Tuesday, September 22, 2020

So Long Summer, Hello Autumn

" Every leaf speaks bliss to me, 
falling from the autumn tree. "

The weather of the last few days has closed out summer most graciously. On Sunday we took a drive through the countryside. I always love that sense of moving away from the busyness of city streets and entering a world where straw-coloured fields stubble the view, with tree lines showing off their patchwork of summer greens and autumn golds. We packed sandwiches and a thermos of tea for a picnic in the park. Sometimes we drive until we say, "Here, let's stop here". Other times we have a certain destination in mind. We headed to a nearby park, found an empty table in the sunshine and sat with the sun warm on our backs. Smoke from a campfire filled the air—it was the smell of happy weiner roast and, thankfully, not of forest fire. 

And, yesterday was perfect to meet up with former neighbours who were in the area. We sat in the garden, Covid-style. The sun was warm and Sweet Alyssum filled the air with fragrance. Bees hummed from Alyssum to Rudbeckia to Sedum back to Alyssum, their presence filling us all with delight as we spent a pleasant hour over coffee and conversation.

Today marks Autumnal Equinox, the time when day and night are equal length, and it is the point during the Earth's orbit around the sun at which the sun is closest distance from the equator. So Happy Autumn!

To mark the occasion, I reached for my copy of Autumn, An anthology for the changing seasons, edited by Melissa Harrison. Here is a bit about the book from the inside cover: "In prose and poetry from across the British Isles, Autumn captures both the exhilaration and the melancholy of this turning point in the year." And, here is an excerpt from one of the contributors:
"Autumn is an adventure, a season of transformation, and a time to prepare for the long winter ahead. It is a thousand leaves falling to the ground and nourishing the soil beneath; it is . . . refreshing winds that sweep the haze of summer away; it is the calm before the storm. More than that, though, autumn is a celebration of senses, of new experiences for your eyes, ears, tongue, skin and nose; it rouses your consciousness after the calming effects of summer. Autumn isn't the season of decay or death, but one of wealth and renewal. It is the changing landscape; the subtle anticipation of winter. Autumn is to be enjoyed. Autumn is bold bursts of colour that leap from every corner of the landscape; it is golden yellow, fiery red, bright orange, and rich chocolate brown, and a faded green that reminds us of summer."     
From the essay by Louise Baker, 2016

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Wishing you a beautiful day.

Heart Hugs,


  1. Oh I needed to be reminded that Autumn is a season of renewal and not decay. Thank you for that. And how lovely to have old friends into the garden you have worked on and enjoyed all summer. A fitting activity to mark the change of seasons.

  2. Your drive and opicnic sound wonderful . The first day of autumn and it is +30C here. I'm ready for cooler weather.

  3. I love the autumn! Campfire season is here!

  4. Another beautiful post! I find your blog to be very calming and peaceful! Thank you for sharing your joy with us!

  5. The change from summer to fall is always a bit gut-wrenching. Thankfully we are still enjoying very pleasant days, and we're hopeful that will continue for many weeks yet! Your drive and picnic in the park seem the perfect activity for these winding-down days. Happy Equinox:)

  6. Oh to sit beside a campfire... Happy autumn, Brenda.

  7. "Autumn is a celebration of senses.." What a wonderful way to sum up this season. I love summer, but once fall is here, I love it, too. What a lovely outing you had, driving out of the city. We're expecting a storm to blow in from the Pacific over the next few days, so autumn will really have arrived then. Enjoy these days of autumn adventure.

  8. Brenda, this is beautiful I do love the words of Louise Baker. They are not only lovely, but so very true.
    We are beginning to see hints of autumn, not so much in the trees but in the chilly nights.
    Enjoy this lovely season. I am enjoying making soup once again.
    Happy day to you, my friend.

  9. This is my favorite time of year, and the days between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice are my absolute favorite---darkness comes earlier and earlier each evening. Some people really hate that, but I love the coziness of it. That books looks like a wonderful addition to my bookshelf.

    Patti @ Clothed with Joy

  10. The line "autumn is a celebration of senses" grabbed me too! When I think of autumn, all of my senses are involved, even those intangible senses of coziness and family togetherness and comfort. Your autumn is beginning well!

  11. My favorite time of year. It is good that you were able to get out and enjoy the weathers.


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