Saturday, October 09, 2021

Friday Five on Saturday


" Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when
everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been
saving up all year for the grand finale. "

It's Saturday morning and the sunrise washes tree tops in golden light. When I think about it, it's the slant of the light this time of year that I love the most.

I love all the seasons, but the truth is I love Autumn most of all. Reasons why include: the wondrous beauty of nature in its stunning glory; the garden really looks its best—it takes all season to come into its fulsomeness; that comforting feeling of finding favourites recipes for homemade soups and stews; the sense of wrapping your fingers around a warm mug; brisk air against my face in the mornings; stomping through crunchy leaves; sipping a pumpkin latte.


Just for fun. Beth Moore shared the list below on her Twitter page the other morning. I used to love these kinds of lists found in the old-fashioned ladies magazines of my youth. So I joined in. Share your choices in the comments, if you like....
1. Cashews or almonds? Almonds, but not almond milk. 
2. Driver or passenger? Passenger - it's hard to take in what's interesting or beautiful when one has to keep her eyes on the road.
3. Reading or listening? I prefer reading, unless it's an audio book on a road trip.
4. Dramas or comedies? Upon reflection, I tend to pick dramas more often, even though I love a good comedy. 
5. Sports event or theater? Definitely theater. Thankfully, I married someone who also likes music concerts and art galleries better than sports events. Lucky me.
6. Cake or pie? Pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving; otherwise a slice of cake never goes amiss.
7. Chips or popcorn? Cheetos crunchy cheezies are first, then potato chips, then popcorn.
8. Music or silence? Will not choose - both are necessary to my soul's survival.
9. Mountains or beaches? As a girl, it was beaches. As a young adult, it was mountains. Now it's gardens and parks.
10. Dogs or cats? I love cats, I like dogs.



A pot of these pansies has been breaking my heart this week with those deep-seated purple petals. If possible, they are even more intense now than in the summertime, and I cannot get enough of their exquisiteness. I keep going outside to drink in yet another moment.

The garden wanes and these stalwart beauties will soon succumb to the frost. As is my autumn ritual for some years now, I have taken a farewell walkabout in the garden, touching the petals of this flower and that one, thanking them for bringing us so much joy this past summer.



" Is this not the perfect autumn day?
Just the still melancholy that I love—
that makes nature and life harmonize. "

The brilliance of autumn colours has peaked in the last week or so. Many trees are now muted in tones of brown sugar and dove grey, the intensity faded. Leaves that once fluttered above my head line the streets in crinkly troughs. Blue jays, spread further afield over the summer, begin to gather nearer to the peanut dishes set in the garden, shrieking their disgust when they are empty. Definitely a sound of autumn - haha.


" Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever. "

It's Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada. No big family gatherings for us as restrictions are in place to help with high active Covid cases. But a little turkey and fresh cranberry sauce, a scoop of mashed potato and a generous helping of stuffing with gravy will certainly go a long way to filling this heart with gratitude and gladness.

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful weekend,

Photos in this post are mine,
except the last two:
Pumpkin image by hudsoncrafted from Pixabay
Plate image by Matthias Cooper from Pixabay


  1. Here are my answers:

    1. Cashews or almonds? cashews but I really love both
    2. Driver or passenger? Driver if I'm out with friends....I get car sick. But I get tired of driving so I try to get hubby to when he will...he likes for me to drive. He's a type 1 diabetic & he has to really choose where to put energy...driving is not what he'd like to use it up on. (such a loaded question for me!)
    3. Reading or listening? Reading...oh I have a hard time listening.
    4. Dramas or comedies? As much as I love to laugh I usually choose dramas...but the best are funny dramas.
    5. Sports event or theater? Theatre but I do love a good NASCAR race - go figure.
    6. Cake or pie? Cake
    7. Chips or popcorn? popcorn is what I eat because my weight does not like chips as much as my taste buds do.
    8. Music or silence? silence
    9. Mountains or beaches? mountains hands down. I was born & raised in the mountains, never saw the beach until I was in my 30s. I do love the beach but usually choose the mountains.
    10. Dogs or cats? Dogs...I tolerate cats.

  2. How beautiful the pansies are, such a depth of colour. They should go on flowering for a while.
    I dont like nuts of any sort.
    I love to drive.
    Reading, every time.
    Theatre, though it is ages since ours have been open.
    Cake always.
    Neither chips nor popcorn.
    I love the mountains, though we dont have many in the UK!
    Cats, cats, cats.

  3. Good afternoon, Brenda. I forget this is your Thanksgiving weekend. It always seems to slip up on me. Your dinner sounds wonderful and we are staying at home to ourselves as well. I too, love autumn. Really, I enjoy all seasons with summer at the bottom of the list. The intense heat in VA. was a bit much for me.
    Wishing you a happy October and a most happy Thanksgiving.

  4. A most lovely post, as always, Brenda. This is my fave season, too. HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Your turkey dinner-to-come sounds yummy. Thanks for your visit and comment, too. A sweetie pie you are for sure! Susan

  5. Beautiful photos. Those Pansies are adorable. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Oh my! The list is fun. I love dogs...I'll leave it at that. Except to tell you I grew up in the same small town in AR as Beth Moore...she's a distant relative! I love her books and studies.

  7. “It’s the slant of light ...” Yes, that’s it!

    Reading AND listening
    Chips (but like you, Cheetos crunchy cheesies first!)
    ... Prairies

    Those pansies though!!!

    Another very lovely post, thank you.

  8. What a lovely post! Happy Thanksgiving to you! Your menu sounds perfect! I love the theater….drama/musicals. Would love to have a kitty nearby. I’d prefer cashews; would rather be a passenger. A nice slice of cake is hard to beat; chips and popcorn, too! Reading has long been a favorite pastime; have I answered all of the list? I love this season, too, though we’re still a little like summer. Enjoy the time that remains of the weekend!

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Brenda. A lovely post highlighting this most exquisite time of year. It's my favourite season, too.
    Almonds or cashews - it's hard to choose, so I won't!
    Like you I enjoy being a passenger so that I can really drink in the scenery as we roll along.
    Reading always. I've never listened to an audio book.
    Comedy probably wins over drama, but it depends upon my mood.
    Theatre or music, NEVER sports events (although I'll go to a grandchild's game). Fortunately my husband doesn't follow sports either. How lucky we are!
    Cake over pie
    Chips, preferably Miss Vickies.
    Music and silence are essential.
    I'm glad I don't have to choose between mountains and beaches because I can't.
    Neither dogs nor cats.

    Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend.

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Brenda!

    I'm swooning over the gorgeous purple pansies!

    I'll play along:
    1. Almonds
    2. Passenger
    3. Reading
    4. Dramas with some humor (like Downton Abbey)
    5. Theater
    6. Cake
    7. Popcorn
    8. Music
    9. Mountains
    10. Dogs

  11. I love fall posts, so I'm happy to come to your "Friday Five on a Saturday" here on a Monday evening, which is actually now a Tuesday very early morning. :)

    1. Cashews or almonds? Almonds.
    2. Driver or passenger? Driver. (Long story.)
    3. Reading or listening? Reading. (My mind wanders when I listen only.)
    4. Dramas or comedies? Dramas. Even better if they are true stories.
    5. Sports event or theater? Theater.
    6. Cake or pie? I'm a pie girl.
    7. Chips or popcorn? Chips.
    8. Music or silence? I don't want to steal your answer, but I feel exactly the same way.
    9. Mountains or beaches? Beaches.
    10. Dogs or cats? I have adored the dogs we had, but we are a cat family.

    Happy Fall! Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely!

  12. P.S. Hi Brenda. I meant to tell you how much I love your header. Hope you are enjoying awesome autumn! Susan

  13. Hi Brenda, What a wonderful Ode to Autumn! On the whole, we've had a gorgeous fall, and I was reminded of your photos in this post as I just this morning (October 27) added my potted plants--still flowering--to the compost bin (Sigh!) I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda