Sunday, October 31, 2021

Autumn Remnants

"Everything is not gone yet."
RICHARD JEFFERIES, 'Just Before Winter', 1889

It's rather unspectacular as sentences go, I know, but my attention was caught as if in a spidery web when I read the line—it wouldn't let me go. I've been slow reading through an Autumn anthology these past weeks, a collection of seasonal essays and poems from authors old and current. I like dipping into the writings of nature enthusiasts; they help fill my thoughts with sensory imagery when I can't get out to explore the natural world for myself. So there I was enjoying Mr. Jefferies' observations as the Autumn of 1889 drew to a close on his English countryside. I was drawn into his notes that the chill winds crept along harvested fields and whistled through bare branches, when he suddenly noted that 'everything is not gone yet'. He'd discovered singular plants in sheltered spaces tenaciously hanging onto summer in spite of the brittle autumn air.

I, too, am surprised.... and elated to see what still blooms in our own garden even though it's the end of October. We've had no killing frosts or snow so far, which is somewhat unusual for northerly Alberta. Instead we've had two glorious months of autumn's changing beauty with gradually cooling temperatures and none of the kind we're more used to—where one day it feels like late summer only to wake the next morning to the biting teeth of winter, yes, sometimes as early as September. But not this year.

A quick stroll through the garden gave me these simple pleasures: the clematis opening new blooms on her trellis, Peace Rose setting fresh rosebuds, our potted strawberry plant with ripening berries alongside new blossoms, bright pink geraniums along the walkway, and a tiny fistful of fragrant carnations, all nestled against the backdrop of burnished leaves, fallen berries, and leafless limbs. 

" There's a whole world out there, right outside your window.
Don't be a fool and miss it. "

I won't tell you what the weatherman forecasts as we begin a new month. As for today, I'm taking my delight in these remnants . . . everything is not gone yet.

* * *

I'm wishing you a beautiful week ahead,

Photos in this post are mine


  1. Beautiful! This is the fall we yearn for every year! Such a treat to have a lovely long interlude between summer and winter. Now you've made me want to dig out my anthology too:) A simple sentence, as you say, but loaded with meaning and nuance--thank you, Richard Jefferies.

  2. I echo Kathy’s comments. We don’t usually get the time to linger in the change of this season. Do you leave your geraniums out all year? Or will you dig or cover when the snow flies?

  3. Sounds like a delightful autumn for you! I, too, like gentle change of seasons instead of the abrupt, startling change.

    Autumn color has been slow to appear this year, but my hubby and I just got back from a leisurely Sunday afternoon drive and we saw some beautiful color today. Trying to memorize the feeling . . .

  4. What a lovely range of colour you still have in your garden. I think the only colourful thing in mine is the last very tall, very Pink, Dahlia, which gives me great joy.

  5. We have not had a killer frost yet either. Still so much beauty to enjoy! Thank-you for reminding us.
    Happy November!

  6. The clematis in that golden light is just stunning. You still have some really lovely colour in your garden. Rain has made a lot of our flowers quite soggy looking, but that is supposed to ease up a little in November. We'll see.

  7. I also prefer the gradual transition from autumn to winter! It rained a lot here, but that's better than snow!

  8. Lovely pictures! I receive much pleasure from reading your posts! We’ve had no frost here, either, and our knock-out roses are still in bloom. Finally we have some leaf color, and I am happy October wasn’t harsh!

  9. Such beautiful flowers at the end of October! We had killing frosts earlier, but my snapdragons are still somewhat presentable. Such a wonderful autumn this year. It reminded me to be thankful because God crowned the year with his goodness.

  10. Oooh, the clematis is very special, maybe even more beautiful than at the peak of the season, as it makes such an extravagant show in the middle of leaves turning brown...

    I'm glad your killing frosts have been delayed!

  11. Good morning, Brenda. I enjoyed this post and you do have some pretty things remaining. We have a few things but after Jack Frost's party last night I rather imagine he finished off the color. We woke up to 22 degrees this morning and our mountains had snow. An early winter was predicted for us - we will see.

  12. We had such a beautiful October! November has brought the cold nights, but the days are milder.

    My trees are still changing color, and I’m enjoying every minute.

  13. My goodness what beautiful photos for this time of year! We're enjoying a mild autumn here in BC too. We know the white stuff is coming but I hope it waits a good while longer to show up.

  14. Your post made me think of the song, "It's the Last Rose or Summer," Brenda. Have you heard that one? It's an oldie but goodie. It's always great to see the last blooms of autumn. They are so precious, as are the sun-filled warm days that will soon be just memories. Lovely post. Susan

  15. I love the quotes you share on your blog. They are so delightful. It's nice to see Fall lingering on in your area. The colors are still here in the mountains, but we had rain and heavy winds making many of the leaves fall.

    I hope these November days bring you many pleasant surprises, Brenda.



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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda