Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Post From My Corner

I've been waiting for some time to sit and write a proper blog post (whatever a 'proper' one looks like). I've got lots to talk about. But ....

Well, you know how it is, between enjoying the nice summer weather ... and I'm still working away on the after math of my painting jobs on my office and hubby's den ... I've been trying to be a good girl and stick to the task until the last paperclip is in its proper place.

It was high time for sorting and clearing out clutter on my computer and in my ever-present paper pile.  I'm also deliberating over books and blessing some so I can release them to new owners as I now have less bookshelves. I don't need to have every book on the planet on my own bookshelves...at least that's what hubby figures. I'm not so sure why we can't, how about you?

Consider this a blog post and we'll chat a wee bit. I took a few photos during the past couple minutes so you can see where I am ...

Here's what I'm sipping right now. The Butler just brought it up to me... a cool and foamy raspberry smoothie. We were given a choice -- raspberry or blueberry. You can see I chose raspberry. Yum, seeds and all!
So, what would you choose -- raspberry or blueberry?
Here's what I'm looking at right now. A little untidy. I love when things are in order and my desk looks like it ought to. But, in truth, it rarely does. It usually has some kind of pile alongside my keyboard... plus, the invariable password notebook for easy reference, and stashes of bits of paper with the newest quote or tip or ideas scribbled thereon.
A colleague I used to work with actually had the desk of my dreams. Organized with lots of wood-grain surface showing. A tidy in-box. A photo or objet d'art in one corner. And, all her projects, except the one she was working on, neatly tucked out of sight and, therefore, mind. Totally focused.
That's probably part of my problem. I am easily distracted by some shiny object and so I think I need it close by for inspiration... or for fiddling with when I'm practicing my procrastination techniques.
So, let me ask you... are you on the side of neat or the slightly messy when it comes to your workspace?

On my screen is a link to Youtube and I'm listening to a little light something by Alessandro Scarlatti. It makes one feel they should be sitting in a fine French garden with a parasol having tea with royalty. Of course, I do feel a little like royalty at this moment, what with having a butler and all bringing me refreshments...
Here's the question... would you be listening to music while you work? What would it be today as you sip your fruit smoothie handed to you ever so nicely by said Butler?
First the top of my desk, now you can see what I see when I walk into my little office these days. The beautiful antique-style desk I used to work on now lives in hubby's den. I insisted, because for ages he'd been using some makeshift surface for his computer. It was time he had something wonderful to sit at and enjoy. It's more suitable to his needs than mine at this stage.
I hauled this 'classic' kitchen table from the basement and found it's actually perfect. The right height to house my keyboard without my wrists or elbows complaining. My little corner with the table on an angle so I can gaze out into the garden, watch the birds, look at the clouds scudding by ... and if I stand up, I can discreetly peer into the neighbour's kitchen in the early spring before the trees bud, which we try not to do... not too often anyways. Once in a while I have seen the Lady of the House sitting at her kitchen table of a sunny morning reading her paper (while I'm watching the birds, you'll understand).

Notice the new colour I just painted? (you have to scroll back up to see) It's what I would call a soft buttery yellow, but the paint company names it 'whitefish'. I know, weird, I thought so too. No pictures on the wall yet, no draperies, and I've got the blind down today as it's h-o-t out there today (well, probably not your kind of hot, but here in northerly Alberta anything over +27 degrees C = 80 degrees F seems warm to me.)

And now, for the last photo of the day.  This is a photo I'm dreaming over right now.
It's a desk I saw in a recent Crate and Barrel catolog. Not my usual style choice, as I like vintage or English Country, but I am drawn to this Ebony modern piece. Actually its designer based it on an antique style of desk called a campaign desk which was used by officers and their staffs in rear areas during a military campaign in the wars of earlier centuries.  So maybe it's not so modern after all?

I might get two (they're small). I got the idea for two from some of the reviews I read online  -- so I'll use one for my computer and the other for a writing/research/art project space.
With the photo sitting on my said pile next to my keyboard the other day, I almost felt as if I was already sitting at it.  It was a bit of a surreal moment when I realized the stainless steel table legs were still standing alongside me and not the wooden ones.

 I'm going to stop here, wish you a beautiful rest of the day.
I hope you'll stop a moment to share your answers
to those questions I posed earlier.Nor not... as you wish!

Hugs to you all,


  1. I so loved seeing your office...you may have inspired me to finally get busy in my office. My son just told me today I should rate my books and only keep those which are 5's and 4 ratings....why do I have such a hard time letting go of them?? I just finished tomorrows blog entry and I spoke of my office...I think I was suppose to read your post today! Love the desk you are considering by the way!


    1. So lovely to read your comment, Debi. Interesting that we're on a similar wave length... our offices. I'll be looking forward to reading your post tomorrow.

      Wishing you lots of inspiration for your office...

    2. P,S I believe I donated 27 books the next day....thanks! Still haven't organized the office :-)

  2. Sometimes I listen to music while working on the computer. I have recently added music that used to be on my playlist...remember those? I would like either raspberry or blueberry, but yours looks so good, let's go with one of those. I agree with your hubby...books can take over a home in short order. I decided to limit myself to x amount of bookcases and when they are filled, I must cull. It happens yearly now.

    1. I have less bookshelves so I had to seriously re-look at what I thought I needed to keep. I was delighted to feel a shift... a lightness of mind and heart... in the culling. Anything that is still meaningful to me, or has been a special touchstone at some point in my life journey, I keep. Ones I've outgrown are easy to let go of. Any that I never did connect to, I get rid of right away, so they never stay around to clutter precious space. It's the ones I think I still might want to refer to on occasion that have little tendrils that tug.

      Oh Vee, yes I do remember those playlists...it wasn't that long ago, but now that seems so ancient.

      Thanks for stopping in.


  3. Smoothie: Banana protein w/ almond milk -- raspberries stick in my crowns and blueberries upset my stomach (ironic that I sell them, eh?)

    Messy desk girl... Very... and around my chair... where I work with my laptop in my lap, of course!

    Music: Classic R&B -- loud! :)

    I love your space! What a wonderful, inspiring workspace! And, the yellow is just like the colour I used in my lavender bathroom closet! It is unexpected and cheerful!

    Love love your post today!

  4. welcome back, I'd love a smoothie right now and someone to clean off my messy desk. maybe tomorrow? lol...

  5. A raspberry smoothie would be lovely, but I'd have to move a bunch of stuff to find a place for it on my messy desk. Papers seem to migrate and stack up and get out of order and I NEED them all when I write. Brenda, I am writing a novel! It's so exciting. I go to bed thinking about the next step. I feel like a flood gate has opened.
    I love that campaign style desk. Two of them would be perfect for your needs!

  6. Raspberry smoothie, and just a little bit messy desk. I can't work in chaos and clutter at all, but a too pristine desk seems too spartan. If I'm really focused I can't listen to music, but if I'm just kind of puttering, I love listening to my 40s music. My bookcases are full; unless we get more shelving, I have to get rid of some if I bring any home. Love all my books; I've already culled as much as I can. I can't be expected not to ever buy another book, now can I? I'd like a butler :)

  7. Wow Brenda...you really live the life...or you know how to make your life sound really, really great!:)

  8. Hi Brenda, I enjoyed sitting at your desk and having the butler deliver my blueberry smoothie while I pretended to be watching the birds! Ha ha - Thanks for the laugh - oh, I love the desk - it is perfect. xo

  9. You have a way of making me feel like I'm there with you.
    My favorite color combinations are the corn-yellow and blue. Your notebook caught my eye immediately. With flowers and a window to look out, your office is perfect. Sounds like you have done a little "downsizing". Love it!

    Smoothie= raspberry
    Work space = neat
    Music = soft and light (background music)

  10. What a fun visit! I'll have a blueberry smoothie please. Can the butler deliver online?

    My desk is on the (more than slightly) messy side. I try to keep up with it, really I do, but.....

    And I don't listen to any music when I'm writing. Not anymore. Any music distracts me, even soft instrumentals. I think it could be (ahem) my age.

    Thanks for the nice visit!

  11. hello and thank you as always for another beautiful post. We really enjoy visiting you and this visit was a very rich one. Love Helen, Bingley and Darcy xxx
    PS. I am tidy and with no music when I work (but plenty of it when I don't) x


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"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same." Franz Peter Schubert

Thank you so much for leaving your 'footprint' here in my comment box. I do appreciate you taking a moment to share your thoughts today. Brenda