Friday, July 17, 2020

A Little Flurry of Excitement

" Gardens, scholars say, are the
first sign of commitment to community. "

One morning we woke to find a sign planted in our yard and a message in our mailbox:
"On behalf of Strathcona in Bloom, congratulations on being nominated for our Front Yard Recognition Program and thank you for working so hard to make our community even more beautiful. In this challenging season we find ourselves in, it is uplifting to see beautiful spaces making a positive impact around our community and we believe it is part of our healing journey going forward."
Strathcona in Bloom, a member of Communities in Bloom for the past 20 years, has worked to beautify our community through the joint efforts of its volunteers, local businesses, and the municipality.

Unbeknownst to us, it was our neighbour three doors down who nominated our garden for the community's annual Strathcona in Bloom Front Yard Recognition. As you can imagine, we were thrilled. It's lovely to think that your neighbours notice. Of course we don't garden for recognition, but we love to think that our yard gives pleasure to the folks who live around us or who walk by with their kids or dogs in tow.

It doesn't stop there - there's more.

Photo from Strathcona in Bloom site

A few days later, we received a letter telling us that from over 600 nominations this summer, our front yard was selected as one of the top ten Featured Yard 2020. Oh my!
"Your yard has been chosen to represent your area . . . because of its outstanding contribution to the beauty of your street, the uniqueness that catches the eye, the tidy and well-kept appearance, the use of colour and texture and the overall "wow" factor." 
Judges have been coming round to look more closely, taking photos because now five semi-finalist yards are to be selected. The community, including family and friends, are invited to share in the excitement by voting for their favourites online. By the time you read this, the voting for this round will be over. Still, if interested, you can catch a glimpse of the ten featured yards by clicking HERE. Our yard is G.

Photo Collage from Strathcona in Bloom site

We're not worried about what happens next. We were thrilled to be nominated, but we truly aren't anticipating our little yard to be among the top winners - there are some lovely, lovely yards in our community. Still, the flurry of excitement has certainly given our quiet lives something to focus on besides Covid-19 and unruly world events. So, we wait for the next round - just in case (wink). We'll keep you posted. 

When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy,
there is always the garden.

* * *

Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Heart Hugs,


  1. How lovely! I know you will have worked hard to have a beautiful garden, Brenda. It's so nice when the work is appreciated.

  2. Warm congrats! You have been hiding your gem of a garden from us! I had zero idea that your garden is so very lovely. And to think of all the times you graciously encouraged me in my puny efforts. Thank you for that. ☺️ I really like the curving lawn instead of a curving path. That is beautiful.

  3. Congratulations! I love to see a beautiful garden when I'm walking.

  4. Bren, this is so exciting. I well know your gorgeous garden was hours of work, not to mention the thought, love and care that went into creating such beauty. When I was in our garden club, we had a "Yard of the Month" winner each month from April through December. It was such fun to venture out and select yards of beauty.

    Sending you a huge CONGRATULATIONS! Outstanding!

  5. So very lovely. Is that the Peace Rose up beside the garage? And your lawn looks like a lush carpet, too. Is there a backyard committee? ☺️

    1. Yes, it's the Peace Rose. It's bloomed mostly now. It's regrouping for the next bloom session. Gave a good dollop of fertilizer to encourage her. (No backyard committee :) )

  6. Your yard’s “out back” is just as fair also! Congratulations and so well deserved. Blessings to the nominating neighbour also!

  7. Looks to me like your yard is very deserving of these nominations.

  8. Congratulations, Brenda and Hubby, for putting your hard work, love and creativity out there for the benefit of the neighbours, friends, passersby and yourself. I suspect your gardening, even though it’s hard work, has added to your enjoyment of life. Absolutely lovely!

  9. Congratulations! What a beautiful yard! Well deserved recognition.

  10. Wow, that is so exciting! I'd be all in a tizzy. I'm afraid though, I'd never qualify because my garden does not have "the tidy and well-kept appearance". Congrats to you for all of your hard work. You just might be the overall 'winner'.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  11. Congratulations on being recognized for your beautiful yard! And your lawn looks so lush with all the rain this year. It looks like gardens we see featured in the magazine Gardens West!

  12. Congratulations Brenda,
    I'm not surprised. Your lovely photos, plus your writings breathe appreciation for the beauty of God's creation.

  13. Wow Brenda this is certainly a wonderful honour. Your yard is just gorgeous. Hope you win friend. Hugs!

  14. How wonderful! In these challenging times it is so nice that you can share your love of beautiful things with others.

  15. What a nice surprise it must have been to know that neighbors appreciated the beauty you had created and nominated you for this! I enjoyed viewing all the yards and can well understand why you at least had to receive honorable mention. Such a pretty design!

  16. Wow! That's so exciting! Congratulations!!!

  17. How wonderful, Brenda, and well deserved! Your yard looks beautiful.

  18. What a great surprise! Someone wanted to reward you for all your efforts and it's beauty.
    Your yard and garden has an Old English Garden feel. Timeless!!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda