Monday, September 21, 2015

A Walk By The Ocean

"For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), It’s always our self we find in the sea."  ~ e.e. cummings
We're back from our holiday to BC and we're still reveling in the memories we made. Visiting family, spending time by the ocean near Victoria and Sooke on Vancouver Island, taking in a garden tour or two, eating some great food, and just plain hanging out marveling at the scenery in this beautiful part of the country. The weather was great and a wonderful time was had by all.

Today's blog post feature is a mosaic of the walk we took by the ocean one Sunday afternoon. We climbed over huge boulders. Got sand between our toes. Smelled the salty air and heard the exhilarating squall of gulls.

"A beach is not only a sweep of sand, but shells of sea creatures, the sea glass, the seaweed, the incongruous objects washed up by the ocean." Henry Grunwald 

We gathered tiny stones tossed silky smooth from the sea. Hubby 'complained' he was listing to the left from all the rocks I piled into his pockets. Picked a couple pretty pieces for my desk (to touch as I think about what next to write) ... and chose a few to share with others too, as I know someone particularly who is homesick for the ocean side.

A glimpse of the sea, even in a tiny rock, can hopefully refresh a heart during for those times when she can't be there in person. Yesterday as I unpacked the bag with the rocks,  I caught a barely-there whiff of sea air. It was so fast, I wasn't sure ... did I just imagine it?

Then there was the ga-lumphy gray seal sunning himself on the sandy beach. He didn't seem to care people were around. I walked a little closer to him -- carefully -- and for a brief second we stared into each other's eyes. I hoped he wasn't ill because he was so docile, but a fellow on the beach, who seemed to be in the know seal-wise, figured it was probably a juvenile in moulting season. (Would that be right?) I didn't know seals did that, did you? It was a fine moment in nature to be that near.

The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach – waiting for a gift from the sea. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Our memories of the ocean will linger on, long after our footprints in the sand are gone. ~ Anonymous

And so, beautiful friends, there's a glimpse of our ocean walk ... which I hope will make you feel like you've felt and smelt it too. Today I'm linking with Judith on Mosaic Monday.

 Wishing you a beautiful day,


  1. What a lovely visit to our part of the country (we live in Bellingham,, WA, just south of where you were visiting). I do agree, it is a fabulous area - so much to see and do - and one of my favorite things is to catch a scent of the sea. It always calms me - and I love the smooth stones too - beautiful photos.

  2. Hello Brenda. I'm stopping by from Mosaic Monday. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to my island (I thought the scenery looked familiar). Usually when we walk on the beach it's my daughter collecting stones and I'm one with heavy pockets.

  3. You've brought home lovely memories through your photos Brenda. I did not know seals moulted and I too would have been collecting pretty rocks. The white one on top is a heart, isn't it?
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  4. Walks by the sea are priceless! Love your heart rock...I look for them, but do not often find them. What a nice rock carrier your hubby was! Looks as if you enjoyed a wonderful summer getaway.

  5. So Happy for you ! You have a wonderful holiday 😀

  6. Simply stunning ! I love that seal:)) how perfect with the quote by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  7. You refreshed my memory of a walk by the sea with Hank and our friends, Marg and Tom. The sights, sounds, touches, smells and the taste of salt water on the wind. Thanks for this. I'm so glad you had a great holiday, even if your hubby was listing to the left.

  8. Nothing refreshes the body, spirit and soul like a trip to the seashore. Anne Morrow Lindbergh's book, "Gift from the Sea" is a wonderful read, and I need to read it again soon. Thanks for sharing your visit. I love the rocks.

  9. Your walk by the sea was a lovely one. There's nothing like it! My pockets are often filled with treasures when I return home, too. I enjoyed some lovely walks and sights out your way this past weekend. Equally beautiful.

  10. I can almost smell the salt air and feel the cool breeze!

  11. A break by the sea can do wonders, and your post definitely conjured up the sights sounds and smells of the ocean ~ clever!
    Oh how blissful to wander along the beach in the quiet of this season. I have been missing my Cornwall, a very coastal county ( ~ we lived there for 17 years) especially much recently and this was a very good substitute for a trip! There are grey seals there too. They breed at the opposite time of year from the common space things out.
    Hope to see you at my new blog, Brenda. ~ I did send you a message but I think you were away.
    God bless.

  12. Late night Good evening Brendanthanks so much for your dear visit.. Funny but I adore the ocean and cant re call the last time i was there.. Gurpess what. Im waiting for my Susan Branch book to arrive as well so EXCITING... I think your right we seem to have so e thing in common.. I have joined you hope you join me too... Be back soon Happy Autumn with love Janice

  13. Brenda...what glorious sights to behold! Your photos and mosaic is so lovely...and what a delight to see that flabby "little" guy sunning himself in the sand! I love the sea shore and here in NC where I live, I am only a few hours away. I have not gotten there yet this year but I'm working on it! Have a blessed day!

  14. What a lovely walk along the beach, Brenda! Thank you for sharing such lovely memories. Your words and images brought back such happy memories of past walks along the ocean to this Midwesterner! Ahhhhhh.... A delightful way to begin this last day of summer! ♡

  15. What beautiful pictures. Sounds like you had a wonderful time away and now have the memories too.

  16. Your quotes and pictures were evocative! Especially the photo of beach stones. Thank you for a nice break.

  17. i love the seashore, maybe it's time for another week in oregon!


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda