you. Now I just need more coffee and some coffee cake.

  3. That Shakespeare quote expresses how I would like to be! But I'm afraid I drag my feet, mostly going into winter. Oh, well, the feet must get me out to the woodpile to carry in logs, and tending the hearth is a way to enjoy this season. You are inspiring me to post another Shakespeare quote that just popped into my mind, very wintry.... Thanks, Brenda!

  4. I've also started writing my Christmas cards. It's one of my favourite holiday traditions!

  5. Lovely thoughts from others, particularly the first and second ones. It's dark and grey and cold here today and I am dragging my feet on getting my Christmas cards done.

  6. Thank you so much for your lovely posts. They stay up on my computer so I can see them daily.

  7. I am in a hurry today (must do some of those things mentioned in quote #5), but just know that many of your chosen quotes struck a chord in my own heart. Thank you, friend!

  8. A beautiful post! Your words always strike a chord within me.
    And the photos! That first one amazes me - the cool pink of dawn. Somehow I always think of pink as a cool color and this demonstrates it perfectly.

  9. Brenda, It is now the end of the month~ the 31st!! I just so enjoyed strolling back through your other posts in December, beginning with that beautiful early morning photo of a cold December morning. GRATEFUL!! Just can’t tell you how grateful I am for your beautiful expressions “of life!” Each one adds SO much joy and peace to each day “you and your thoughts” enter my day!!!!
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!!
    ~ Ever Grateful!! ~ Ann


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda