Friday, June 03, 2022

Clematis, The Charm of Summer Stars

" Oh, I could dance and sing for joy that the spring is here!
What a resurrection of beauty there is in my garden,
and of brightest hope in my heart. "
attributed to ELIZABETH VON ARNIM, 1866 - 1941

And here it is the month of June—at last! Although we had two nights of near freezing temperatures earlier this week, the thermometer predictions promise warmer days and nights ahead. The tulips have given us a delightful display this spring, our perennials are greening beautifully, and now the lilacs and peonies are busy setting their blooms.

Then there is the 'Ernest Markham' clematis which I want to showcase today. We overwintered it in a patio container in our garage and it's now much farther along than the clematis plants in the garden. We are marveling at its many blooms so early in the season. With hand size magenta-red blossoms, ruffled edges, and buttery yellow centres, it makes me want to dance and sing for joy. And I agree with Elizabeth von Arnim when she declares the resurrection of beauty in her garden brightens the hope in her heart. Oh, yes, I find it so! For you today, here are five pretty poses for our Five on Friday segment:

" It isn't the big pleasures that count the most;
it's making a big deal out of the little ones. "
JEAN WEBSTER, 1876 - 1916

" What is one to say about June, the time of perfect young summer,
the fulfillment of the promise of the earlier months, and with as yet
no sign to remind one that its fresh young beauty will ever fade. "

" It is the month of June,
the month of leaves and roses,
when pleasant sights salute the eyes,
and pleasant scents the noses. "

" 'Cause a little bit of summer is
what the whole year is about. "
JOHN MAYER, American singer/songwriter

" June is bustin' out all over. "

There you have it—summer stars on a vine, my little touch of heaven. Hope you felt the sparkle in your heart today.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend ahead.
And if you're marking the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
in some special way, happy celebrations!
Photos: Brenda


  1. So lovely. Your Clematis has done so well being overwintered indoors. What beautiful blooms you have now.

  2. Although I am not watching the celebrations, I know that you are and so I wish you happy times and gentle pursuits for this weekend. It is nice to have something/someone to honor.

  3. Your clematis is absolutely beautiful. I've never had luck with mine. It's in a bad place that I can't really dig up (somehow, it started behind a big, thick bush!) and I think it gets light blocked out completely. So thank you for sharing yours!

  4. Brenda, your clematis is glorious. Love your marvelous quotes. Enjoy June, may it bring us lovely days and much peace. Hugs to you!

  5. I am feeling your joy with the arrival of June and these beautiful blossoms! Happy first weekend of June!

  6. What wonderful photographs of your clematis! You sure have a very green thumb!! I loved the quotes, thank you for sharing! Happy June!


  7. Ernest Markham is a beauty with that lovely colour and big blossoms. It is wonderful to see temperatures slowly warming up and a bit more sunshine in the sky these days. I've enjoyed watching bits and pieces of the Platinum Jubilee this weekend and it's been a delight. I have the utmost respect for Her Majesty.

  8. Those are fabulous blooms! Clematis is one plant I've never grown - I don't have enough places for one to climb... or do I? You make me want to think about this!

    Gretchen Joanna

  9. Beautiful blooms, Brenda! We are also having a wonderful start to the summer, quite hot already but the flowers seem to appreciate it and it is great laundry weather. I'm inspired to wash the curtains, if I can tear myself away from the computer. Enjoy these early summer days, my friend!

  10. The clematis are gorgeous, Brenda. Loved your photos of them. Take care and enjoy each moment.

  11. So pretty! My clemantis are light pink, but I prefer the vibrant magenta colours of your clemantis!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda