Tuesday, September 01, 2020

September Blusters In: A New Novel and Chowder For Lunch

" It's a serious thing just to be alive
on this fresh morning 
in this broken world."

A mere flip of the calendar page and the season has shifted....noticeably. The wind howls outside my window this morning, and there is a decided nip in the air. Frost warnings have been given in regions nearby, but thankfully not for us yet. I don't hanker to sit out in the garden at present. Rather, it's a day for cozying up inside, doing laundry, writing a post, making a quick and yummy soup for lunch. PLUS, I am eagerly awaiting Louise Penny's newest Inspector Gamache crime novel which is guaranteed delivery at my house any moment now. I'm following the tracking link like it's Christmas (haha).

Just in case you don't know, Louise's latest novel All the Devils Are Here—being released today—is set in Paris, where the First Family of crime fiction, as one reviewer aptly termed the Gamache family, has gathered. From all accounts, it promises to be as evocative in Paris as any of her novels that are set in cozy Three Pines.

The St. Louis Post Dispatch says, "Penny excels at creating a sense of place, and she brings Paris to life with scenes small (a favorite garden at the Rodin museum) and big (the top of the Eiffel Tower). We walk—or, when necessary, run—through the streets of Paris, taste lemon tarts and mourn the fire damage to Notre Dame.”

And, as Wall Street Journal writes, "Penny's novels unravel criminal schemes that have moral consequences... what stays with the reader are the tender passages, the human insights, the reminders of what makes life worth living.” 

Oh yes, that's it exactly! This is the very reason why I became an ardent admirer and fan of Louise's novels. They are wild stories sometimes and are often nail-biters, but in the midst of the terrible things going on, goodness is always present.

To learn more about this new novel, click HERE.

" Soup puts the heart at ease, calms down the
violence of hunger, eliminates the tension of the
day, and awakens and refines the appetite. "

As I anticipate my book delivery, I gather the ingredients and begin sautéing onions and bacon for a quick and easy corn chowder, based on my sister's yummy recipe. I'm making a potful to serve two, with leftovers, but the recipe is easy to double if you need a larger amount.

Quick Corn Chowder

4 slices thick bacon

1/2 medium onion, chopped
1 stick of celery, chopped
1 can niblets corn
1 can creamed corn
1 can mushroom soup
3 - 4 cups of milk

1 - 2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
Sprinkle of black pepper
Sprinkle of paprika
Chives or green onions, chopped

1. Fry the bacon, chop into bite size pieces, and set aside.
2. In a medium to large pot, saute the onion and celery.
3. Add the corn, mushroom soup, and milk.
4. Heat slowly and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes.
5. Just before serving, add Worcestershire sauce, pepper, and paprika.
6. Sprinkle the green onions and chopped bacon over top.

Serve with hot buttered toast, biscuits, or crusty bread.
* * *

Wishing you a beautiful day. Stay safe.

Heart Hugs,

Top Photo: Image by congerdesign from Pixabay


It arrived!


  1. I made the mistake of wearing a dress out in that blusteriness today. But now I’m home and that soup sounds yummy - and easy, which is most important! I still have 2 Gamache mysteries to read before he gets to Paris. 😊

  2. That soup sounds delish! Soup is one of my favorite things about fall. Enjoy your book!!

  3. Now that's a happy day! Corn chowder sounds so good.

  4. Sure love that soup quote!!!!! And to see your countenance once more wards off fall chills.

  5. Soup on a blustery day is the perfect meal! My Louise Penny book is supposed to arrive tomorrow, by the end of the day. I'll be at school, so I hope it will be sitting on my porch waiting for me when I get home. Enjoy the read!

  6. A new novel in the mail is definitely Christmas! ;) And your soup looks amazing!

  7. Enjoy your book and thanks for sharing your recipe.

  8. Corn chowder! How delicious! Great delivery! Yay!

  9. Love that pic of the teacup with leaves in it!

    And your corn chowder recipe sounds so delicious! I am going to have to make that soon!

    Enjoy your book. Stay well.

  10. You have me hungry for a bowl of this chowder, so I copied the recipe and will try it very soon.

  11. The soup looks great, Brenda! Happy mail delivery is one of the highlights of pandemic living!

  12. As hot as it was here today, I am eagerly awaiting such days as you speak of! Corn chowder and a good book sound like a great way to celebrate such a day!

  13. Lovely post, Bren. I have not read any of the books by Louise Penny, but it looks as though I should. Your corn chowder sounds scrumptious. It has not been cool enough in our area to enjoy soup, but I hope it will be soon. Thanks for the recipe and enjoy your day!

    1. Although not cold, it's been cool enough for soup. Our flowers are still doing well -- especially the sweet peas, they love this cooler weather. If you decide to read Louise Penny, I hope you will enjoy!

  14. You’re the second person today who has talked about this book! I’ve never read any of Louise Penny’s books so which one should I start with?

    1. "They" always say start at the beginning. But I first read two or three of her later novels before I could find copies of the early ones. They are stand alone novels, even though there is a thread that links them altogether. Eventually, if you really enjoy them, you'll want to start at the beginning. If you try them, I do hope you'll enjoy.

  15. Did you know about https://www.kingstonwritersfest.ca/event/an-afternoon-with-louise-penny/. The cost is a minimum donation of $5 to
    Canada Helps. I'm going to make your chowder for sure. Do you think that I could add white fish? Our pub has a delicious halibut corn chowder. I'll bet I could adapt. Enjoy your book.

    1. Yes, I signed up for this event a few days ago - did you? Look forward to it. Adding white fish to the chowder will undoubtedly make it especially delicious and hearty.

  16. Brenda love the last pic with your smiling face and new book to dive in. I am sure you will be enjoying it with a warm cup of tea. The soup sounds delicious. Will revisit your recipe when colder days arrive here. We are still enjoying high 70's and 80's. Well cozy in friend and have a blessed weekend. Hugs!

    1. Debbie, as I reply today, it's quite blustery out again. They are promising sunny warm weather for the rest of the week. Thanks for stopping by. x0

  17. I just ran into your blog via Debbie Nolan's blog. So happy to find another Louise Penny admirer. I also like everything I have read on your blog so far. I will be anxious to get more acquainted. Cheers and have a great week.

    1. Thank you, Lisa, so nice to 'meet' you. Glad to meet a fellow Louise Penny fan. I just finished her new novel and loved it.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda