Sunday, August 07, 2016

This and That England Stuff

Calverly Garden Park, Royal Tunbridge Wells

We are enjoying a perfectly sublime afternoon, and I hope you are too.  As you know, we're back in Canada. It's sunny with a few clouds today. Hummingbirds flit amongst the scarlet runner beans. Sparrows were having a little dust bath in the dirt earlier, then decided it was time for a flap in the birdbath. You can well imagine the state of the water when they were done. So much twittering going on from deep inside the green leafy boughs. I love days like this.

A sweet gentle breeze dances with the lace curtain in our bedroom. As I watch it waft back and forth, I feel languid, even a little drowsy. Maybe a nap first, then a new post. Zzzzz

 Photo from PBS

I'm back. Several weeks ago just before we left for England, Twitter friend Carrie, who lives in Oxford, told us she had a knock on her door one day. It was someone from the Endeavour film crew inquiring if actor Shaun Evans could use her B&B as a place to change after filming. Apparently the street Carrie lives on is used in most episodes of Endeavour and Lewis, as the street is blocked to traffic. Of course she said yes and offered tea which was happily accepted. How cool is that?

Last night after supper Rick and I turned on the telly to watch a British detective mystery we recorded while away. There was Shaun Evans as a young Inspector Morse on Endeavour, using his amazing deductive powers to once again sort out the latest crime.

Although we didn't recognize a particular street or its architecture as we watched, there was so much that felt familiar about the streets, scenes, and architecture. For a half a second, I could hardly believe that I'd actually been there just a couple weeks earlier. In England. Soaking in the historical details and minding the hedgerows as we wound alongside the oh-so-narrow roads and country lanes. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Oxford is one place I must visit in depth one day. We didn't go there on this trip, except for a way-too-short stop at Oxford's Natural History Museum, which by the way was spectacular. More photos to come down the road.

 Oxford University Museum of Natural History

 The museum displays many of the University of Oxford's natural history specimens
Architectural Style: Gothic Revival

 * * *

Now, before anything else, I want to tell you about the day I met Barbara, dear blogging friend from Cornwall. Her blog is Small Moments and many of you know her.

It was a bright sunny day and hubby and I were doing a tour at the Geevor Tin Mine. The mine, operational between 1911 and 1990, produced about 50,000 tons of black tin during that time. Certainly not the most romantic of spots in which to meet someone, but it was the only place where it worked for us.

So, with pots of tea before us, we sat in the little cafe overlooking the blue, blue water.

 In the far west of Cornwall

While hubby and the rest of the tour ventured deep underground, Barbara and I visited for two hours. And it didn't take long for us to feel at home. We settled in for a nice heart-to-heart, not as strangers, even though we'd never met in person. Blogging does that to a person -- it makes you friends sight unseen.

As we wound up our visit we agreed we'd both be free to blog about our meeting and to include a photo or two, so here we are:

 Barbara and Brenda

Barbara gave me a lovely bag of goodies ... all wonderful mementos of a short, but sweet visit. Here, you might as well peek as I unwrap. I know you're curious.

A very pretty scarf inspired by the wildflower meadow at Polesden Lacey in Surrey. Earlier in July, we visited this lovely garden so it made receiving this scarf extra special. And no, I didn't already have it, although I'd admired it in the shop. Isn't it gorgeous?  I love it.


A bar of Cornish-made Kernow dark chocolate and a booklet filled with images of Cornwall ...

Then there was a 2017 Cornwall calendar, and a pretty handmade pouch filled with lavender from Barb's own garden.

Spoiled and loving it!

It was a visit all too short, but it was a delightful highlight of the entire trip and I will treasure as something quite special.

* * * 

Next time, I'll be sharing photos of gardens we visited.
Wishing you a beautiful day!




  1. It's such a treat and special thing to meet long-distance friends! Lovely pictures of you two!

  2. I enjoyed the trip. Looking forward to the next leg of your journey. How I love the pictures too.

  3. I think you should come over every year! What a pleasure it was to meet you.

  4. First of all, you were missed and so glad you are back to share your adventures.
    Secondly, meeting and spending time with a fellow blogger, is wonderful.
    Isn't it just like a blogger friend to share a gift of treasures!
    Looking forward to more of your trip!!

  5. What a special treat for you to meet your blogging friend, and so far away from home! Beautiful picture of you both!

  6. So glad you had such a wonderful time here in England!! Meeting blogger friends is a wonderful thing isn't it!

  7. So nice to see you both together ~ and you got good weather!
    The scarf is really beautiful :) and that is such a sweet little lavender bag.

  8. Just lovely! It sounds like a magical holiday.

  9. wow, Brenda, so wonderful you got to go to England!! I'll have to go back and read the previous post. I have a blogger friend in Cornwall, too. Would be great to meet her. I've watched Doc Martin and Poldark, at her suggestion, both set in Cornwall. Beautiful!

  10. How special to spend those hours with a blogging friend. Elizabeth is a dear. Such lovely gifts she shared with you.
    Since returning home from our trip, we've watched a couple of episodes of Midsomer Murders and have had the same uncanny feeling of the setting looking just a wee bit more familiar. Enjoy these days of August!

  11. I've so enjoyed following your British adventures, Brenda, especially the Endeavour story. I love that series.

  12. I'm looking forward to reading about all your adventures.... but this simple and rich meeting with your blogging friend is such a great gift I have to say so right off. Thanks to God.


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Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda