Monday, July 20, 2020

Garden Flurry Follow-up

" Right now, more than anything, my garden gives me hope,
gives me purpose and provides a sense of connection
to something bigger than myself. "

Here is the follow-up to Friday's post regarding our nomination in the Strathcona in Bloom Front Yard Recognition Program for 2020. I am excited to let you know that, although we did not place in the Top Five, our front garden received an Honourable Mention, and for that we are over the moon delighted. In the letter we received, the chairperson/front yard coordinator wrote: 
"Your yard is outstanding and has caught the eye of our community judges and social media supporters. They have determined the outcome and I can testify the vote was very close. Strathcona in Bloom has experienced an unprecedented season this year, with over 600 nominations of beautiful front yards . . . . Please accept this gift card from Home Hardware and our sincere thanks for helping making our community a beautiful place to live."
I would guess that the increased number of nominations is due to Covid-19. Lots of people in isolation during the stay-at-home orders used the opportunity to focus on their homes and gardens. I can't think of a better way to spend this time, for in the words of Audrey Hepburn, "To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." And we all need that hope for better days ahead.

I want to share a comment someone named Wally left on social media about our front garden: "A sweet English garden with lots of care and hard work. Makes a blissful piece of heaven." To receive such a lovely compliment makes all the work worth it for me.

On that note, I'm off to fertilize my flowers and tell them well done. By the way, I am remiss if I do not acknowledge that my Rick is the true gardener around here. I potter, but he does all the hard work of our yard—for that dear man I am most grateful. He makes my life beautiful.

* * *
Wishing you a pleasant day.

Heart Hugs,

I forgot something I wanted to tell you. A happy garden moment. The other day I was plucking off a handful of spent Hansa roses. Fingers wrapped around a shriveling rose, I felt this buzzing against my fingertips. Oh my, a bumblebee was still busy inside the fading bloom. I left him to it, plenty of time to trim off later.


  1. What a beautiful basket! When we plant (usually), we have a vision of a future of beauty or of nourishment. Each morning, I check to see how many new tomatoes have appeared. Yesterday, I printed a recipe for tomato pie. Aren't you happy when you see bees?

    1. Yes, I love bees and am happy to spot them busy in the garden. They have been loving all the flowers this summer. Tomato pie, that sounds yummy!

  2. Oh that compliment from Wally was a gift in itself. Congratulations on Honourable Mention. Out of 600 entries I’d say you’re a winner indeed.

  3. Makes me will you spend your gift card?

  4. Well done, so lovely to have been recognised as giving soemthing back to the community.
    Bees are so important in our gardens, but I do leave them well alone!

  5. Congratulations! I missed Friday's post but will go back and read it. And there's a lot of magic in pottering too! Isn't it wonderful that good things have come out of this staying home time? More gardening, more baking bread, more children being read to, pets being snuggled with...

    I love your bumblebee story! The feeling of his buzzing in your fingertips is something you'll remember a long time. They are so fat and slow and don't seem to mind if I start deadheading the petunias or salvia close to where I'm working. A special part of the day.

  6. Awesome! Enjoy that lovely garden and yard.

  7. Congratulations on the well-deserved Honourable Mention! That's amazing!

    Have you ever considered doing a video tour of your garden? I think you might be able to do it on Facebook Live...

  8. Congratulations on the honorable mention! I think your garden is so pretty!

  9. Congratulations to you and Rick! I love the comment about your garden being English--how could all that inspiration not have seeped into us? I still think of the tour fondly and often. Cheers to your beautiful garden and recognition from yur community.

  10. Congratulations Bren, this was such an honor. My mom always said, "We don't plant a garden for ourselves, we plant it for others to enjoy as well." Others certainly have enjoyed your garden.
    Have a lovely week and stay well!

  11. Congratulations! Well done to you and Rick! I think that people are perhaps noticing the things they haven't paid attention to in years, because they've been forced to slow down!

  12. yes a bright spot in the coronavirus time, gardening, flowers and nature...congrats!

  13. Well done! I went to my usual garden center a few days ago and was amazed, I've never seen it so full of people and the clerk told me that they can hardly keep up with the demand. People are spending more time at home and wishing to nurture it, and it is wonderful to feel that there is one area in your life where you are in control.

  14. Ahhhh...nicely done.
    First Place or Honorable Mention, you are a winner!
    And to think you didn't even submit your own yard. Just busy beautifying the neighborhood, without a care. Humble and loving, that's what you are. Even setting a bee free, to do what it wants.


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda